http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN (UPPER) NOBILITY.htm:
Son of Gerhard/Gerard (d 1045) and Gisela:
ADALBERT [Albert] (-killed in battle near Thuin 11 Nov 1048). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[511]. The Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium names "Albertum de Longui castro", but does not give his origin[512]. Comte de Longwy. Emperor Heinrich III appointed him as ADALBERT Duke of Upper Lotharingia in early 1047, after confiscating the duchy from Godefroi II "le Barbu" Duke of Upper Lotharingia. Duke Adalbert was killed fighting the forces of ex-Duke Godefroi. No indication has been found of the name of Duke Adalbert's wife, assuming that he was married at all. Szabolcs de Vajay[513] has confirmed the incorrectness of his earlier proposition that Duke Adalbert's wife was Clémence de Foix, and that the Duke was the father of Etiennette (wife of Guillaume Comte de Bourgogne) and Clémence (wife of Conrad Comte de Luxembourg). The Kalendarium Sanctæ Mariæ Virdunensis records the death "III Id Nov" of "fuit prœlium ducis Alberti"[514]. m ---. The name of Adalbert's wife is not known. Adalbert & his wife had [one possible child]:
i) [ERMENSENDE . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa de Longui et de Castris Ermensendis" as wife of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburch"[515]. If Alberic correctly identifies the wife of Konrad as Ctss de Longwy et de Castres, it is likely that she was the daughter of Adalbert Duke of Lower Lotharingia who was also Comte de Longwy, but no primary source which confirms that this is correct has yet been found. If this is correct, it is likely that Ermensende was Konrad's first wife and the mother of his daughter Ermensende, who is recorded as heiress of Longwy. m [as his first wife,] KONRAD Comte de Luxembourg, son of GISELBERT Graf von Salm, Comte de Luxembourg & his wife --- (-in Palestine 8 Aug 1086, bur Luxembourg Münster Abbey).
The family of Adalbert II de LONGWY-METZ and Clémence de FOIX
[134959] LONGWY-METZ (de), Adalbert II (..)
FOIX (de), Clémence (..)
1) Étiennette, married about 1040 Guillaume Ier dit Tête Hardie de BOURGOGNE
Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Le Sang de Charlemagne
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Adalbert, Duke of Lorraine
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Adalbert (1000 – 11 November 1048, Thuin) was the Duke of Upper Lorraine from 1047 until his death. He was the son of Gerard de Bouzonville (Gerhard II), Count of Metz, and Gisela (Gisella).
Gothelo I, Duke of Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine, died in 1044 and was succeeded by his son Godfrey II in Upper Lorraine but was refused Lower Lorraine. Irritated, to say the least, Godfrey rebelled in that same year and devastated his suzerain's lands in Lower Lorraine. He was soon defeated and Adalbert named in his place in Upper Lorraine. Godfrey, however, continued to fight for all Lorraine and Adalbert died in battle against him at Thuin on 11 November 1148. He had no known children,[1] and Henry immediately nominated his brother Gerhard to succeed him.
[edit] See also
* Dukes of Lorraine family tree
[edit] Notes
1. ^ In 1960, Szabolcs de Vajay hypothesized that Adalbert was count of Longwy and father-in-law of William VII of Aquitaine and William I, Count of Burgundy. (Annales de Bourgogne, Vol 32 (1960) 258-261), and has been followed in this by Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700, Line 144-22. However, de Vajay subsequently published an unqualified retraction of his hypothesis in "Parlons encore d'Etiennette" in Onomastioque et Parente dans l'Occident medieval (Prosopographica et Genealogica, no.3), K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and C. Settipani, eds. (2000), pp. 2-6.
Adalbert, Duke of Lorraine
House of Metz
Born: 1000 Died: November 11 1048
Preceded by
Godfrey III
Blason Lorraine.svg
Duke of Upper Lorraine
1047–1048 Succeeded by
This page was last modified on 7 March 2010 at 13:10.
Gothelo I, Duke of Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine, died in 1044 and was succeeded by his son Godfrey II in Upper Lorraine but was refused Lower Lorraine. Irritated, to say the least, Godfrey rebelled in that same year and devastated his suzerain's lands in Lower Lorraine. He was soon defeated and Adalbert named in his place in Upper Lorraine. Godfrey, however, continued to fight for all Lorraine and Adalbert died in battle against him at Thuin on 11 November 1148. He had no known children, and Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor immediately nominated his brother Gerhard to succeed him.
Adalbert , Duke of Lorraine III b. 1000 ,Upper,Lorraine,France d. 11 Nov 1048 Thuin, Hainaut, Belgium
H Adalbert III de Longwy-Metz
Imprimer son arbre(Adalbert de Longwy-Metz)
comte de Metz (1045-1047), duc de Haute-Lorraine (1047-1048), comte de Longwy
Né en 1008
Décédé le 11 novembre 1048 (samedi) - à la bataille de Thuin en Belgique , à l’âge de 40 ans
Gérard IV de Metz, comte de Metz (1033-1045), comte de Bouzonville, né en 985, décédé en 1045 à l’âge de 60 ans
Marié avec
Gisèle ??
If correct his father is on GENI at -
Gérard IV de Metz
Imprimer son arbre(Gérard de Bouzonville)
(Gérard de Metz)
comte de Metz (1033-1045), comte de Bouzonville
Né en 985
Décédé en 1045 , à l’âge de 60 ans
Parents Adalbert II de Metz, comte de Metz (1022-1033), comte de Bouzonville, décédé le 5 octobre 1033 (samedi)
Marié avec
Judith de Wetterau, née vers 960, décédée en 1022 à l’âge de peut-être 62 ans
1000 |
Haute-Lorraine (Upper Lotharingia), France
1028 |
1030 |
1048 |
November 11, 1048
Age 48
Thuin, Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |