Historical records matching Adelaide de Roucy
Immediate Family
About Adelaide de Roucy
a) ADELAIDE de Roucy ([1015/20]-1062). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aelidam et Hadewidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio" & his wife, specifying that "omnes comites de Roceio et de Arceis sive de Ramerupt vel de Brena super Albam" descended from Adelaide[394]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem et Hadevidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio" and his wife Beatrix, specifying that "secunda filia…soror…Hadevidis nupsit Helduino comiti de Ramerut[395]. The Histoire de la restauration de l’Eglise de Laon records the election of “domnum Bartholomeum Remensis ecclesiæ B. Mariæ canonicum et thesaurarium” as bishop of Laon and recites his ancestry: “Hilduinus...comes Rociensis avus eius” married “Adeladem germanam domni Manassæ Remorum archiepiscopi” and names their children “Ebalum comitem de Roci et Andream comitem de Rameruch patrem Eabli Cathaulensis episcopi septemque filias...”[396]. Du Chesne interprets this passage as meaning that the wife of Hilduin [IV] was the daughter of Manassès “le Chauve” Vidame de Reims, who was the father of Archbishop Manassès who died in 1115 (see CHAMPAGNE NOBILITY)[397]. However, he has confused the two archbishops of Reims named Manassès: Hilduin’s wife was the half-sister of the one whose death is recorded in 1085. Her birth date is estimated from her mother's estimated birth date and the fact that Adelaide herself gave birth to her youngest child in [1060].
m HILDUIN [IV] Comte de Montdidier Seigneur de Ramerupt, son of HILDUIN [III] Seigneur de Ramerupt & his wife --- (-[1063]).
Summary for Adelaide de Roucy
- Father: Ebles (d. 11 May 1033), Comte de Roucy (997-1033) and Archbishop of Reims (1021-1033)
- Mother: Beatrix de Hainait (b. after 996, divorced and remarried in 1021 to Manasses de Ramerupt)
- 2. Hedwige de Roucy (d. 1070 or later, m. Godefroi IV de Florennes)
- Hilduin IV de Ramerupt (d. c1063), Comte de Montdidier et Seigneur de Ramerupt
- 1. Ebles II de Ramerupt (d. May 1103), Comte de Roucy
- 2. Andre de Ramerupt (d. after 1118), Seigneur de Ramerupt et d'Arcis-sur-Aube (m1. Adelisa who d. after 1082, m2 Guisemode sister of Baudouin Monk at Moiesme
- 3. Adela de Ramerupt (b. c1035, d. 1068/1069, bur. St-Hubert, Ardennes, m. Arnoul II Comte de Chiny)
- 4. Beatrix de Ramerupt (d. 2 September after 1129, m. Geoffroy de Chateaudun, Comte de Mortagne and Comte du Perche)
- 5. Marguerite de Ramerupt (b. c1045, m. Hugues de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, dit de Mouchy)
- 6. Ermentrude de Ramerupt (d. 1102 or later, m. Thibaut I Comte de Reynel)
- 7. Ada de Ramerupt (d. after 1121, bur Abbaye de Liessies, m1. Geoffroy, Seigneur de Guise; m2. Gauthier, Seigneur de Ath; m3. Thierry, Seigneur d'Avesnes)
- 8. Aelis de Ramerupt (m. Conon "Falcon" de la Sarraz)
- 9. Felicie de Ramerupt (c1060 - 3 May 1123, bur. Monastery of San Juan de la Pena, m. Sancho I King of Aragon (Sancho V King of Navarre)
Basic information:
Birth: 1015/1020 (based on estimated birth date of her mother, and birth date of her youngest child c1060). Location, likely Roucy, Comté de Roucy (Present département de l'Aisne, Present région Picardie), France
Baptism: Unknown.
Marriage: c 1033 (estimated based on life events).
Death: 1062. Likely Montdidier, Comté de Montdidier (Present département de la Somme, Present région Picardie), France.
Burial: Unknown.
Occupation: Comtesse de Montdidier
- 1015 to 1020, Adelaide de Roucy is born to 19-24 year old Beatrix de Hainaut and Ebles Comte de Roucy, probably at Roucy, Comte de Roucy, Comte de Troyes, France. Likely Hedwige de Roucy, her younger sister, was born around the same time.
- 1021, Ebles Comte de Roucy divorces from Beatrix de Hainaut, probably in order to take on the role of Archbishop of Reims. Beatrix, at age 25, remarries around the same time to Manasses "Calva-asina" de Ramerupt. (age 1-6)
- 11 May 1033, her father, Ebles, Comte de Roucy and Archbishop of Reims, dies. Sometime around the same time, Adelaide de Roucy marries Hilduin Seigneur de Ramerupt, and likely gives birth to her first son Ebles II de Ramerupt (age 13-18)
- 1035, Adela de Ramerupt is born (according to French Wikipedia). Second son Andre de Ramerupt was likely born around the same time (age 15-20)
- 1045, Marguerite de Ramerupt is born (according to French Wikipedia, age 25-30)
- 1060, youngest child Felicie de Ramerupt, future wife of Sancho I, King of Aragon (Sancho V King of Navarre) is born. (age 40-45)
- 1062, Adelaide de Roucy dies (age 42-47)
Alternate Names: Adelaide (by FMG), Alix (French Wikipedia), Alice (English Wikipedia), Aelis
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page for Northern France Nobility (covering her birth family):
EBLES (-11 May 1033).
- The Genealogiciæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Lebaldus de Malla et…Iveta comitissa de Retest" as brother and sister of "Ebalus de Roceio"[1180].
- Comte de Roucy 997.
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the succession in 1023 as archbishop of Reims of "Ebalus qui fuit comes de Roseio"[1181].
- Archbishop of Reims 1021.
m (divorced before 1021) as her first husband, BEATRIX de Hainaut, daughter of REGINAR IV Comte de Hainaut & his wife Hedwige de France (after [996]-).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Beatricem" as daughter of "Rainero comiti de Hainaco" & his wife Hedwige, naming her husband "Ebalus de Roceio"[1182]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis gives more details, naming "Beatricem" daughter of "Hadevidem…comitissam Hainonensium" and specifying that she married "Ebalus de Roceio, cuius frater fuit Lebaldus de Malla et soror Iveta comitissa de Roitest" and later "Manasses cui agnomen Calva-asina"[1183].
- She married secondly ([1021]%29 Manassès de Ramerupt "Calva-asina" [Montdidier].
Comte Ebles & his wife had two children:
a) ADELAIDE de Roucy ([1015/20]-1062).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aelidam et Hadewidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio" & his wife, specifying that "omnes comites de Roceio et de Arceis sive de Ramerupt vel de Brena super Albam" descended from Adelaide[1184]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem et Hadevidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio " and his wife Beatrix, specifying that "secunda filia…soror…Hadevidis nupsit Helduino comiti de Ramerut[1185].
- Her birth date is estimated from her mother's estimated birth date and the fact that Adelaide herself gave birth to her youngest child in [1060].
- m HILDUIN [IV] Comte de Montdidier Seigneur de Ramerupt, son of HILDUIN [III] Seigneur de Ramerupt & his wife --- (-1063).
b) HEDWIGE de Roucy (-1070 or after).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aelidam et Hadewidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio" & his wife, specifying that Hedwige married "Godefridus frater episcopi Gerardi Cameracensis"[1186], although the bishop in question was the uncle of Hedwige's husband not his brother. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem et Hadevidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio" & his wife Beatrix, specifying that Hedwige married "Condefrido de Ruminiaco" by whom she had "filium nomine Nicholaum et filias, quarum una peperit ex Radulfo de Veteri-villa Ebalum de Flurines et Ermentrudem, matrem Guilelmi de Birbais; secunda filia Hadevidis de Rumiaco ex Godefrido de Ranst peperit filios Iohannem et Nicholaum, qui Nicholaus Arnulfum et Godefridum procreavit; tercia filia iam dicte Hadevidis copulate domino de Granci peperit ei Ebalum eiusdem loci dominum"[1187].
