Abraham CHILDERS I was born 30 NOV 1613 in Leeds, Nottinghamshire, England, and died 16 AUG 1678 (or Oct 15 1679) in Henrico, County, Virginia.
He was the son of Richard CHELDERS. Note: cannot have been the son of William Childers of Jamestown b 1599 (if birth dates are correct)
He married Jane Ann/Anne HOWARD 1643. She was born 1622 in Nottinghamshire, England, and died 1681 in Henrico County, Virginia.
Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=patchildr...
Abraham Childers and Jane Howard
It is believed that ABRAHAM CHILDERS was the father of Sarah Childers since the family names go down through Sarah and her husband Nicholas Perkins family. ABRAHAM CHILDERS and his family were Quakers..
Will of Nicholas Perkins Henrico County Feb Court 1712 lists as a.
p. 11 (p. 226) Will of SARAH PERKINS presented by Abraham Perkins, her executor and proved by Edward Enroughty and Thomas Childers, a Quaker, Thomas Childers and Constant Perkins, security..
Information provided by Mrs. Pat Searight:
ABRAHAM CHILDERS was born 30 November 1613 in Nottinghamshire/Leeds, Yorkshire, England. He was a Planter. He married 1643 in Curles, Henrico County, Virginia JANE "ANNE" HOWARD who was born 162-22 Nottinghamshire, England. She was the daughter of John Howard. JANE died 1681 Henrico County. ABRAHAM died 15 October 1679 in Henrico County, Virginia..
ABRAHAM was first seen in Henrico County in 1649. He bought land from William Harris. John Epps and Thomas Lygon witnessed the deed. ABRAHAM lived in Bermuda Hundred..
The name in England originally meant child-house or orphanage. The name is also Childres, Childrs or Childress..
Their children were:.
Sarah Childers b 1644/49 in Henrico Conty, Virginia and died Jan 1721/22 in Henrico. She married 1664/70 in Henrico County Nicholas Perkins III. They lived on Four Mile Creek. They had 8 children..
William Childers b 1647 and d 1725 Henrico County, Virginia. He left a large estate in Henrico. His children were Burton, John who married Rachel Perkins, Robert, and Gracey. [There is a note saying he was too old when these children were born.].
Abraham Childers b 1 Apr 1655 in Curles, Henrico County, Virginia. He was a planter and a race starter. He served many times on the Grand Jury. He could read and write. In 1690 his father gave him property in Varina, near Richmond. He may have died in 1693. In 1675/76 in Henrico County, Virginia, he married Anne Pew daughter of Henry Pew and Jane Womack. Anne had a sister Jane who married John Price Sr. and Hugh Lygon. After Abraham died Anne married Mr. Adkins. Henry Pew purchased land from Matthew Agee. Henry died 1790/11 in Henrico County, Virginia. He owned land on Four Mile Creen on north side of James River. Abraham & Ann had children: Abraham b 1677 m (1) Elizabeth Cannon and (2) Lucy Thomas; Henry Childers b 1678 m Lucretia Jones; Robert Childres b 1685 m Catherine; Philemon Childers b 1682/7 m. Elizabeth Evans; John Childers b 1683/4 m Elizabeth; and Jane Childers b 1695 m. John Smith..
Philemon Childers b 1656 in Curles, Henrico County, Virginia was called Lemon. He was involved with Nicholas Perkins in land purchase. He was a planter and he died 10 Jan 1717 in Henrico. He married very young - in 1669 in Henrico Mary Evans daughter of Griffin Evans of Henrico County, Virginia who died 15 May 1681. They had a daughter who married James Horton Sr; Thomas who married Mary Holmes and Mary Milner; Abraham who married Hester Pledge, widow of John Cannon; Philemon Jr; and Mary who married her cousin Humphrey Smith. [A note says 1 source has his wife as Mary Howard, daughter of John Howard. Another note questions whether wife’s name was Hester or Ester - will of Abraham d 1720 clearly shows Hester.].
Phillip Childers b1649 Henrico Co, Virginia d Henrico Co, Virginia.
Henry Childers.
The Childers family in Henrico Co., Va., traces its roots to Abram Childers and his unnamed widow. Abram does not appear on any list of headlights nor did he take out a patent in his own name. The date and place of his arrival in the New World is unknown. A deed re-recorded at a later date in Henrico County, however, establishes his residence there by 1656. On 28 Feb. 1656/7 Major William Harris of Curles sold for "one bill" to Abrah Childers "the parcel of land he now lives on." No acreage was mentioned but the land and his house was by the river on the lower side of Morgan's landing and was bounded by the river, Morgan's, a meadow, a swamp and Clarke's path. The witnesses were John Epes and Thomas Liggon. Ab Childres made a "T" mark when he signed the memorandum dated 2 March 1656/7 agreeing that Ja. Robison could "enjoy his part of the lease."
