Adam Erskine, Commendator of Cambuskenneth, is the bastard son of Thomas Erskine, Master of Erskine The name of his mother has not been identified. The Scots Peerage V: p. 611
Adam Erskine, Commendator of Cambuskenneth, was alive on 5 May 1602, the date upon which he signed the marriage contract between of his daughter Annabella and her future husband, John Buchanan of that Ilk, but he died before 28 July 1604, the date upon which the Laird of Buchanan, in fulfillment of the marriage contract, issued a charter in Annabella's favour. RMS 1620-1633: charter number 398
Adam Erskine, Commendatoe of Cambuskenneth, married Margaret Drummond RMS 1609-1620: charter number 236
7 March 1575-76: Charter by Robert Forester [Forrester] of Boquhan, provost of Sterling [Stirling], and Isobel Schaw [Shaw], his spouse, to Adam Erskyne [Erskine], commendator of Cambuskynneth [Cambuskenneth], and Margaret Drumond [Drummond], his spouse, of annualrent of £100 Scots from lands of Eister Row, in stewartry of Menteith, sheriffdom of Perth, and from 10 acres in the Borrowmuir and 4 acres in the Parkfeild, in territory of burgh of Striviling. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Erskine Family, Earls of Mar and Kellie, reference GD124/1/630
28 July 1604: Charter by which John Buchanan of that Ilk confirms, following upon a marriage contract dated 5 May 1602, that he has given a liferent from various lands to his wife, Annabellam Erskyne, daughter of Adam, Commendator of Cambuskenneth. Her father was alive on 5 May 1602, the date upon which he signed the marriage contract, but he probably died before 28 July 1604, the date upon which the Laird of Buchanan issued his charter. Annabella Erskyne obtained a charter of confirmation under the Great Seal of Scotland on 24 December 1622. RMS 1620-1633: charter number 398
3 April 1608: Charter by which John, Earl of Marr, Lord Erskine, confirms that he has given a liferent from the barony of Brechin and certain other lands to his wife, Dame Marie Stewart, Countess of Marr. The lands of Cardross which belonged to his cousins, David and Margaret Halden, were exempt, as were the lands of Cambuskenneth which belonged to his cousin, Adam, Commendator of Cambuskenneth, and his wife Margaret Drummond: "Adamo commendatario de Cambuskynneth consanguineo dicto Jo; et Margarete Drummound sponse dicti Adami liberum tenemeutum terrarum in quibus infeodata est". The Earl of Marr's charter in favour of his wife was confirmed under the Great Seal of Scotland on 1 February 1610. RMS 1609-1620: charter number 236