Adelais (Adele) de Vermandois (1065-28 Sept 1120/24) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty. Daughter of Heribert IV de Vermandois; married Hugues de France and Renaud de Clermont.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Northern France:
ADELAIS de Vermandois ([1065]-28 Sep [1120/24]).
The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Odonem et Adelam sororem" as the two children of "comes Herbertus", specifying that the husband of Adela was "Hugoni le Magne" and referring to her second husband "comes de Claromonte" and specifying that her daughter by the latter married Charles Count of Flanders[1363]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem comitissam Viromandensium, defuncto priore viro, scilicet Hugone Magno" as wife of "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]"[1364].
She succeeded her father in [1080] as Ctss de Vermandois, de Valois et de Crépy.
m firstly ([1080]) HUGUES de France, son of HENRI King of France & his second wife Anna Iaroslavna of Kiev (1057-Tarsus in Cilicia 18 Oct 1102, bur Tarsus church of St Paul). Comte de Vermandois et de Valois by right of his wife. Leader of the French contingent in the First Crusade Aug 1096 returning to France after the victory of Antioch 1098 to raise another army. He set out again Mar 1101 but died from wounds received fighting the Greeks at Tarsus in Cilicia.
m secondly (1103) as his first wife, RENAUD de Clermont, son of HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy & his wife Marguerite de Roucy [Montdidier] (-before 1162). He took the title Comte after his marriage[1365].
children of first marriage: 1. Mathilde de Vermandois (married as second wife Raoul, Seigneur de Baugency) 2. Agnes de Vermandois (b. c.1085, d. after 1127, m. as second wife Bonifacio di Saluzzo, Marchese del Vasto) 3. Constance de Vermandois (d. after 1118, m. Godefroi de la Ferte-Gaucher, Vicomte de Meaux) 4. Isabelle/Elisabeth de Vermandois (b. before 1088, d. 17 February 1131, buried Lewes, m. firstly Robert de Beaumont, Comte de Meulan, secondly William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey) 5. Raoul I "le Vaillant" de Vermandois (b. c.1094, d. 13 October 1152, buried St-Arnould in Crepy, succeeded as Comte de Vermandois) 6. Henri de Vermandois (d. 1130, Seigneur de Chaumont-en-Vexin) 7. Simon de Vermandois (d. 10 February 1148 in Seleukia returning from second crusade, buried Cistercian Abbey of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Ourscamp) 8. Guillaume de Vermandois (d. after 1096, parentage uncertain) 9. Beatrix de Vermandois (d. after 1144, married Hugues IV, Seigneur de Gourney-en-Bray)
[1363] De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses MGH SS, p. 257. [1364] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255. [1365] Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), pp. 538 and 544 footnote 9.
From the Wikipedia page on Adelaide, Countess of Vermandois: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide,_Countess_of_Vermandois
Adelaide of Vermandois (1062 - 1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Alice, Countess of Valois. Her younger brother Odo became Count of Vermandois upon their father's death in 1080. However, five years later, he was disinherited by the council of Barons of France because of his mental illness. Thus, Adelaide and her husband succeeded to the Counties of Vermandois and Valois.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of King Henry I of France. By this marriage she had nine children:
1. Matilda(1080-1130), married Ralph I of Beaugency 2. Beatrice (1082-after1144), married Hugh III of Gournay 3. Ralph I (1085-1152) 4. Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester (1085-1131) 5. Constance (1086-??), married Godfrey de la Ferté-Gaucher 6. Agnes (1090-1125), married Boniface of Savone 7. Henry (1091-1130), Lord of Chaumont en Vexin 8. Simon (1093-1148) 9. William, possibly married to Isabella, illegitimate daughter of King Louis VI of France
In 1104, she married secondly Renaud II, Count of Clermont. By this marriage she had one daughter, Margaret, who married Charles I, Count of Flanders.
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her.
No citations in the English version.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy cited in the French version (same information).
Italian Wikipedia citation for same information:
Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993
Alternate information (at least it's properly referenced):
Adele de Vermandois was not d/o William I "the Conqueror"
She was also probably not d/o RAOUL de Crépy Comte du Vexin et de Valois & his first wife Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube
She was d/o daughter of RAOUL Seigneur de Baugency & his wife Mathilde de Vermandois
From Medlands (by the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#ThibautIIIdied...
THIBAUT de Blois, son of EUDES II Comte de Blois & his second wife Ermengarde d'Auvergne ([1010]-29/30 Sep 1089, bur Epernay). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Tetbaudus et Stephanus" as the two sons of Comte Eudes, specifying that Thibaut succeeded in "Carnotensem et Turonensem"[131]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Theobaldi filii Odonis Campaniensis" when recording that he lost Tours in 1041[132]. "Odo comes filius [Odonis comitis]" confirmed a donation of his father by charter dated to [1032/37], subscribed by "Tetbaldi filii eius, matris eius Ermengardis…Hervei vicecomitis"[133]. He succeeded his father in 1037 as THIBAUT III Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Meaux, de Sancerre et de Troyes. He lost Beauvais some time after 1037. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "comte Thibaut" was captured by Geoffroy Comte d'Anjou who extorted the town of Tours from him by force[134]. The Chronica Rainaldi records that "Tetbaldus, filius Odonis comitis" was captured by "Goffrido comite Andecavorum" in 1044 after which the city of Tours surrendered[135]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "II Kal Oct" of "Tebaldus comes Carnotensium"[136]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "comes Theobaldus [filius Odonis]" was buried "apud Spernacum"[137].
m firstly (repudiated 1048) as her first husband, GERSENDE du Maine, daughter of HERIBERT [I] "Euigilans Canis/Eveille-chien" Comte du Maine & his wife ---([1025/35]-). The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that "Atho marchisius" left Maine in the hands of "Gaufridi de Meduana", also naming "uxor eiusdem marchisii Garcendis…filia Herberti Cenomannorum…comitis…Evigila Canem" and specifying that she had married firstly "Theobaldo duci Campanie" and that he had repudiated her[138]. She married secondly as his second wife, Alberto Azzo II d'Este. Her second marriage is also mentioned by Orderic Vitalis, who incorrectly says that she was the daughter of Comte Hugues IV[139].
[m secondly ([1050/55]%29 GUNDRADA, daughter of --- (-[1055/60]). Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1089 under which “Stephanus comes” donated property to the abbey of Pontlevoy, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis patris mei et matris meæ Gundreæ…”[140]. It is assumed that she died soon after giving birth to her son. Another possibility is that “Gundreæ” in this charter is in fact a distorted transcription of “Gersendæ”, the name of Thibaut´s known first wife. This cannot be verified unless another charter emerges which names the mother of Comte Etienne.]
m [secondly/thirdly] (before 1061) ADELA [Alix] de Valois, daughter of RAOUL de Crépy Comte du Vexin et de Valois & his first wife Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube (-12 May [1093/1100], bur Saint-Faron). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Alaydis soror sancti Symonis" as wife of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" but confuses her with her niece Adelais, daughter of Héribert [IV] Comte de Vermandois, saying that she married "Hugoni fratri regis Philippi" after the death of her husband[141]. "Teobaudus comes palatinus…cum mulierum Adelaide" donated property to Montiérender by charter dated [1077/81] which names "bone memorie predecessorum…patris sui Odonis comitis et Heriberto cognomento senioris…comes Rodulfus predecessor suus et propinquus"[142], the latter presumably referring to the father-in-law of Comte Thibaut III. "Adeladis comitisse" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Tetbaldi comitis, Stephani comitis"[143], it being assumed that she was the wife of the former not the latter. The necrology of Saint-Loup, Troyes records the death "XII Mai" of "Aalais uxor Theobaudi comitis Campaniæ" and her burial "in monasterio Sancti Faronis"[144].
Comte Thibaut III & his [first/second] wife had one child:
1. ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois (-killed in battle Ramleh 19 May 1102). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names (in order) "Stephanus et Hugo" as sons of "comes Tetbaudus", specifying that Etienne "factus est Blesensium Carnotensium atque Meldensium comes" on their father's death[145]. “Stephanus comes” donated property to the abbey of Pontlevoy, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis patris mei et matris meæ Gundreæ…” by charter dated 1089[146]. As noted above, it is possible that “Gundreæ” in this charter is in fact a distorted transcription of “Gersendæ”, the name of Thibaut´s known first wife. This cannot be verified unless another charter emerges which names the mother of Comte Etienne. He succeeded his father in 1089 as ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux. Comte Thibaut III & his [third] wife had three children.
2. EUDES de Blois (-1093). The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names (in order) "Stephanum, Othonem, Hugonem fratres comites" as sons of "Theobaldus comes"[147]. Brother of Comte Etienne according to Orderic Vitalis[148]. The fact that he was the son of his father's third marriage is confirmed by "Odonis filius eius" subscribing the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Adeladis comitisse"[149]. He succeeded as EUDES IV Comte de Troyes. "Hugo comes Campanie Teotbaldi comitis filius" donated property to the abbey of Molesme by charter dated 2 Apr 1104, which names "frater meus Odo comes…"[150]. [m BERTHE, daughter of ---. "Berte comitisse" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Odonis filius eius [Adeladis]"[151]. There is no proof that Berthe was the wife of Eudes, although the proximity of the two names in the list of subscribers suggests that this may be the case. Eudes is not described as "comes" in the charter, but it is possible that this was an oversight as his half-brother Etienne was accorded the title. No other contemporary "Berte comitisse" has so far been identified. Neither has any other reference to any wife of Eudes been found.]
3. PHILIPPE de Blois (-1100). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Philippum episcopum Cathalauensem et Hugonem Campanie comitem" as the two sons of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" and his wife Adela[152]. Bishop of Chalon-sur-Marne 1093. "Hugo…comes Trecasinus cum Philippo fratre meo Catalaunensium episcopo" renounced rights over the village of Rouilly-Saint-Loup by charter dated [1100 or before] which names "patrem meum Theobaudum comitem"[153].
4. HUGUES de Blois (-Palestine 14 Jun 1126). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Philippum episcopum Cathalauensem et Hugonem Campanie comitem" as the two sons of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" and his wife Adela[154]. The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names (in order) "Stephanus et Hugo" sons of "comes Tetbaudus", specifying that Hugues "factus est …Trecassinorum comes" on their father's death[155]. Brother of Comte Etienne according to Orderic Vitalis[156]. He succeeded his brother in 1093 as Comte de Troyes.