No doubt the re-recording of this deed was necessary to make the following transaction legal. On 20 Nov. 1680 Abraham Childres (Jr.) exchanged land with John Pleasants. He was to receive 548 acres on Four Mile Creek and 900 pounds of tobacco from Pleasants and in turn conveyed to him 140 acres "being the whole dividend which was purchased by my father Abrah Childers of Major William Harris" and "given unto me as of his will." Abraham's part of this plantation, located on the north side of James River, was "to be surrendered to him now and the remainder after my Mother's decease."
The witnesses were Robert Sharpe and Robert Evans and the' deed was recorded 10 Feb. 1680/1. Abraham Childers signed his name, as he did on all records. On 20 Sept. 1680 John Pleasants and John Huddlesoe assigned to Abrah Childres their title and interest in a patent for "548 acres 3 roades and twenty poles of land" on the north side of James River, on the main brook of Four Mile Creek, bounded by Capt. Mathew, which had been granted them by Governor Sir Henry Chicheley on 1 Oct. 1679. Robert Sharpe and Robert Evans also witnessed this deed. On 15 Oct. 1681 Abraham Chi1dres acknowledged receiving the land from Pleasants and Huddlesoe and for 3000 pounds of tobacco he assigned the land over to John Pleasants; Will Ballow and Richard Ward witnessed the assignment.
On 1 Dec. 1681 Anne Childres relinquished her right of dower. And on 1 Feb. 1681/2 Abraham Childres, "sonne and heire of Abraham Childres deceased," being indebted to John Pleasants 10,000 pounds of tobacco, sold 90 acres of the land his father purchased from Major William Harris, the witnesses being John and Thomas Huddlesoe. He signed as Abraham Childres. His mother must have been still alive since this was two-thirds of the 140 acres.
Deed from William Harris to Abraham Childres 28 Feb 1656
Be it known to all men by these presents that I WILLIAM HARRIS of Curles in the County of Henrico doe for divers good causes and considerations me therereunto moving, as alsoe for & in considerati on of one bill to be truly and honestly payed according to the tenons there of freely and clearly and absolutely, bargan sell & have by these presents clearly freely and absolutely bargained & sold unto ABRA CHILDRES of Curles in the County aforesaid the parcell of land he now lives on beginning at a pine tree a little above the houses of the said CHILDRES and standing by the river on the lower side of Morgans landing, and soe running downe the River to the swamp at the old garden and thence into Morgans along the maine side to the nutt trees & from thence along the side of the swa mpe & meadow side to an oake tree as one goes into the meadow close by the carte path from thence on a straight line into the pastuure to a parcell of oakes and standing in the Ridge above the pla ce called the 18 lengths of bords & from thence to the former on a straight line; To have & to hold the aforsaid land to him the aforesaid CHILDRES his heirs & assignes forever without any lett hinderance trouble or molestation of the said HARRIS by heirs & assignes forever of any of us, either by mine or thers assent consent or procurement, And I doe bind me & my assignes to m ake a surrender hereof in Courte as Wittness by my hand and seale this 28th,of February 1656. Signed Sealed & delivered WILLIAM HARRIS (red wax) in presence of JOHN EPES THO. LIGGON
http://pages.prodigy.net/blankenstein/abram_childers_&_jane_howard.htm It is believed that ABRAHAM CHILDERS was the father of Sarah Childers since the family names go down through Sarah and her husband Nicholas Perkins family. ABRAHAM CHILDERS and his family were Quakers .
From http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db...
Abbrev: Childers, Abraham 1622 - 1679 Text:
The spelling differences is clearly visable in the will by Henry Childress, Jr. He uses the first three spellings in reference to his family.
Henry's will was probated in 1761 in Lunenburg County, Virginia. It was dated 21 Dec 1760 and recorded in Deed Bk I, p. 328, on 3 March 1761
Will proved on December 1st 1681 30 Nov 1613 - [baptized] Abraham, sonne of Richard Chelders, of Hunslet. (Leeds Parish Register)
Emigrated to Virginia in 1649.
His nephews, Philemon Childers and Thomas Childers (both sons of Robert Childers of Hunslet), also emigrated to Virginia.
Yeoman.* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Jun 12 2021, 3:55:34 UTC
1613 |
November 30, 1613
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
November 30, 1613
Saint Peter,Leeds,York,England
1643 |
Age 29
Nottinghamshire Eng/Henrico Co, Va?
1647 |
Henrico County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
1649 |
Age 35
Henrico County, Virginia, USA
1650 |
Henrico, Virginia, United States
1653 |
Charles City, Henrico, Virginia
1654 |
Henrico, Virginia, United States
1655 |
January 1, 1655