- m GODEFROI [IV] de Florennes, son of GODEFROI [III] Seigneur de Florennes [Rumigny] & his wife Gisela ---. 1066/78.
- [1180] Genealogiæ Fuscniacenses 3, MGH SS XIII, p. 252.
- [1181] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1023, MGH SS XXIII, p. 782.
- [1182] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
- [1183] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 3 and 11, MGH SS XIII, pp. 252 and 254.
- [1184] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
- [1185] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 10 and 11, MGH SS XIII, p. 254.
- [1186] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
- [1187] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 10, MGH SS XIII, p. 254.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page on Champagne Nobility (covering her married family):
HILDUIN [IV] de Ramerupt, son of HILDUIN [III] Seigneur de Ramerupt & his wife --- (-[1063]).
- Robert II King of France confirmed the donation of "Manasses comes" to Chartres Notre-Dame by charter dated 4 Feb 1031, signed by "…Manasses comitis, Hilduini comitis fratris eius, filiorum eius Manassis et Hilduini, Burcardo de Montemorenciaco, Evrardi filii Hilduini de Britoglio, Amalrici de Monteforti, Milonis de Caprosa…"[1236]. "…Hilduinus comes et Hilduinus filius eius…" subscribed the charter dated 1032 under which "Odo comes palatinus Francorum regis" founded Epernay abbey[1237].
- Comte [de Montdidier].
- Seigneur de Ramerupt.
- "Vir nobilis Hugo Bardul" donated property to Montiérender by charter dated [1061/62 or before], subscribed by "Teobaldi comitis, Hilduini comitis, Burdini de Belfort, Manasse filii eius"[1238]. Hermann´s Miracles of Laon Sainte-Marie records that Philippe I King of France sent "comitem Hilduinum cum domno Helinando Laudunensi Episcopo" as ambassadors to Rome, undated[1239].
m ADELAIDE de Roucy, daughter of EBLES Comte de Roucy & his wife Beatrix de Hainaut ([1015/20]-1062).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aelidam et Hadewidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio " & his wife, specifying that "omnes comites de Roceio et de Arceis sive de Ramerupt vel de Brena super Albam" descended from Adelaide[1240]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem et Hadevidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio " and his wife Beatrix, specifying that "secunda filia…soror…Hadevidis nupsit Helduino comiti de Ramerut[1241].
- Her birth date is estimated from her mother's estimated birth date and the fact that Adelaide herself gave birth to her youngest child in [1060].
Hilduin [III] & his wife had nine children:
1. EBLES [II] de Ramerupt (-May 1103).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalus…de Roceio et Andreas de Ramerut et Arceis comites" as the two sons of "Hilduinus de Ramerut" & his wife Adelaide[1242].
- Comte de Roucy.
2. ANDRE de Ramerupt (-after 1118).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalus…de Roceio et Andreas de Ramerut et Arceis comites" as the two sons of "Hilduinus de Ramerut" & his wife Adelaide[1243]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Ebalum comitem…et Andream comitem de Ramerut et filias" as children of "comes Helduinus [et] Adelaide"[1244].
- Seigneur de Ramerupt et d'Arcis-sur-Aube.
- "Duo fratres Ebolus et Andreas et uxores nostre Sibilla et Adelisa et cognatus noster Hugo comes de Domno Martino uxorque eius Rothaidis" donated property to the church of Ramerupt Sainte-Marie by charter dated 1082, which also records that "post hæc comes Andreas" donated "molendinorum suorum de Grandi Prato" with the consent of "uxore sua Guindesmode et filiis duobus Hugone…et Oliverio"[1245].
