Adolf Albert Ståhlbom

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Adolf Albert Ståhlbom (Ståhlbohm)

Also Known As: "Stålbom", "Ståhlbom"
Birthplace: Åtvidaberg, Sweden
Death: March 03, 1867 (7 weeks)
Åtvidaberg, Sweden (sädbarnsdöd??)
Immediate Family:

Son of Carl August Ståhlbom and Gustava Charlotta Ståhlbom
Brother of Emil Adam Ståhlbom; Carl Albert Ståhlbom; Alma Matilda Andersson; Carl Henrik Ståhlbom; Hilma Maria Petersèn and 7 others

Managed by: Berith Häll Eriksson
Last Updated:
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Adolf Albert Ståhlbom's Timeline

January 10, 1867
Åtvidaberg, Sweden
March 3, 1867
Åtvidaberg, Sweden