Adelais ??? (d. after April 1011)
Her parentage is unknown. We will follow the lead of the scholarship of the FMG Medieval Lands database rather than arbitrarily making her the daughter of any number of European nobility as she is connected in many family trees. See below for Cawley's explanation.
married 1) ???
married 2) Roger I "le Vieux Comte de Carcassonne
__________________ http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/TOULOUSE NOBILITY.htm
Roger I de Carcassonne m (before Apr 970) as her second husband, ADELAIS, widow of ---, daughter of --- (-after Apr 1011). "Rodgarius comes et uxor mea…Aladaices" exchanged property with "Sancio et uxori suæ…Goidlane et filio illorum Bernardo clerico" by charter dated Apr 970[426]. Her origin is unknown, although her first marriage is indicated by the reference to her son, presumably by this earlier marriage, in the charter dated 979 which is quoted below. Stasser has suggested that she was Adelais de Melgueil, daughter of Bernard Comte de Melgueil & his wife Sénégonde [de Rouergue], based on onomastic arguments[427]. "Rodgarius comes…cum Adalissa comitissa conjuge mea et Regimundo sobole" donated property "alodem meum de Corniliano" to the monastery of Saint-Hilaire, Carcassonne by charter dated 979, signed by "Adalaissæ comitissæ, Arnaudi comitis [%E2%80%A6], Regimundi sobolis meæ"[428]. Jaurgain points out that the words "filii Adalisse, Petri episcopi et comitis" should be added in the subscription list (where shown by square brackets) stating that they were omitted from the edition of the charter quoted in the third edition of the Histoire Générale de Languedoc[429]. Stasser suggests that "Petrus episcopus et comes" who subscribed the 979 charter may have been Pierre de Melgueil bishop of Maguelonne, who would have been Adelais's brother[430]. "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[431]. "Rotgerius comes et marchio cum coniuge comitissa Adalaisse atque cum prole Regimundo Barnardoque" donated property with the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated 1 Nov 984[432]. "Rogerius et uxor mea Adaleiz" donated "alodum nostrum…in pago Tolosano in terminio Podagense in villa…Valle" to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Dec 987[433]. "Rodgarius comes et uxor mea Aladaiz" donated property to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Aug [1001], signed by "Ramundo, Bernardo, Petrone"[434]. "Rogerius comes et conjux mea Adalaizis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Hilaire, including property which "frater meus Oddo comes habuit", for the soul of "fratris mei Oddoni comitis" and for "filio nostro Regimundo comite", by charter dated Apr 1011, signed by "…Bernardus et dominus Petrus…comites…"[435].
Comte Roger & his wife had five children:
1. ARSINDE de Carcassonne (965-after 993). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. "Dominus Willelmus vicecomes Biterrensis", on leaving on pilgrimage for Rome, and "uxor sua Arsindis" relinquished claims in favour of the abbey of Saint-Thibéry by charter dated 28 Feb 990[436]. Under his testament dated 990, "Guillelmus vicecomes" bequeathed Agde to "uxori suæ Arsindis vicecomitissa"[437]. "Guillelmus vicecomes et uxor mea…Arsindis" exchanged property with Matfred Bishop of Béziers by charter dated 17 Aug 994[438]. m as his second wife, GUILLAUME [II] Vicomte de Béziers, son of RAINARD Vicomte de Béziers & his wife Garsinde [de Carcassonne] ([945]-after 21 Jul 1007).
2. RAYMOND ROGER de Carcassonne (-before Apr 1011). "Rodgarius comes…cum Adalissa comitissa conjuge mea et Regimundo sobole" donated property "alodem meum de Corniliano" to the monastery of Saint-Hilaire, Carcassonne by charter dated 979[439]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Raimundo filio meo…civitatem Carcassonam cum ipso comitatu carcassense…[et] Redas castellum cum suo comitatu…et ipsa tertia parte de comitatu Cominico”[440]. He succeeded as Comte de Carcassonne.
3. BERNARD ROGER de Carcassonne (before Aug 981-[22 Aug 1036/38]). "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[441]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Bernardo filio meo…comitatu de Cosoragno…castello de Fuxo”[442]. He succeeded in 1012 as Comte de Couserans and (part) Carcassonne, Seigneur du pays de Foix. He succeeded as Comte de Bigorre, de iure uxoris. - COMTES de FOIX.
4. PIERRE ROGER de Carcassonne (-1 Aug 1050). "Rodgarius comes et uxor mea Aladaiz" donated property to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Aug [1001], signed by "Ramundo, Bernardo, Petrone"[443]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Raimundo filio meo…civitatem Carcassonam cum ipso comitatu carcassense…[et] Redas castellum cum suo comitatu…et ipsa tertia parte de comitatu Cominico” except for certain abbeys given to “filio meo Petrone”[444]. "Rogerius comes et conjux mea Adalaizis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Hilaire, including property which "frater meus Oddo comes habuit", for the soul of "fratris mei Oddoni comitis" and for "filio nostro Regimundo comite", by charter dated Apr 1011, signed by "…Bernardus et dominus Petrus…comites…"[445]. Bishop of Gerona. “Petrus episcopus” donated property “per præceptum domini Rodgerii comitis patris mei et mater mea…Adalais comitissa” by charter dated 13 Dec 1027[446].
