Immediate Family
About Adélaïde-Wera de Bourgogne, Chalon et Troyes
Adelais (de Chalon, de Vergy, d'Autun, de Bourgogne) was the daughter of Giselbert Duke of Burgundy (Duc des Bourguignons, Comte de Chalon-sur-Saône et de Troyes) and Ermengarde de Dijon (de Bourgogne).
Married Robert de Vermandois, Comte de Meaux et Comte de Troyes
ADELAIS [Wera] ([930/35]-).
"Gislebertus…comes Heduensis" granted property to "suo fidele Guitbaldus…nec non eius coniuge Rutrudis" by charter dated 11 Dec 934, signed by "Gisleberti comitis, Ermengardi, Adaledis filiam eorum…"[65]. The Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne de Dijon records the death in 956 of "Gislebertus comes Burgundionum", names "filia Leudegarde", "aliam…filiam…Werram", and the latter's marriage to "Robertus comes Trecassinorum"[66]. "Trecassine urbis comitem Robertum" donated land to "Gratianum abbatem monasterii Sancti Petri Dervensis" by charter dated 6 Aug 959, signed by "Adelais comitisse, Erberti filii eorum, Walterii vicecomitis"[67].
It is unclear why these two sources refer to the wife of Comte Robert by different names, as "Adelais comitisse" who signed the 959 charter must have been the same person as the wife of Robert named in 956 because the former document also refers to "Erberti filii eorum". It is possible that the reference to "Werram" is a transcription error as no other reference to this name has so far been found in other contemporary French sources. Her birth date range is estimated from her own daughter's estimated birth date of [950].
m (before 950) ROBERT Comte de Meaux, son of HERIBERT II Comte de Vermandois & his wife Adela [Capet] (-after 19 Jun 966). He became Comte de Troyes in 956 on the death of his father-in-law, by right of his wife.
Comte Robert & his wife had [four] children:
1. HERIBERT [V] "le Jeune" ([945/50]-28 Jan 995 or 996, bur Abbaye de Lagny-en-Mussien). "Trecassine urbis comitem Robertum" donated land to "Gratianum abbatem monasterii Sancti Petri Dervensis" by charter dated 6 Aug 959, signed by "Adelais comitisse, Erberti filii eorum, Walterii vicecomitis"[1553]. He succeeded his father in 966 as Comte de Meaux et Comte de Troyes . It is assumed that Héribert [V] succeeded his paternal uncle Héribert [III] in [983/Apr 985], based on the following argument. A letter of Gerbert dated 983 records that "Heriberti Trecassini et Oddonis comitis filii Tedbaldi" were enemies of "Adelbero Remonis archiepiscopus"[1554]. However, a letter dated to Apr 985 names "Ottonis et Heriberti", while a letter dated to mid-985 records that "Ottonem, Heribertum" made peace with the archbishop[1555]. Another letter of Gerbert dated to [late 986/early 987] records that "O et Heribertus comites" were part of the council of Emma Queen of France[1556]. It is assumed that "Oddonis/Ottonem/O" all refer to the same person. However, it is suggested that only the first letter applies to Héribert [III], the change to Héribert [V] being indicated in the subsequent letters by "Heribertum" being named after "Ottonem" instead of before, which suggests that he was the junior of the two from Apr-985. On the death of his paternal uncle Héribert [III] "le Vieux", Lothaire King of France invested him with Epernay and le Perthois. He helped King Lothaire conquer Lotharingia, and imprisoned the comte de Verdun[1557]. m ---. 959. The name of Héribert's wife is not known. Bur suggests[1558] that she was a daughter of Etienne [Stephanus] Comte de Gévaudan & his second wife Adelais d'Anjou, basing his theory on the transmission of the name "Stephanus" to the couple's son.
2. ADELA de Meaux ([950]-974 after 6 Mar). Adela, wife of Comte Geoffroy, is named as daughter of Comte Robert in two 12th century Angevin genealogies[1563]. Her marriage date is estimated based on the estimated birth date of her oldest daughter. "Adela" donated property to Saint-Aubin d'Angers by charter dated 6 Mar 974 which names "seniore meo Gauzfredo comite" and is subscribed by "Gauzfredi comitis, Fulconis filii eius, Gauzfredi filii eius"[1564]. The Chronicæ Sancti Albini names "Adela comitissa…et marito suo Gaufrido" as present at the ordination of "Rainaldus episcopus" in 1074[1565]. "Fulco Andecavorum comes" relinquished rights to the bishop of Angers "pro anima patris mei Gauffredi et matris Adelæ" by charter dated 17 Jan 1020[1566]. m ([965]%29 as his first wife, GEOFFROY I “Grisegonelle” Comte d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES II Comte d’Anjou & his first wife Gerberge [de Maine] (-21 Jul 987).
3. [ADELAIS de Troyes ([950/55]-after 991). The Historia Francorum Senonensis refers to the wife of "Karolus" as "filiam Herberti comitis Trecarum"[1567]. Assuming the birth of the couple's eldest son in 970, this could not refer to Héribert, son of Robert, whose birth is dated to [950]. It is also unlikely to have been Héribert II Comte de Vermandois, father of Robert, who was not Comte de Troyes. Settipani suggests[1568] that the Historia must be in error and that her father was Robert Comte de Troyes. This would not be the only error in this source, as the Historia also refers to "Karolus, frater eius [=Hludovicus], filius Hlotharii regis" when recording his "succession" in 987[1569]. The Chronico Richardi Pictavensis also names "Carolus uxore sua…filia Herberti Comitis Trecarum"[1570], presumably based on the same source as the Historia. Her name is recorded by Richer, who states that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned by Hugues "Capet" King of France[1571]. Orderic Vitalis links to the two sets of references by recording that Charles was imprisoned with his wife who was the daughter of Heribert Comte de Troyes[1572]. An interesting twist to this apparently straight-forward explanation is provided by another passage in Richer which refers disparagingly to Charles's marriage to "uxorem de militari ordine sibi imparem"[1573]. It is difficult to imagine this description being appropriate to the Vermandois/Carolingian origin of Charles's known wife. Ferdinand Lot therefore proposed that the text means that Charles was married twice[1574]. If such a second marriage did take place, it must have occurred at the height of the dispute between Charles and his brother King Lothar around [975]. At that time Charles was challenging his brother's authority to rule, and it is difficult to imagine that he would weaken his own position by contracting an unequal marriage. The comment by Richer could presumably be explained by his personal dislike of the Vermandois family. m ([970]%29 CHARLES de France, son of LOUIS IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks & his wife Gerberga von Sachsen (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans after 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius). He was invested as Duke of Lower Lotharingia by Emperor Otto II in May 977.]
4. [ARCHAMBAUD (-29 Aug 968, bur Sens Saint-Pierre-le-Vif). Archbishop of Sens 959. The Chronicon Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis records that “Archembaldus” was installed as archbishop “V Kal Jul”, in 959 from the context[1575]. According to Gallia Christiana[1576], Archambaud Archbishop of Sens was the son of Robert Comte de Troyes and his wife Adelais de Bourgogne. This may be based on the Chronicon Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis which records the death “in…mense Augusto” (in 968 from the context) of “pater ipsius Rotbertus…vir nobilis”, referring to archbishop Archambaud[1577], assuming that this refers to Robert Comte de Troyes whose activities are recorded earlier in the same source. However, the chronology is unfavourable for this parentage to be correct. The Chronicon Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis records the death “IV Kal Sep” (in 968 from the context) of “Archembaldus Archiepiscopus…adhuc iuvenis” and his burial “in basilica beati Petri”[1578]. Although stated to be “iuvenis” when he died, he must have been a young child when installed as archbishop if the estimated dates of marriage and birth of the members of Comte Robert´s family are correct. His extreme youth at the time of his appointment is not commented on in the sources so far consulted. In any case, the name Archambaud is not otherwise found in the family of the comtes de Vermandois, which also suggests that the suggested parentage might not be correct.]
Adela de Troyes (1) F, #150391
Last Edited=11 Jul 2005
Adela de Troyes married Robert, Comte de Troyes, son of Heribert II, Comte de Vermandois and Liégarde de France, circa 950. (1) Child of Adela de Troyes and Robert, Comte de Troyes -1. Heribert 'the Younger', Comte de Troyes+ (1) d. 995
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p15040.htm#i150391
Adelaide was also known as Adelais.
Adelaide of Auxerre or Adelaide of Burgundy can be used interchangeably and may refer to:
Adelaide of Auxerre (abt 849. - abt. 929), daughter of Conrad II of Auxerre Count of Auxerre, wife of Richard, Duke of Burgundy Adelaide of Burgundy (born. abt 896), daughter of Richard, Duke of Burgundy, wife of Reginar II, Count of Hainaut Adelaide of Burgundy (920-967), daughter of Gilbert of Chalon Adelaide, Countess of Auxerre (1251–1290)
Gilbert, Duke of Burgundy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gilbert of Chalon or Giselbert de Candiǣ, count of Chalon (died April 8, 956) was duke of Burgundy between 952 and 956. He ruled Burgundy jure uxoris, his wife Ermengarde being sister of Hugh the Black. By her he had two daughters: Adelais and Liutgarde.
Robert of Vermandois (c. 920-967/8) was Count of Meaux after his father, Herbert II of Vermandois, and mother, Liegarde (Liegoude) of France. He was married to Adelaide of Burgundy, daughter of Giselbert, Duke of Burgundy. They had three children: Herbert III, Count of Meaux (c. 950-995) Adele of Meaux, (c. 950-c. 980) Adelaide of Troyes (c. 955-c. 991), wife of Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine. [edit]References
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy on Robert of Vermandois, Count of Troyes and Meaux "(Selected) Ancestors of Joseph Bolles (1608-1678)"; Drawn by Richard L. Humphrey, 1965; Revised and edited by James Bolles, 1992.
Info from Findagrave.com: Birth: unknown Marmagne Departement de la Côte-d'Or Bourgogne, France Death: unknown Departement de l'Aisne Picardie, France
Birth: 920 Death: 967
Countess of Burgundy
Family links:
Gilbert de Chalon
Ermengarde de Bourgogne
Robert de Vermandois
Adele of Meaux*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Saint Aubin Abbey Saint-Aubin Departement de Maine-et-Loire Pays de la Loire, France
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Created by: Memerizion Record added: Mar 06, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 143388570
Adélaïde-Wera de Bourgogne, Chalon et Troyes's Timeline
915 |
Auxerre, Yonne, Bourgogne, France
930 |
Vermandois, Normandy, France
945 |
Vermandois, Normandy, France
950 |
Of, Vermandois, Normandy, France
967 |
August 19, 967
Age 52
Vermandois, Normandy, France
1991 |
November 6, 1991
Age 52
November 6, 1991
Age 52
Salt Lake City Utah Temple, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
November 6, 1991
Age 52
November 6, 1991
Age 52