[131] Hugonis Floriacensis, Liber qui Modernorum Regum Francorum continet Actus 10, MGH SS IX, p. 388. [132] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1041, MGH SS XXIII, p. 786. [133] Marmoutier-Dunois IV, p. 5. [134] WJ VII.18, p. 192. [135] Chronica domni Rainaldi archidiaconi sancti Mauricii Andegavensis, Chroniques des Eglises d'Anjou, p. 11. [136] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de Saint-Père-enVallée, p. 195. [137] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1037, MGH SS XXIII, p. 785. [138] Actus pontificum Cenomannis, p. 377. [139] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. II, Book IV, p. 305. [140] Arbois de Jubainville (1859) Tome I, p. 504. [141] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793. [142] Abbé Laloire (ed.) (1878) Chartes de Montiérender, Collection des principaux cartularies du diocèse de Troyes Tome IV (Paris, Troyes) ("Montiérender") 52, p. 178. [143] Bernard, A. and Bruel, A. (eds.) (1878) Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny (Paris) Tome IV.3517, p. 633. [144] Troyes Necrologies, 4 Obituaire de Saint-Loup, p. 342. [145] Hugonis Floriacensis, Liber qui Modernorum Regum Francorum continet Actus 11, MGH SS IX, p. 390. [146] Arbois de Jubainville (1859) Tome I, p. 504. [147] Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 5, MGH SS XXV, p. 383. [148] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, Book V, p. 117. [149] Cluny Tome IV, 3517, p. 633. [150] Laurent, J. (ed.) (1911) Cartulaires de l'abbaye de Molesme, Tome II (Paris), 19, p. 26. [151] Cluny Tome IV, 3517, p. 633. [152] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793. [153] Lalore, C. (ed.) (1875) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Loup de Troyes, Collection des principaux cartularies du diocèse de Troyes Tome I (Paris) ("Troyes Saint-Loup") 3, p. 11. [154] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793. [155] Hugonis Floriacensis, Liber qui Modernorum Regum Francorum continet Actus 11, MGH SS IX, p. 390. [156] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, Book V, p. 117. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Probably more likely to be: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#AgnesBaugencyM...
AGNES de Baugency . The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses records "Agnes uxor domini Ingelranni de Cociaco" as daughter of "domina de Baugenciaco primogenita [comitis Hugonis li Maines]"[1432]. A more explicit reference which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m (1132) ENGUERRAND [II] de Coucy, son of THOMAS Seigneur de Coucy & his third wife Mélisende de Crècy (-[1131/47]).
[1434] Origine et Historia Brevi Nivernensium Comitum, RHGF, p. 316. [1435] Quantin, M. (ed.) (1860) Cartulaire general de l'Yonne (Auxerre) ("Yonne") Tome I, CLXXIV, p. 296. [1436] Marmoutier-Dunois XV, p. 16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Biographical files with inadequate (and definitely no primary or contemporary) citations:
ID: I3475 Name: Adelaide (or Adele) DE VERMANDOIS Cnts.of Normandy Sex: F Birth: ABT 1062 in Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: ABT 1120 in Meulan, France 1120/4 Occupation: Cnts.of Normandy Cts de Vermandois et de Valois Religion: Sources: Roberts, Gary Boyd. "Ancestors of American Presidenannica, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Change Date: 16 FEB 1997
Father: Herbert IV DE VERMANDOIS Count of Vexin b: ABT 1032 in Vermandois, Normandy, France Mother: Adela (or Adelaide) (or Alix) DE VEXIN b: ABT 1034 in Amiens, Somme, France
Marriage 1 Hugh (Hugues) Magnus Duke of France & b: 1057 in France Married: 1066 Children
Isabel (Elizabeth) DE VERMANDOIS Ctssof Leicester b: ABT 1081 in Vermandois, Normandy, France
Mathilda (Mahaut) DE VERMANDOIS b: ABT 1080 in France
Raoul I le Vaillant DE VERMANDOIS Ct. deVermandois
Henri DE CHAUMONT sn de Chaumont
Simon DE VERMANDOIS Bp of Noyon
Adelaide de Vermandois, daughter of Herbert IV de Vermandois and Adele de Vexin, wife of Hughes Magnus.
He married circa 1064, COUNTESS ADELAIDE DE VERMANDOIS of Valois, Bretagne, France, daughter of Count Herbert IV and Adela (de VEXIN), who was born circa 1050, and died on 23 Sept. 1120 in Vermandois, Normandy.
Duke of France and Burgundy, Marquis of Orleans, Count of Amiens, Chaumont, Paris, Valois and Vermandois; leader of the 1st Crusade.
COUNTESS ISABEL (ELIZABETH)13 DE VERMANDOIS of Valois, b. circa 1081, d. on 13 Feb. 1131 in England; m. (1) ROBERT DE BEAUMONT, 1ST EARL OF LEICESTER in 1096 in France; m. (2) WILLIAM II DE WARREN, 2ND EARL OF SURREY between 1108 and 1118 in France.
Adelaide of Vermandois (1062 - 1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Alice, Countess of Valois. Her younger brother Odo became Count of Vermandois upon their father's death in 1080. However, five years later, he was disinheredited by the council of Barons of France because of his mental illness. Thus, Adelaide and her husband succeeded to the Counties of Vermandois and Valois.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of King Henry I of France. By this marriage she had nine children:
* Matilda(1080-1130), married Ralph I of Beaugency
* Beatrice (1082-after1144), married Hugh III of Gournay
* Ralph I (1085-1152)
* Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester (1085-1131)
* Constance (1086-??), married Godfrey de la Ferté-Gaucher
* Agnes (1090-1125), married Boniface of Savone
* Henry (1091-1130), Lord of Chaumont en Vexin
* Simon (1093-1148)
* William, possibly married to Isabella, illegitimate daughter of King Louis VI of France
In 1104, she married secondly Renaud II, Count of Clermont. By this marriage she had one daughter, Margaret, who married Charles I, Count of Flanders.
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her.
1.Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester;
2.William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey Matilde de Vermandois, married Raoul I of Beaugency Constance de Vermandois, married Godefroy de la Ferte-Gaucher Agnes de Vermandois, married Margrave Boniface del Vasto. Mother of Adelaide del Vasto. Beatrix de Vermandois, married Hugh III of Gournay-en-Bray Emma de Vermandois
Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois1 b. circa 1062, d. 28 September 1121
Father Herbert V, comte de Vermandois2,3 b. circa 1032, d. 1080 Mother Adele, comtesse de Valois2,3 b. before 1043, d. 1118
Also called Alix de Vermandois.4 Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois was born circa 1062 at Valois, Bretagne, France. She was the daughter of Herbert V, comte de Vermandois and Adele, comtesse de Valois.2,3 Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois married Hugues I "le Grand", comte de Vermandois et de Valois, son of Henri I, roi des Francs and Anna Yaroslavna, in 1078; Her 1st.5,6,3,7 From her her union with Hugh, Prince of France, descend the Counts of Vermandois. Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois married Renaud II, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, son of Hugues I, comte de Clermont en Beauvaisis and Margaret de Roucy, in 1103; His 1st. Her 2nd.3,8 Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois died on 28 September 1121.9 Family 1 Hugues I "le Grand", comte de Vermandois et de Valois b. 1057, d. 18 October 1102 Children Mathilda de Vermandois+ b. 108010 Agnes de Vermandois+ b. a 1080, d. a 112510 Isabel de Vermandois+ b. 1081, d. 13 Mar 113111 Raoul I "le Vaillant", comte de Vermandois b. c 1085?, d. 115212 Beatrice de Vermandois+ b. c 1090? Family 2 Renaud II, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis b. circa 1070, d. circa 1162 Child Marguerite de Clermont b. c 1105?3 Citations [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., I:51. [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:45. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., 6:45. [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm, after 1067. [S1156] GdF, online mitglied.lycos.de, Familie der Heribertiner, 1078. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., I:51, 1077. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., V:507. [S1156] GdF, online mitglied.lycos.de, Familie der Heribertiner, 28.9.1120/24. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/ [S447] Anna v. Mumm to Ramses, online http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~mehl/genealogie/genealogie.html [S1154] Nichol (e-mail address), Count of Vermandois (1057-1102) Children of Hugh in "Children of Vermandois," newsgroup message 2002-01-09 15:48:54 PST.
Adelaide of Vermandois (1062–1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Alice, Countess of Valois. Her younger brother Odo became Count of Vermandois upon their father's death in 1080. However, five years later, he was disinherited by the council of Barons of France because of his mental illness. Thus, Adelaide and her husband succeeded to the Counties of Vermandois and Valois.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of King Henry I of France. By this marriage she had nine children:
* Matilda(1080–1130), married Ralph I of Beaugency
* Beatrice (1082 – after 1144), married Hugh III of Gournay
* Ralph I (1085–1152)
* Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester (1085–1131)
* Constance (born 1086, date of death unknown), married Godfrey de la Ferté-Gaucher
* Agnes (1090–1125), married Boniface of Savone
* Henry (1091–1130), Lord of Chaumont en Vexin
* Simon (1093–1148)
* William, possibly married to Isabella, illegitimate daughter of King Louis VI of France
In 1104, she married secondly Renaud II, Count of Clermont. By this marriage she had one daughter, Margaret, who married Charles I, Count of Flanders.
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Adele of Valois and of the Vexin.[1] Her brother was Eudes, Count of Vermandois (+ after 1085), married to Hedwig. Later became Lord of Saint-Simon by marriage.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of the Capetian King Henry I of France and younger brother of Philip I of France. By this marriage she had nine children: Matilda (1080–1130), married Ralph I of Beaugency Beatrice (1082 – after 1144), married Hugh III of Gournay Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester (1081–1131) Ralph I (1085–1152) Constance (born 1086, date of death unknown), married Godfrey de la Ferté-Gaucher Agnes (1090–1125), married Boniface of Savone Henry (1091–1130), Lord of Chaumont en Vexin Simon (1093–1148) William, possibly married to Isabella, illegitimate daughter of King Louis VI of France
In 1104, she married secondly Renaud II, Count of Clermont.[citation needed] By this marriage she had one daughter, Margaret, who married Charles I, Count of Flanders.
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her.
References[edit] 1.Jump up ^ Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 64.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Northern France:
ADELAIS de Vermandois ([1065]-28 Sep [1120/24]).
The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Odonem et Adelam sororem" as the two children of "comes Herbertus", specifying that the husband of Adela was "Hugoni le Magne" and referring to her second husband "comes de Claromonte" and specifying that her daughter by the latter married Charles Count of Flanders[1363]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem comitissam Viromandensium, defuncto priore viro, scilicet Hugone Magno" as wife of "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]"[1364].
She succeeded her father in [1080] as Ctss de Vermandois, de Valois et de Crépy.
m firstly ([1080]) HUGUES de France, son of HENRI King of France & his second wife Anna Iaroslavna of Kiev (1057-Tarsus in Cilicia 18 Oct 1102, bur Tarsus church of St Paul). Comte de Vermandois et de Valois by right of his wife. Leader of the French contingent in the First Crusade Aug 1096 returning to France after the victory of Antioch 1098 to raise another army. He set out again Mar 1101 but died from wounds received fighting the Greeks at Tarsus in Cilicia.
m secondly (1103) as his first wife, RENAUD de Clermont, son of HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy & his wife Marguerite de Roucy [Montdidier] (-before 1162). He took the title Comte after his marriage[1365].
children of first marriage: 1. Mathilde de Vermandois (married as second wife Raoul, Seigneur de Baugency) 2. Agnes de Vermandois (b. c.1085, d. after 1127, m. as second wife Bonifacio di Saluzzo, Marchese del Vasto) 3. Constance de Vermandois (d. after 1118, m. Godefroi de la Ferte-Gaucher, Vicomte de Meaux) 4. Isabelle/Elisabeth de Vermandois (b. before 1088, d. 17 February 1131, buried Lewes, m. firstly Robert de Beaumont, Comte de Meulan, secondly William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey) 5. Raoul I "le Vaillant" de Vermandois (b. c.1094, d. 13 October 1152, buried St-Arnould in Crepy, succeeded as Comte de Vermandois) 6. Henri de Vermandois (d. 1130, Seigneur de Chaumont-en-Vexin) 7. Simon de Vermandois (d. 10 February 1148 in Seleukia returning from second crusade, buried Cistercian Abbey of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Ourscamp) 8. Guillaume de Vermandois (d. after 1096, parentage uncertain) 9. Beatrix de Vermandois (d. after 1144, married Hugues IV, Seigneur de Gourney-en-Bray)
[1363] De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses MGH SS, p. 257. [1364] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255. [1365] Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), pp. 538 and 544 footnote 9. ---------------------------- From the Wikipedia page on Adelaide, Countess of Vermandois: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide,_Countess_of_Vermandois
Adelaide of Vermandois (1062 - 1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Alice, Countess of Valois. Her younger brother Odo became Count of Vermandois upon their father's death in 1080. However, five years later, he was disinherited by the council of Barons of France because of his mental illness. Thus, Adelaide and her husband succeeded to the Counties of Vermandois and Valois.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of King Henry I of France. By this marriage she had nine children:
1. Matilda(1080-1130), married Ralph I of Beaugency 2. Beatrice (1082-after1144), married Hugh III of Gournay 3. Ralph I (1085-1152) 4. Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester (1085-1131) 5. Constance (1086-??), married Godfrey de la Ferté-Gaucher 6. Agnes (1090-1125), married Boniface of Savone 7. Henry (1091-1130), Lord of Chaumont en Vexin 8. Simon (1093-1148) 9. William, possibly married to Isabella, illegitimate daughter of King Louis VI of France
In 1104, she married secondly Renaud II, Count of Clermont. By this marriage she had one daughter, Margaret, who married Charles I, Count of Flanders.
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her.
No citations in the English version.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy cited in the French version (same information).
Italian Wikipedia citation for same information:
Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 -------------------------- Alternate information (at least it's properly referenced):
Adele de Vermandois was not d/o William I "the Conqueror"
She was also probably not d/o RAOUL de Crépy Comte du Vexin et de Valois & his first wife Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube
She was d/o daughter of RAOUL Seigneur de Baugency & his wife Mathilde de Vermandois
From Medlands (by the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#ThibautIIIdied...
THIBAUT de Blois, son of EUDES II Comte de Blois & his second wife Ermengarde d'Auvergne ([1010]-29/30 Sep 1089, bur Epernay). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Tetbaudus et Stephanus" as the two sons of Comte Eudes, specifying that Thibaut succeeded in "Carnotensem et Turonensem"[131]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Theobaldi filii Odonis Campaniensis" when recording that he lost Tours in 1041[132]. "Odo comes filius [Odonis comitis]" confirmed a donation of his father by charter dated to [1032/37], subscribed by "Tetbaldi filii eius, matris eius Ermengardis…Hervei vicecomitis"[133]. He succeeded his father in 1037 as THIBAUT III Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Meaux, de Sancerre et de Troyes. He lost Beauvais some time after 1037. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "comte Thibaut" was captured by Geoffroy Comte d'Anjou who extorted the town of Tours from him by force[134]. The Chronica Rainaldi records that "Tetbaldus, filius Odonis comitis" was captured by "Goffrido comite Andecavorum" in 1044 after which the city of Tours surrendered[135]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "II Kal Oct" of "Tebaldus comes Carnotensium"[136]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "comes Theobaldus [filius Odonis]" was buried "apud Spernacum"[137].
m firstly (repudiated 1048) as her first husband, GERSENDE du Maine, daughter of HERIBERT [I] "Euigilans Canis/Eveille-chien" Comte du Maine & his wife ---([1025/35]-). The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that "Atho marchisius" left Maine in the hands of "Gaufridi de Meduana", also naming "uxor eiusdem marchisii Garcendis…filia Herberti Cenomannorum…comitis…Evigila Canem" and specifying that she had married firstly "Theobaldo duci Campanie" and that he had repudiated her[138]. She married secondly as his second wife, Alberto Azzo II d'Este. Her second marriage is also mentioned by Orderic Vitalis, who incorrectly says that she was the daughter of Comte Hugues IV[139].
[m secondly ([1050/55]%29 GUNDRADA, daughter of --- (-[1055/60]). Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1089 under which “Stephanus comes” donated property to the abbey of Pontlevoy, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis patris mei et matris meæ Gundreæ…”[140]. It is assumed that she died soon after giving birth to her son. Another possibility is that “Gundreæ” in this charter is in fact a distorted transcription of “Gersendæ”, the name of Thibaut´s known first wife. This cannot be verified unless another charter emerges which names the mother of Comte Etienne.]
m [secondly/thirdly] (before 1061) ADELA [Alix] de Valois, daughter of RAOUL de Crépy Comte du Vexin et de Valois & his first wife Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube (-12 May [1093/1100], bur Saint-Faron). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Alaydis soror sancti Symonis" as wife of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" but confuses her with her niece Adelais, daughter of Héribert [IV] Comte de Vermandois, saying that she married "Hugoni fratri regis Philippi" after the death of her husband[141]. "Teobaudus comes palatinus…cum mulierum Adelaide" donated property to Montiérender by charter dated [1077/81] which names "bone memorie predecessorum…patris sui Odonis comitis et Heriberto cognomento senioris…comes Rodulfus predecessor suus et propinquus"[142], the latter presumably referring to the father-in-law of Comte Thibaut III. "Adeladis comitisse" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Tetbaldi comitis, Stephani comitis"[143], it being assumed that she was the wife of the former not the latter. The necrology of Saint-Loup, Troyes records the death "XII Mai" of "Aalais uxor Theobaudi comitis Campaniæ" and her burial "in monasterio Sancti Faronis"[144].
Comte Thibaut III & his [first/second] wife had one child:
1. ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois (-killed in battle Ramleh 19 May 1102). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names (in order) "Stephanus et Hugo" as sons of "comes Tetbaudus", specifying that Etienne "factus est Blesensium Carnotensium atque Meldensium comes" on their father's death[145]. “Stephanus comes” donated property to the abbey of Pontlevoy, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis patris mei et matris meæ Gundreæ…” by charter dated 1089[146]. As noted above, it is possible that “Gundreæ” in this charter is in fact a distorted transcription of “Gersendæ”, the name of Thibaut´s known first wife. This cannot be verified unless another charter emerges which names the mother of Comte Etienne. He succeeded his father in 1089 as ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux. Comte Thibaut III & his [third] wife had three children.
2. EUDES de Blois (-1093). The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names (in order) "Stephanum, Othonem, Hugonem fratres comites" as sons of "Theobaldus comes"[147]. Brother of Comte Etienne according to Orderic Vitalis[148]. The fact that he was the son of his father's third marriage is confirmed by "Odonis filius eius" subscribing the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Adeladis comitisse"[149]. He succeeded as EUDES IV Comte de Troyes. "Hugo comes Campanie Teotbaldi comitis filius" donated property to the abbey of Molesme by charter dated 2 Apr 1104, which names "frater meus Odo comes…"[150]. [m BERTHE, daughter of ---. "Berte comitisse" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Odonis filius eius [Adeladis]"[151]. There is no proof that Berthe was the wife of Eudes, although the proximity of the two names in the list of subscribers suggests that this may be the case. Eudes is not described as "comes" in the charter, but it is possible that this was an oversight as his half-brother Etienne was accorded the title. No other contemporary "Berte comitisse" has so far been identified. Neither has any other reference to any wife of Eudes been found.]
3. PHILIPPE de Blois (-1100). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Philippum episcopum Cathalauensem et Hugonem Campanie comitem" as the two sons of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" and his wife Adela[152]. Bishop of Chalon-sur-Marne 1093. "Hugo…comes Trecasinus cum Philippo fratre meo Catalaunensium episcopo" renounced rights over the village of Rouilly-Saint-Loup by charter dated [1100 or before] which names "patrem meum Theobaudum comitem"[153].
4. HUGUES de Blois (-Palestine 14 Jun 1126). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Philippum episcopum Cathalauensem et Hugonem Campanie comitem" as the two sons of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" and his wife Adela[154]. The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names (in order) "Stephanus et Hugo" sons of "comes Tetbaudus", specifying that Hugues "factus est …Trecassinorum comes" on their father's death[155]. Brother of Comte Etienne according to Orderic Vitalis[156]. He succeeded his brother in 1093 as Comte de Troyes.