- m firstly ADELISA, daughter of --- (-after 1082). "Duo fratres Ebolus et Andreas et uxores nostre Sibilla et Adelisa et cognatus noster Hugo comes de Domno Martino uxorque eius Rothaidis" donated property to the church of Ramerupt Sainte-Marie by charter dated 1082[1246].
- m secondly as her second husband, GUISEMODE, widow of HUGUES Seigneur de Pleurs, sister of BAUDOUIN Monk at Molesme, daughter of ---. "Duo fratres Ebolus et Andreas et uxores nostre Sibilla et Adelisa et cognatus noster Hugo comes de Domno Martino uxorque eius Rothaidis" donated property to the church of Ramerupt Sainte-Marie by charter dated 1082, which also records that "post hæc comes Andreas" donated "molendinorum suorum de Grandi Prato" with the consent of "uxore sua Guindesmode et filiis duobus Hugone…et Oliverio"[1247]. The primary source which confirms her origin and first marriage has not yet been identified. André & his first wife had five children: Ebles de Ramerupt (d. 21 June 1126); Hugues "Brito" de Ramerupt (d. 1108 or later); Olivier de Ramerupt; Alix de Ramerupt (d. 1143 or later, m. Erard I,Comte de Brienne); and a second daughter (m. Jean, Vicomte de Mareuil).
3. BEATRIX de Ramerupt (-2 Sep after 1129).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Beatrix" as second daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and incorrectly names her husband "Rotroldo comiti de Pertico"[1259]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "comitis Hilduini de Rameruth maior natu filia dicta Beatrix" as wife, also incorrectly, of "Rotaldo comiti de Pertica"[1260]. She is named as wife of Geoffroy Comte du Perche by Orderic Vitalis, incorrectly saying that she was daughter of "the count of Rochefort"[1261] and specifying in another passage that her son Rotrou was consanguineus of Alfonso I King of Aragon[1262].
- m GEOFFROY de Châteaudun, son of ROTROU Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne & his wife Adelise de Bellême (-mid-Oct 1100, bur Nogent-le-Rotrou[1263]). He succeeded his father in [1080] as Comte de Mortagne. He adopted the title Comte du Perche after 1090.
4. MARGUERITE de Ramerupt .
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Margareta" as third daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and names her husband "comiti Hugonis de Claromonte Baluacensi"[1264]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "secundam filiam comitis Helduini de Rameruth dictam Margaretam" as wife of "Hugo comes de Claro-monte"[1265].
- m HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy, son of ---. 1067.
5. ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt (-1102 or after).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudis" as fourth daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Theobaldo comiti de Rimnello"[1266]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "tertiam…Hilduini comitis filiam Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theobaldus comes de Rinnel"[1267].
- m THIBAUT [I] Comte de Reynel, son of OLRI Comte de Reynel & his wife --- (-before 11 Apr 1101).
6. ADA de Ramerupt (-after 1021, bur Abbaye de Liessies).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ada…de Guisia" as sixth daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy[1268]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "quartam…Hilduini comitis filiam Adam" as wife firstly of "Godefridus de Guisia" and secondly of "Galterum de Aat" and thirdly of "Theoderico de Avesnis"[1269]. "Wido Lescheriensis…et Guisiensis" granted rights to the abbey of Saint-André du Câteau, for the souls of "meæ et coniugis meæ Adeluyæ", by undated charter, signed by "filiorum meorum Adam et Burgardi…" and later confirmed by the bishop of Laon by charter dated 1121 at the request of "Guido de Gusia rogatu uxoris suæ Adeluyæ et matris suæ Adæ" and with the consent of "filiis suis Adam et Burchardo"[1270].
- She built the convent of Lessies with her third husband, where she retired after his death and was buried[1271].
- m firstly GEOFFROY Seigneur de Guise, son of ---.
- m secondly GAUTHIER Seigneur de Ath, son of ---.
- m thirdly THIERRY Seigneur d'Avesnes, son of WEDRICUS "Ad-barbam" d'Avesnes & his wife --- (-[1106]).
