https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Topsfield/aBirthsP.shtml "(PERLY (Perley)) Abigail, d. Thomas and Abigell, Apr. 26, 1708."
https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Boxford/aMarriagesP.shtml "(PEARLEY (Perley)) Abigaill, and Samuell Morss [of Newbury. int.], Dec. 12, 172–. [1728. CR1]*"
1708 |
April 26, 1708
Topsfield, Essex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonies in America
1738 |
March 20, 1738
Newbury, Massachusetts, United States
1741 |
October 30, 1741
Newbury, Massachusetts, United States
1747 |
May 18, 1747
1750 |
August 17, 1750
Newbury, Essex County, Province of Massachusetts
1753 |
March 10, 1753
Newbury, Essex County, Province of Massachusetts
???? |