[131] Hugonis Floriacensis, Liber qui Modernorum Regum Francorum continet Actus 10, MGH SS IX, p. 388. [132] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1041, MGH SS XXIII, p. 786. [133] Marmoutier-Dunois IV, p. 5. [134] WJ VII.18, p. 192. [135] Chronica domni Rainaldi archidiaconi sancti Mauricii Andegavensis, Chroniques des Eglises d'Anjou, p. 11. [136] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de Saint-Père-enVallée, p. 195. [137] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1037, MGH SS XXIII, p. 785. [138] Actus pontificum Cenomannis, p. 377. [139] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. II, Book IV, p. 305. [140] Arbois de Jubainville (1859) Tome I, p. 504. [141] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793. [142] Abbé Laloire (ed.) (1878) Chartes de Montiérender, Collection des principaux cartularies du diocèse de Troyes Tome IV (Paris, Troyes) ("Montiérender") 52, p. 178. [143] Bernard, A. and Bruel, A. (eds.) (1878) Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny (Paris) Tome IV.3517, p. 633. [144] Troyes Necrologies, 4 Obituaire de Saint-Loup, p. 342. [145] Hugonis Floriacensis, Liber qui Modernorum Regum Francorum continet Actus 11, MGH SS IX, p. 390. [146] Arbois de Jubainville (1859) Tome I, p. 504. [147] Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 5, MGH SS XXV, p. 383. [148] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, Book V, p. 117. [149] Cluny Tome IV, 3517, p. 633. [150] Laurent, J. (ed.) (1911) Cartulaires de l'abbaye de Molesme, Tome II (Paris), 19, p. 26. [151] Cluny Tome IV, 3517, p. 633. [152] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793. [153] Lalore, C. (ed.) (1875) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Loup de Troyes, Collection des principaux cartularies du diocèse de Troyes Tome I (Paris) ("Troyes Saint-Loup") 3, p. 11. [154] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793. [155] Hugonis Floriacensis, Liber qui Modernorum Regum Francorum continet Actus 11, MGH SS IX, p. 390. [156] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, Book V, p. 117. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Probably more likely to be: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#AgnesBaugencyM...
AGNES de Baugency . The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses records "Agnes uxor domini Ingelranni de Cociaco" as daughter of "domina de Baugenciaco primogenita [comitis Hugonis li Maines]"[1432]. A more explicit reference which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m (1132) ENGUERRAND [II] de Coucy, son of THOMAS Seigneur de Coucy & his third wife Mélisende de Crècy (-[1131/47]).
[1434] Origine et Historia Brevi Nivernensium Comitum, RHGF, p. 316. [1435] Quantin, M. (ed.) (1860) Cartulaire general de l'Yonne (Auxerre) ("Yonne") Tome I, CLXXIV, p. 296. [1436] Marmoutier-Dunois XV, p. 16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------- Biographical files with inadequate (and definitely no primary or contemporary) citations:
ID: I3475 Name: Adelaide (or Adele) DE VERMANDOIS Cnts.of Normandy Sex: F Birth: ABT 1062 in Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: ABT 1120 in Meulan, France 1120/4 Occupation: Cnts.of Normandy Cts de Vermandois et de Valois Religion: Sources: Roberts, Gary Boyd. "Ancestors of American Presidenannica, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Change Date: 16 FEB 1997
Father: Herbert IV DE VERMANDOIS Count of Vexin b: ABT 1032 in Vermandois, Normandy, France Mother: Adela (or Adelaide) (or Alix) DE VEXIN b: ABT 1034 in Amiens, Somme, France
Marriage 1 Hugh (Hugues) Magnus Duke of France & b: 1057 in France Married: 1066 Children
Isabel (Elizabeth) DE VERMANDOIS Ctssof Leicester b: ABT 1081 in Vermandois, Normandy, France Mathilda (Mahaut) DE VERMANDOIS b: ABT 1080 in France Agnes DE VERMANDOIS Raoul I le Vaillant DE VERMANDOIS Ct. deVermandois Henri DE CHAUMONT sn de Chaumont Simon DE VERMANDOIS Bp of Noyon Guillaume DE VERMANDOIS Beatrix DE VERMANDOIS Constance DE VERMANDOIS
He married circa 1064, COUNTESS ADELAIDE DE VERMANDOIS of Valois, Bretagne, France, daughter of Count Herbert IV and Adela (de VEXIN), who was born circa 1050, and died on 23 Sept. 1120 in Vermandois, Normandy.
Duke of France and Burgundy, Marquis of Orleans, Count of Amiens, Chaumont, Paris, Valois and Vermandois; leader of the 1st Crusade.
COUNTESS ISABEL (ELIZABETH)13 DE VERMANDOIS of Valois, b. circa 1081, d. on 13 Feb. 1131 in England; m. (1) ROBERT DE BEAUMONT, 1ST EARL OF LEICESTER in 1096 in France; m. (2) WILLIAM II DE WARREN, 2ND EARL OF SURREY between 1108 and 1118 in France.
