ADELISA de Clermont . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to a sister of "comes Rainaldus" as husband of "Gillebertus, filius Richardi Anglici"[37]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Giselbertus” married “filia comitis de Claromonte”[38]. "Hadalaidis filia Hugonis de Claromonte…uxor Gisleberti de Anglia" founded an anniversary at Saint-Leu d’Esserent, like the anniversaries of "patris sui Hugonis et matris sue Margarite", by undated charter[39]. Her second marriage into the Montmorency family is confirmed by the charter dated under which Robert Bishop of Lincoln confirms previous donations to Thorney, including one by “Adelidæ de Montemoraci” of “…terræ in Randa quas Turgisius tenuit et Toui prius dederat”[40], which clearly refers back to the earlier undated charter under which “Adeliz, uxor Gilberti filii Ricardi, et Gillebertus et Walterus et Baldewinus et Rohaisia pueri Gilberti” donated property “quod Tovi dedit…et in Randa…quas Turgisius tenebat” to Thorney Monastery[41]. The precise identity of Adelisa’s second husband has not yet been confirmed. According to Duchesne, Adelisa’s second husband was Hervé, son of Bouchard [III] Seigneur de Montmorency and his second wife, but he cites no primary source on which this statement is based[42]. As noted below, the first marriage of Mathieu [I] de Montmorency, who would have been Hervé’s older half-brother born from their father’s first marriage, is dated to [1126]. This suggests the birth of Mathieu [I] in [1095/1105]. If that estimated date range is correct, any half-brothers born from his father’s second marriage would probably have been too young to have married Adelisa. In addition, given Adelisa’s prominent family background and first marriage, it is unlikely that her second husband would have been the younger son of the seigneur de Montmorency. As Adelisa had several children by her first husband, she would have been considerably older than her second husband if he had been a younger son of Bouchard [III]. A more likely case is that Adelisa’s second husband was Bouchard [III] himself, whose age and position would have been more appropriate for the marriage. This is supported by the Liber Vitæ of Thorney abbey which lists "…Gilebt fili[us] Ricardi…Burchardus de Muntmorenci…Aaliz uxor Gilbti filii Ricardi…", suggested by Keats-Rohan as Adelisa and her two husbands[43].
m firstly [as his second wife,] GILBERT FitzRichard de Clare, son of RICHARD de Brionne Lord of Clare and Tonbridge [Normandy] & his wife Rohese Giffard (-1114 or 1117).
m secondly (after [1114/17]%29 [as his third wife, BOUCHARD [III] Seigneur] de Montmorency, son of [HERVE Seigneur de Montmorency & his wife Agnes --- (-Jerusalem 2 Jan, after 1124)].
Adeliza (Adelaide) de Clermont was the daughter of Count de Clermont-Beauvais Hugh and Marguerite de Roucy. (THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST 57:32; AR. op. cit., p.201)
The news of Richard's death induced Owain Gwynedd, son of Gruffydd ap Cynan, king of Gwynedd to invade his Lordship. In alliance with Gruffydd ap Rhys of Deheubarth he won a crushing victory over the Normans at the Battle of Crug Mawr, just outside Cardigan. The town of Cardigan was taken and burnt, and Richard's widow, Adelize, took refuge in Cardigan Castle, which was successfully defended by Robert fitz Martin. She was rescued by Miles of Gloucester who led an expedition to bring her to safety in England.
Adeliza (Alice) de Clermont married Gilbert fitz Richard, Lord of Clare, son of Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England and Rohesia Giffard, in England.
See "My Lines" ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p56.htm#i6820 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Her father, Hugh Count of Clermont. Note from 'The Thomas Book': Renaud Count of Clermont in Beauvaisis, living in 1087, had a son Hugues, md. Marguerite de Roucy, dau. of Hilduin, Count of Montdidier, & Alix, Countess de Roucy, & had a son Renaud, & dau. Adeliza (the one this is written for).
(Adeliza, Adelaide) de Clermont married Gilbert FitzRichard de Clare, Earl of Clare born circa 1066, died in 1114 / 1117 and they had the following children:
· Baldwin FitzGilbert de Clare, Lord of Bourne
· Richard FitzGilbert de Clare, mentioned next.
· Gilbert FitzGilbert de Clare, 1st Earl of Pembroke. Gilbert is sometimes referred to as “Strongbow”, but his son Richard is better remembered by this name. He was born circa 1100 and died on January 6, 1147. Gilbert FitzGilbert de Clare married Isabel (Elizabeth) de Beaumont
· Alice de Clare who married Aubrey de Vere, Justicar of England.
· Rohese de Clare
Father: Hugh DE CLERMONT b: Abt 1030 in Of Clermont, Oise, France
Mother: Margaret MARGUERITE DE MONTDIDIER b: 1048 in Of, Montdidier, Somme, France
Marriage 1 Alfbert FITZ RICHARD DE CLARE b: 1066 in Clare, Clare, England, England
Baldwin FITZ GILBERT DE CLARE b: 1088 in Lincolnshire, England
Marriage 2 Gilbert DE CLARE b: Bef 1070 in France
Richard DE CLARE b: 1090 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England
Gilbert DE CLARE b: 21 Sep 1100
Baldwin FITZ GILBERT DE CLARE b: Abt 1088 in In Bourne, Lincolnshire, England
Adelize FITZ GILBERT DECLARE b: 1080-1092 in Tunbridge, Kent, England
Rohesia DE CLARE b: 1092 in Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England
Hawise DE CLARE b: Abt 1099 in Of, , Kent, England
Agnes DE CLARE b: Abt 1091 in Tonbridge, Kent, England
Hervey WALTER DE CLARE b: Abt 1086-1111 in Of Clare, Suffolk, England
1058 |
Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1070 |
Clare, Suffolk, England
1086 |
of Clare, Suffolk, England
1089 |
Suffolk, England, United Kingdom
1090 |
Clare, Suffolk Or Pembroke, Wales, England
1091 |
January 1, 1091
Clare, Essex, England
Tonbridge, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1092 |
Meulles, Calvados, Lower Normandy, France