5. ERMESINDE de Carcassonne (-1 Mar 1058). Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 2 Sep 1019 which names “Raymondus…comes Borreli comitis proles” and by which “Ermisindi…coniux eius comitissa, filia…comitis Carcasonensis Rodegarii” records her husband´s burial “infra canonicalem claustram S. Crucis sedis” and confirms a donation by “femina…Bellazez uxor quæ fuit Sesemundi fratris Seniofredi Gerundensis vicecomitis”, with the consent of “filio suo domno Barengario marchione comite…Amato vicecomite Gerundense…”[447]. "Remundus comes et marchio, Ermensides comitissa" donated property to Saint-Victor, Marseille by charter dated 11 Jun 996[448]. "Ermessindis comitissa et Amato de castro Surice et Sunifredo de Riorubio, Gondebaldus de Besora, Lobeto de Celra" signed a document dated 12 Nov 1018 as executors of "condam Remundo comite et marchio"[449]. Regent during the minority of her son until early 1020s. She acquired considerable power during her regency, quarrelling with her son. She continued to be a disruptive influence in Catalonia until her death[450]. The testament of "Ermesindis comitissa", dated 25 Sep 1057, names "domnum Raymundum Berengarium comitem nepotem meum…domna Almodis comitissa coniuge vestra"[451]. The codicil of "domna Ermesindis comitissa", dated 6 Mar 1057 (O.S.), names "Guillermo Berengarii suo nepoti…Sancio suo nepoti…Bernardo Berengarii suo nepoti"[452]. m ([990/91]%29 RAMON BORRELL I Comte de Barcelona, son of BORRELL [II] Comte de Barcelona & his first wife Ledgarde [de Toulouse] ([971/26 May 972]-25 Feb 1017).
Adelais de Pons was the mother of Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre; the son of Roger I, comte de Carcassone, and Adelais, sister of Baldwin de Pons.1 Adelais de Pons was the sister of Baldwin de Pons.1 She was the mother of Ermesinde, regente de Barcelona; the daughter of Roger I, comte de Carcassone, and Adelais, sister of Baldwin de Pons.1 Adelais de Pons was born circa 945.2 She married Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges, son of Arnaldo, comte de Comminges et de Couserans and Arsinda, comtesse de Carcassone, before April 970; Her 2nd (widow).2,1 Adelais de Pons died after April 1011.3,1 Family Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges b. circa 945, d. after April 1011 Children Roger II, comte de Carcassone b. c 9711 Ermesinde, regente de Barcelona+ b. c 972, d. 1 Mar 10572 Pedro Roger, évêque de Gerona b. c 974, d. 1 Aug 10501 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre+ b. c 990, d. c 1038 Citations [S438] Theroff's Royal Genealogies, online http://pages.prodigy.net/ptheroff/, Foix.txt. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 291-35. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 291-35, "after 1011".
Pedigree Resource File Ver a la persona en el modo de cuadro genealógico
Adelaide /DeRouergue/
sexo: female
nacimiento: 0949
Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
defunción: 1011
Comminges, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Roger I /DeComminges/
Ocultar hijos (1)
hijo 1:
Ermensinde /DeCarcassonne/ sexo: female nacimiento: 0975
Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France defunción: 1 March 1058
Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Notas (2) AFGS 2 _APID 1030 Quoted Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=11197325&pid...
Fuentes (1) 1. Ancestry Family Trees
Cita de este registro
"Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/S5BZ-FFT : accessed 2014-04-22), entry for Adelaide /DeRouergue/.
Pedigree Resource File Ver a la persona en el modo de cuadro genealógico
Adélaïde /de Rouergue/
sexo: female
Padre: Raymond III //
madre: Berthe /d'Arles/
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Roger I /comte de Carcassonne/
Ocultar hijos (2)
hijo 1:
Ermesinda /de Carcassone/
sexo: female nacimiento: 0975 defunción: 1 March 1057
hijo 2:
Bernard I Rogério /comte de Foix/ sexo: male nacimiento: 0981
COMTE DE CARCASSONE; France defunción: 1 January 1036
Notas (6) AFGS 1 _UPD 03 OCT 2008 22:15:36 GMT-3 HGAH-pg. 284 apresenta-a casada com Roger de Comminges, conde de Foix, que não seguimos. AFGS 2 _UID 777ED248-59B1-4C26-8EB1-97B5C7AC8671 AFGS 2 RIN MH:IF4375 AFGS 2 _UID 91E6559C-8928-433D-A334-828B7AC64D8E AFGS 2 RIN MH:IF809598
Cita de este registro
"Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SR96-MNR : accessed 2014-04-22), entry for Adélaïde /de Rouergue/.
Adelaide de Rouergue b.954 Carcassone, Aude, France d.1011 Rouergue,Aveyron,,France Family tree▼
Parents and Siblings (edit) F. Raymond II of Rouergue M. Berthe d'Arles
Adelaide de Rouergue Ava Guisla Raymond III of Rouergue
Spouse and Children (edit) H. Roger I , of Carcassonne W. Adelaide de Rouergue m. Arsinde de Carcassonne Bernard Roger , Count of Couserans Ermensinde de Carcassonne Raymond Roger de Carcassonne Pierre Roger de Carcassonne Add another spouse & children
▼Facts and Events Name Adelaide de Rouergue Alt Name Adelaide Rouerge Alt Name Adelaide Countess Of Carcassonne Alt Name Adelais de Pons Gender Female Alt Birth? 929 Alt Birth? ABT. 949 Of, Carcassonne, Aude, France Alt Birth? 0949 Carcassonne,Aude,,France Birth? 954 Carcassone, Aude, France Alt Marriage BEF APR 970 to Roger I , of Carcassonne Marriage France to Roger I , of Carcassonne Other Marriage Ending Status Divorce with Roger I , of Carcassonne Death? 1011 Rouergue,Aveyron,,France
949 |
Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
965 |
975 |
Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
981 |
1011 |
Age 62
Age 62
Aspet, Haute-Garonne, Occitanie, France
???? | |||
???? |