7. ADELA de Ramerupt (-[1068/69], bur Saint-Hubert, Ardennes).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Adele" as seventh daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Arnulfo comiti de Chisneio"[1272], although the chronology favours Adela being the sister rather than daughter of Ebles. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis clarifies the question when it refers to, but does not name, "quintam…Hilduini comitis filiam" as wife of "Arnulfus comes de Cinni"[1273]. “Arnulphus comes cum coniuge mea Adelais, filius Ludovici comitis” founded a monastery “in villa Pyrorum…in honore S. Sulpitii”, subject to “ecclesiæ S. Petri et S. Hugberti in Ardenna”, by undated charter signed by “Arnulphi comitis et Manasse fratris eius”[1274]. "Arnulfus comes cum coniuge mea Adelais filius Ludoguici comitis" donated revenue from the church of Prix to Ardenne Saint-Hubert by charter dated to 1066, signed by "Arnulfi comitis et Manasse fratris eius…"[1275].
- "Arnulfus comes cum coniuge mea Adelail, filius Ludoguici comitis" founded the priory of Priez by charter dated 1068, signed by "Arnulphi comitis et Manasse fratris eius…"[1276].
- The Chronicle of Saint-Hubert records the burial of "Adeladis uxor Arnulphi, soror…Ebali Roceiensis" at Saint-Hubert, dated to [1068/69] from the context[1277].
- m as his first wife, ARNOUL [II] Comte de Chiny, son of LOUIS [II] Comte de Chiny & his wife Sophie --- (-16 Apr 1106).
8. AELIS de Ramerupt .
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aeliz de Sarrata in Burgundia" as fifth daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy[1278]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "sexta filia Hilduini comitis Adelidis" as mother of "filium columbine simplicitatis nomine Bartholomeum…[et] Ebalum"[1279].
- m CONON "Falcon" de La Sarraz [Grandson], son of ADALBERT & his wife --- (-before 1114).
9. FELICIE de Ramerupt ([1060]-3 May 1123[1280], bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña).
- The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the first of the seven daughters of Count Ebles as, inaccurately, wife of "regi Galicie Sanctio" but does not name her[1281]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis is somewhat more accurate in referring to, but still not naming, "septima filia…Hilduini" as wife of "Sanctio regi Hispanie" by whom she had "Hildefonsum regem et fratrem eius, qui ei successit in regnum. Cuius filiam cum regni gubernaculis comes inclitus Barcinonensis, qui paganos impugnare non desinit, duxit uxorem"[1282].
- The Crónica de San Juan de la Peña records that King Sancho married "muller Doña Felicia"[1283]. The Monumenta Historiæ Tornacensis names "Feliciæ materteræ vestræ filium" as wife of "in Hispaniam regem Hildefonsum"[1284]. "Sancius rex Aragonensium…cum filio meo Petro et uxore mea regina…Felicia" granted the monastery of Sauve-Majeure, Gironde to the church of Pamplona by charter dated to [1086/94][1285].
- m (1076[1286] or before) as his second wife, SANCHO I King of Aragon [SANCHO V King of Navarre], son of don RAMIRO I King of Aragon & his first wife Gerberge [Ermesenda] de Foix ([1042/43]-Huesca 4 Jun 1094, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña).
- [1236] Chartres Notre-Dame, Tome I, XIII, p. 87.
- [1237] Arbois de Jubainville, H. d´ (1859) Histoire des ducs et des comtes de Champagne Tome I (Paris), XXXV, p. 468.
- [1238] Montiérender 42, p. 169.
- [1239] Ex Hermanni Laudunensis Monacii de Miraculis B. Mariæ Laudunensis, RHGF XII, p. 268.
- [1240] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
- [1241] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 10 and 11, MGH SS XIII, p. 254.
- [1242] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1243] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1244] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 13, MGH SS XIII, p. 254.
- [1245] Arbois de Jubainville ´Les premiers seigneurs de Ramerupt´, Pièces Justificatives, I, p. 451.
