public profile
'''Sources and Notes'''
ADELINE de Beaumont . Guillaume de Jumièges names "Adeline fille de Robert comte de Meulan" as wife of "Hugues le quatrième"[2263]. Orderic Vitalis names her as one of the three sisters of Waleran Comte de Meulan, whom he married to Hugues de Montfort[2264]. "Hugo de Monteforti filius Gisleberti de Gant" donated property with the consent of "…Haelina uxore mea et filiis meis Roberto et Valeranno" to Saint-Ymer-en-Auge by charter dated to [1145 or 1147], which also refers to donations by "Hugonis avi mei"[2265]. Arnoul Bishop of Lisieux declared the donation of the church of Saint-Ymer to the abbey of Bec by undated charter which names "Hugo de Monteforti et Robertus filius eius et Adelina uxor eius"[2266]. m ([1120]%29 HUGUES [IV] Seigneur de Montfort-sur-Risle, son of GILBERT van Gent & his wife Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle.
Adeline DE BEAUMONT-LE-ROGER Comtesse de Montfort
Born: Abt 1092, Leicester, Leicestershire, England
1. Alternate Birth; Abt 1097.
Marriage Information:
Adeline married Hugues III DE MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE, son of Gilbert I DE GAND Baron of Folkingham and Alice DE MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE Countess Montfort. (Hugues III DE MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE was born about 1078 in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England.)
Marriage Information:
Adeline also married Richard DE GREINVILLE. (Richard DE GREINVILLE was born in 1119.)
1085 |
Warwick, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
1098 |
Beaudesert, Warwickshire, , England
1102 |
Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
1107 |
Leicester, Leicestershire, England (United Kingdom)
1125 |
Egmanton, Nottinghamshire, England
1178 |
Age 71
Leicester, Leicestershire, England (United Kingdom)
1933 |
February 25, 1933
Age 71
February 25, 1933
Age 71
1934 |
February 10, 1934
Age 71