Historical records matching Adolf August Perandi
Immediate Family
About Adolf August Perandi
Adolf Perandi (eesnime rööpkujud: Ado, August, 31. detsember 1903 Ropka vald, Tartumaa – 16. oktoober 1983 Cobble Hill Nursing Home, Brookllyn, NY) oli Eesti õigusteadlane ja -ajaloolane.
http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Perandi (The wikipedia article incorrectly states that Adolf lived in Cobble Hill, California at the tie of his death. This is incorrect. He lived at the Cobble Hill Nursing Home in Brooklyn, NY). See also comments below. **
Avaldus välispassi saamiseks:Saaga ERA.1.2.886:234
Personaalraamat VII (lk 1-330). Kavilda (vana ...; EAA.1262.1.369; 1873-1939: http://www.ra.ee/dgs/_purl.php?shc=EAA.1262.1.369:42?491,2659,1423,... (lk.24, Ella Januse abielu Adolf August Perandiga)
PR 1910-1940a Nõo kogudus, Ropka Saaga EAA.1259.1.332:52?518,1154,316,118,0
PR 1921-1926a Tartu Ülikooli kogudus Saaga EAA.1254.1.231:160?948,1562,149,98,0
Prof. A. Perandi - 50-a. Vaba Eestlane (Toronto : 1952-2001) nr.2 | 9. jaanuar 1954 | lk 4 http://dea.nlib.ee/
- * 3 sources showing Adolf August Perandi died in Brooklyn, New York hpk 8/16/17
(see also documents attached) 1) https://familysearch.org/search/record/results?count=20&query=%2Bgi...
2) http://newspapers.lib.sfu.ca/cc-me-1462/page-11
3) http://www2.kirmus.ee/biblioserver/isik/index.php?id=2610
The obituary for Adolf's son, Aado (d. 1979) states that Adolf was living in a nursing home in Brooklyn, New York at that time. I also have a hand-written note from 1979 that references Cobble Hill Nursing Home, so I believe that was the nursing home that Adolf was at. I see many, many references in Estonian sources that say that Adolf died in Cobble Hill, California. This is certainly incorrect; Adolf never lived in California (certainly not in his old age). The following source is an example of the INCORRECT information of about his city of death.
passport - https://www.ra.ee/dgs/_purl.php?shc=ERA.1.2.886:223
Adolf August Perandi's Timeline
1903 |
December 31, 1903
Ropka vald , Tartumaa, Eesti (Estonia)
1983 |
October 16, 1983
Age 79
New York, Kings County, New York, United States
???? |
- 1937
University of Tartu, School of Law
???? |
- 1939
University of Tartu, School of Law
???? |
- 1921
Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia
???? |
- 1929
University of Tartu, School of Law