- [1246] Arbois de Jubainville ´Les premiers seigneurs de Ramerupt´, Pièces Justificatives, I, p. 451.
- [1247] Arbois de Jubainville ´Les premiers seigneurs de Ramerupt´, Pièces Justificatives, I, p. 451.
- [1259] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1260] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 14, MGH SS XIII, pp. 254-5.
- [1261] Chibnall, M. (ed. and trans.) The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, (Oxford Medieval Texts, 1969-80), Vol. IV, Book VIII, pp. 161 and 331, and Vol. VI, Book XIII, p. 395.
- [1262] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XIII, p. 397.
- [1263] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XIII, p. 395.
- [1264] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1265] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
- [1266] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1267] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 16, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
- [1268] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1269] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 17, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
- [1270] Duchesne, A. (1624) Histoire généalogique de la maison de Montmorency et de Laval (Paris), Preuves, p. 52.
- [1271] L´abbé Pécheur (1851) Histoire de la ville de Guise (Vervins), p. 57.
- [1272] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1273] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 18, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
- [1274] Veterum Scriptorum I, col. 472.
- [1275] Ardenne Saint-Hubert, Tome I, XXII, p. 23.
- [1276] Foppens (1748), Tome IV, Pars IV, III, p. 504.
- [1277] Hanquet, K. (ed.) (1906) La chronique de Saint-Hubert dite Cantatorium (Brussels), 16, p. 37.
- [1278] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1279] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 19, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
- [1280] Necrologio de San Victorián, quoted in Vajay 'Ramire II', p. 730.
- [1281] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
- [1282] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 20, MGH SS XIII, p. 256.
- [1283] Ximénez de Embún y Val, T. (ed.) (1876) Historia de la Corona de Aragón: Crónica de San Juan de la Peña: Part aragonesa (“Crónica de San Juan de la Peña“), XVII, p. 51, available at Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes <http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?Ref=12477> (3 Aug 2007).
- [1284] Monumenta Historiæ Tornacensi, MGH SS XIV, p. 268.
- [1285] Gaztambide, J. G. (ed.) (1997) Colección diplomatica de la catedral de Pamplona, Tome I 829-1243 (Gobierno de Navarra) (“Pamplona”) 38, p. 63.
- [1286] The first date at which Queen Felicia is referred to with her husband in documentation, Vajay 'Ramire II', p. 730 footnote 24.
Proof: The American Genealogist, 57:32; AR., op. cit., pp. 126, 131
Adela/Alice/Alix/Adelaide de Roucy (Rouci)
I Ebles , Count De Roucy [Parents] [1], [2] was born [3], [4] WFT Est 957-1011 in OF REIMS, MARNE, FRANCE. He died [5], [6] on 11 May 1033. He married [7], [8] Beatrice Of Hainault WFT Est 985-1047.
Beatrice Of Hainault [Parents] [1], [2] was born [3], [4] about 998 in OF HAINAULT, HOLLAND. She died [5], [6] WFT Est 991-1099. She married [7], [8] I Ebles , Count De Roucy WFT Est 985-1047.
They had the following children:
- 1. F i Countess Of Rouci (Roucy) Adela\Alice was born WFT Est 990-1031. She died WFT Est 1025-1113.
IV Hildwin\Hildouin , Count Of Montdidier [Parents] [1], [2] was born [3], [4] WFT Est 983-1028 in (Lord of Rouci (Roucy))OF MONTDIDIER, SOMME, FRANCE. He married [5], [6] Countess Of Rouci (Roucy) Adela\Alice WFT Est 1008-1063. They were married about 1031.
Countess Of Rouci (Roucy) Adela\Alice [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4 WFT Est 990-1031 in OF ROUCY, AISNE, FRANCE. She died 5, 6 WFT Est 1025-1113. She married 7, 8 IV Hildwin\Hildouin , Count Of Montdidier WFT Est 1008-1063. They were married about 1031.