MATILDE DE VERMANDOIS; m. (DR-6) RAOUL I DE BEAUGENCY in 1090. -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide,_Countess_of_Vermandois
Adelaide of Vermandois (1062 - 1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Alice, Countess of Valois. Her younger brother Odo became Count of Vermandois upon their father's death in 1080. However, five years later, he was disinheredited by the council of Barons of France because of his mental illness. Thus, Adelaide and her husband succeeded to the Counties of Vermandois and Valois.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of King Henry I of France. By this marriage she had nine children:
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her. -------------------- Hugh of Vermandois married Adele of Vermandois, the daughter of Herbert IV of Vermandois and Adele of Valois.They had nine children: Count Raoul I of Vermandois Henry, senior of Chaumont-en-Vexin, (d. 1130). Simon, Bishop of Noyon Elizabeth de Vermandois, married
1.Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester; 2.William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey Matilde de Vermandois, married Raoul I of Beaugency Constance de Vermandois, married Godefroy de la Ferte-Gaucher Agnes de Vermandois, married Margrave Boniface del Vasto. Mother of Adelaide del Vasto. Beatrix de Vermandois, married Hugh III of Gournay-en-Bray Emma de Vermandois
Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois1 b. circa 1062, d. 28 September 1121
Father Herbert V, comte de Vermandois2,3 b. circa 1032, d. 1080 Mother Adele, comtesse de Valois2,3 b. before 1043, d. 1118
Also called Alix de Vermandois.4 Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois was born circa 1062 at Valois, Bretagne, France. She was the daughter of Herbert V, comte de Vermandois and Adele, comtesse de Valois.2,3 Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois married Hugues I "le Grand", comte de Vermandois et de Valois, son of Henri I, roi des Francs and Anna Yaroslavna, in 1078; Her 1st.5,6,3,7 From her her union with Hugh, Prince of France, descend the Counts of Vermandois. Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois married Renaud II, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, son of Hugues I, comte de Clermont en Beauvaisis and Margaret de Roucy, in 1103; His 1st. Her 2nd.3,8 Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois died on 28 September 1121.9 Family 1 Hugues I "le Grand", comte de Vermandois et de Valois b. 1057, d. 18 October 1102 Children Mathilda de Vermandois+ b. 108010 Agnes de Vermandois+ b. a 1080, d. a 112510 Isabel de Vermandois+ b. 1081, d. 13 Mar 113111 Raoul I "le Vaillant", comte de Vermandois b. c 1085?, d. 115212 Beatrice de Vermandois+ b. c 1090? Family 2 Renaud II, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis b. circa 1070, d. circa 1162 Child Marguerite de Clermont b. c 1105?3 Citations [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., I:51. [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:45. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., 6:45. [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm, after 1067. [S1156] GdF, online mitglied.lycos.de, Familie der Heribertiner, 1078. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., I:51, 1077. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., V:507. [S1156] GdF, online mitglied.lycos.de, Familie der Heribertiner, 28.9.1120/24. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/ [S447] Anna v. Mumm to Ramses, online http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~mehl/genealogie/genealogie.html [S1154] Nichol (e-mail address), Count of Vermandois (1057-1102) Children of Hugh in "Children of Vermandois," newsgroup message 2002-01-09 15:48:54 PST.
Adelaide of Vermandois (1062–1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Alice, Countess of Valois. Her younger brother Odo became Count of Vermandois upon their father's death in 1080. However, five years later, he was disinherited by the council of Barons of France because of his mental illness. Thus, Adelaide and her husband succeeded to the Counties of Vermandois and Valois.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of King Henry I of France. By this marriage she had nine children:
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her. -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide,_Countess_of_Vermandois -------------------- Adelaide of Vermandois (1062–1122) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty.
Adelaide was the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, and Adele of Valois and of the Vexin.[1] Her brother was Eudes, Count of Vermandois (+ after 1085), married to Hedwig. Later became Lord of Saint-Simon by marriage.
Adelaide married firstly Hugh Magnus, son of the Capetian King Henry I of France and younger brother of Philip I of France. By this marriage she had nine children: Matilda (1080–1130), married Ralph I of Beaugency Beatrice (1082 – after 1144), married Hugh III of Gournay Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester (1081–1131) Ralph I (1085–1152) Constance (born 1086, date of death unknown), married Godfrey de la Ferté-Gaucher Agnes (1090–1125), married Boniface of Savone Henry (1091–1130), Lord of Chaumont en Vexin Simon (1093–1148) William, possibly married to Isabella, illegitimate daughter of King Louis VI of France
In 1104, she married secondly Renaud II, Count of Clermont.[citation needed] By this marriage she had one daughter, Margaret, who married Charles I, Count of Flanders.
In 1102, Adelaide was succeeded by her son, Ralph I. Adelaide died in 1122 and the Carolingian dynasty died out with her.
References[edit] 1.Jump up ^ Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 64.
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1057 |
Tréjouls, Tarn-et-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France
1075 |
Valois, Bretagne, France
1080 |
Valois, Bretagne, France
- September 28, 1120
Age 23
Picardie, France
1082 |
Saint-Quentin, (Present département de l'Aisne), Vermandois (Present Picardie), France
1085 |
February 13, 1085
Valois, Oise, Picardie, France
Vermandois (present Picardie), France
Saint-Quentin, (Present département de l'Aisne), Vermandois (Present Picardie), France