public profile
22d Dec, 1447 — Discharged by John de Bruce of Clackmannan to his eldest cousin, David, the Bruce of the Kennet, of the sum of 50 merks money of Scotland, addebted to the said John the Bruce, by Peter the Bruce, grandfather of the above-mentioned David.
Thomas of Kennet is succeeded by his son, Peter, in or before 1423, and he again is succeeded by his grandson, David Bruce, in or before 1447.
23d July, 1460— Instrument bearing that David Bruce of Kennet, at the desire of David Bruce of Clackmannan, and James Schaw of Sauchie, cautioners for the said David Bruce of Kennet, to a discreet woman, Agnes Bonar, for the sum of 100 nierko, money of Scotland, given and delivered to the said Agnes by Arthur Cramond, her attorney and procurator, the sum of 4 merks,upon part payment of said sum, where- upon the said Arthur answered that if so it was that the said David Bruce at the day and place agreed upon between them was willing to deliver to him a further sum of 44 merks, and find security for the balance between and the feast of St Michel, the archangel, then next he should be fully satisfied thereof.
1490 — Instrument of Sasine in favour of David Bruce, as heir to David Bruce of Wester Kennet, his father, in the lands of Wester Kennet, lying in the county of Clackmannan, given propriis manibis by David Bruce of Clackmannan, superior of said lands, the symbol of infeftment being a black ox.
17th May, 1495: [Note} Inquest in virtue of precept from King James IV., holden at Kennet by Sir William Monteith, Sheriff of Clackmannan, at the complaint of Agnes Redheugh, spouse of the deceased David Bruce of Kennet, against Gilbert Brady, for troubling her in the peaceable possession of a head-rig of land, the grass of a ward, the grass of a forebank at the Cruiketland, and others. Whereupon the said Inquest found her entitled to possess the same, as she and her said deceased husband had done for fifty years past.
Note. An Abstract of this deed dated 17 May 1496 was published in the catalogue of the National Records of Sctland. NRS: GD11/28