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Countess of Chartres Agnès de Sully (1080 - 1137)

Also Known As: "Sometimes spelled 'Sulli'; Comtesse de Chartres"
Birthplace: Centre, Sully-sur-Loire, France
Death: March 08, 1137 (52-61)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gilles (Gilon), seigneur de Sully and Eldeberge Sully
Wife of Guillaume de Blois, seigneur de Sully
Mother of Marguerite de Sully; Countess Consort Margaret d'Eu (Sully); Eudes de Sully, Seigneur de Sully; Raoul de Sully and Abbott Henry of Fécamp
Sister of Mathilde de Sully

Occupation: Countess of Sully, Dame, de Sully
Managed by: Bernard Raimond Assaf
Last Updated:

About Agnes of Sully


AGNES de Sully. Her parentage and marriage are indicated by Orderic Vitalis who records that “Stephanus Blesensis palatinus comes...[filius] Guillemum” was “gener Geronis de Solleio et hæres”[762]. Heiress of Sully. "Post mortem Gilonis de Soiliaco, comes Stephanus Tebbaldi filius" confirmed the rights of Saint-Florent over the monastery of Saint-Gondon sur Loire by charter dated [1098/1101] which names "Willelmus filius comitis Stephani et Agnes filia Gilonis"[763]. m GUILLAUME de Blois, son of ETIENNE II Comte de Blois & his wife Adela de Normandie (-[1150]). Comte de Chartres. Seigneur de Sully, by right of his wife.

GUILLAUME de Blois, son of ETIENNE II Comte de Blois & his wife Adela de Normandie ([1090/93]-[1150]). Orderic Vitalis records that “Stephanus Blesensis palatinus comes” and his wife had “filios quatuor: Guillelmum et Tedbaldum, Stephanumque et Henricum”, adding that Guillaume was “gener Geronis de Solleio et hæres” and “vir pacificus, et sobole pollens atque facultatibus” (“a good and peaceful man, powerful through his descendants and his wealth”)[771]. Orderic also provides some indication of his birth year when he records[772] that his mother Ctss Adela provided troops to Louis VI King of France at the time of the siege of Montmorency in [1108] "because Count Stephen her husband had gone on crusade and her eldest sons, William and Theobald, who were not yet of age, were unable to command troops of knights". The description is confused because Count Etienne had died several years earlier, but it nevertheless provides some indication of the comparative youth of the brothers Guillaume and Thibaut at the time. "Henricus comes cognomina Stephanus necnon et Adela uxor eius cum filiis nostris" granted immunities to Chartres Notre-Dame by charter dated [Oct 1100/1101], signed by "Stephani comitis, Adele comitisse, Guillelmi, Stephani, Odonis, Teobaldi"[773]. Comte de Chartres. Seigneur de Sully, by right of his wife. He was disinherited, retaining only Sully. According to Weir, Guillaume is described in the chronicles as an idiot but she does not cite the primary source[774]. The comment may based on a letter of Ivo Bishop of Chartres which records that, during a dispute (dated by Chibnall to [1103][775]%29 with the chapter of Chartres that was awaiting arbitration, he forced the burgesses of Chartres to form a confederation and take a solemn oath to kill the bishop[776]. Chibnall, in order to reconcile this incident with the description of Guillaume by Orderic Vitalis ("good and peaceful man", quoted above), speculates that he was of retarded mental development and, although irresponsible, violent only in words[777].

m AGNES de Sully, daughter of GILLES [I] de Sully & his wife Edelburge de Bourges . Her parentage and marriage are indicated by Orderic Vitalis who records that “Stephanus Blesensis palatinus comes...[filius] Guillemum” was “gener Geronis de Solleio et hæres”[778]. "Post mortem Gilonis de Soiliaco, comes Stephanus Tebbaldi filius" confirmed the rights of Saint-Florent over the monastery of Saint-Gondon sur Loire by charter dated [1098/1101] which names "Willelmus filius comitis Stephani et Agnes filia Gilonis"[779].

Guillaume & his wife had five children:... etc.

Schloss und Ort Sully-sur-Loire befanden sich seit dem 9. Jahrhundert im Besitz der Freiherren und späteren Barone von Sully. Mit Gilon I. de Sully (auch Gile de Sully genannt) starb zu Beginn des 12. Jahrhunderts das letzte männliche Mitglied der Familie. Seine Tochter Agnès heiratete heimlich Wilhelm von Blois (französisch: Guillaume de Blois), Graf von Chartres, der deshalb von seinem Vater Stephan II. enterbt wurde, aber durch diese Verbindung in den Besitz Sully-sur-Loires kam. Wilhelms Nachkommen nannten sich nicht mehr „de Blois“, sondern „de Sully“ und sorgten so dafür, dass der Name nicht ausstarb.

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Agnes of Sully's Timeline

Centre, Sully-sur-Loire, France
Chartres, Champagne, France
Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France
March 8, 1137
Age 57