Matching family tree profiles for Abigail Lyman
Immediate Family
About Abigail Lyman
18 Elisha Lyman, son of Joseph, and grandson of Benjamin, the ancestor of this branch, was b. June 22, 1734, m. Abigail Janes ; d. Aug. 13, 1798. Northampton, Mass.
Children, Sixth Generation.
96 1 Elisha, b. April 25, 1765, d. early.
97 2 Micah Jones, b. Oct. 17, 1767, at Northampton.
98 3 Elisha, b. Jan. 26, 1770, Champlain, N.Y.
99 4 Lewis, b. June 8, 1772 ; m. Mary Parrot Paine, b. at Troy, Aug. 9, 1815. He d. March 20, 1852, leaving no children.
101 5 Theodore, b. Nov. 3, 1784.
102 6 Henry, b. July 23, 1788 ; d. Sept. 20, 1809, at Burlington, Vt., though a resident of Montreal, unmarried.
103 7 Lydia, b. Jan. 7, 1775; m. Samuel Hedge; d. in Montreal, in 185... ., .
104 8 Susannah, b. Feb. 10, 1780 ; m. Roswell Corse, resides in Montreal; d. in 1852, leaving two daughters, viz: Ch. 7th Gen. : 1 Susan, m. Dr. Arthur Fisher. 2 Mary, m. Henry Lyman, son of Elisha of the 6th Gen., all of Montreal.
107 9 Abigail, b. Dec. 30, 1782; d. Oct. 25, 1806.
Bibliographic information:
- Title: Genealogy of the Lyman family in Great Britain & America : the ancestors and descendants of Richard Lyman, from High Ongar in England, 1631
- Author: Coleman, Lyman, 1796-1882
- Published 1872
- Topics Lyman family, Lyman, Richard, 1580-1640
- Publisher Albany, N.Y. : J. Munsell
- Pages 1098
- Language English
- Call number 31833013284572
- Digitizing sponsor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
- Book contributor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
- Collection allen_county; americana
- Notes Handwriting in margins mostly unreadable in the book. This is a photocopied book. Photocopy lines and markings appear in the scan Print quality varies Some pages photocopied into book crooked.
- Full catalog record MARCXML
- Page 396
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogyoflyman00cole#page/n812/mode/1up
Abigail Lyman's Timeline
1782 |
December 30, 1782
Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States
1806 |
October 25, 1806
Age 23