They had the following children:
- 1. F i Marguerita de Roucy was born WFT Est 1024-1056. She died WFT Est 1062-1139.
- 2. M ii Andre De Roucy , Lord Of Rameru was born WFT Est 1025-1076. He died WFT Est 1064-1154.
- 3. F iii Beatrice de Montdidier was born in 1047. She died on 2 Sep 1129.
Hildouin de Montdidier, died 1063. He was the son of 28. Hildouin de Montdidier et Rameru III and 29. Lesseline ?.
He married 15. Alice de Roucy.
15. Alice de Roucy, died 1063. She was the daughter of 30. Ebles de Roucy and 31. Beatrix of Hainault.
Children of Hildouin de Montdidier and Alice de Roucy are:
- 1. i. Marguerita de Roucy et Montdidier, born Abt. 1045; died Abt. 1110; married Hugh of Clermont I Abt. 1065 in Picardy, France; born Abt. 1030 in Clermont, Oise, France; died Abt. 1102.
- 2. ii. Ebles de Roucy et Montdidier, married Sybilla de Hauteville; died Abt. 1090.
- 3. 7 iii. Beatrice de Montdidier, married Geoffrey du Perche et Mortaigne I.
- 4. iv. Felicia de Roucy et Montdidier, died 14 April 1086; married Sancho-Ramirez de Aragon, IV, V 1063; died 4 June 1094.
- 5. v. Adelheid de Roucy et Montdidier, born Abt. 1050 in La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerland; married (1) Gauthier de Roeux; married (2) Falko Conan de Grandison; born Abt. 1050 in La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerland; died 1114.
- 6. vi. Andre de Roucy et Montdidier, married Agnes de Brainne.
Alix was also called Aleide.
See "My Lines" ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p346.htm#i5684 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
THIERRY (-[1106]). The Chronicon Lætiense names "Theodericus" as one of the sons of "Wedricus cognomen Ad-barbam"[741]. Seigneur d'Avesnes. Robert Count of Flanders confirmed the possessions of Cambrai Saint-Aubert “in villa de Keans” by charter dated 1102, in the presence of “Everardi de Tornaco, Theodorici de Avethuis...”[742]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Theoderico Avesniensi" as husband of "Ada [filia Hilduini comitis]"[743]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that the "abbatia de Letiis" was restored by "Theodericum de Avesnis et Aldam uxoris eius"[744]. “Gossuini de Montibus, Theoderici de Avesnis, Theoderici de Aldenarda, [Segardi] de Ceocs, Manasse de Betunia, Fastredi, Walteri de Lens, Walcheri de Chirvia, Anselli de Ribodimonte...” subscribed a charter dated 1084 for the abbey of Saint-Denis en Brocqueroie[745]. m as her third husband, ADA de Ramerupt, widow firstly of GEOFFROY Seigneur de Guise and secondly of GAUTHIER Seigneur d’Ath, daughter of HILDUIN [IV de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy] & his wife Adelaide de Roucy (-bur Abbaye de Liessies). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "quartam…Hilduini comitis filiam Adam" as wife firstly of "Godefridus de Guisia" and secondly of "Galterum de Aat" and thirdly of "Theoderico de Avesnis"[746]. The Chronicon Lætiense names "Ada" as wife of "Theodericus"[747]. The Chronicon Lætiense names "Ada de Avesnis cognata" of "Ebalus filius [Petronill%C3%A6]"[748]. She and her third husband built the convent of Lessies, where she retired after his death and was buried[749].
Adelaide de Roucy's Timeline
1014 |
Roucy, Aisne, Hauts-de-France, France
1034 |
Roucy, Aisne, France
1037 |
Champagne, France
1040 |
Montdidier, Somme, Picardie, France
Troyes, Aube, Champagne, France
1045 |
December 6, 1045
Montdidier, Somme , Picardy, France
Roucy, Aisne, Picardy, France
1050 |
Roucy, Aisne, Picardie, France