Birth: Jan. 19, 1746 Morristown Morris County New Jersey, USA Death: Feb. 15, 1823 [Edit Dates]
Abigail Byram, daughter of, Ebenezer and Abigail (Alden) Byram.
Abigail Byram siblings are:
Hulda, Huldah, Edward, Ebenezer III, Naphtail, Anna, Joseph, Mary, Alden, Phoebe, Alden 1st, Alden 2nd Condict.
Abigail Byram married Silas Condict on March 16, 1763.
In "Historic Homes of NJ" the following is given. "Abigail Byram Condict, wife of Counselor Condict of Morristown. Mrs. Condict was present when Martha Washington delivered his famous rebuke to the Morristown ladies in the Ford mansion. She was a tireless knitter and early in 1779 she organized the "knitting bees" which were held at the Condict home for the benefit of the stocking less soldiers. To close this sketch without some reference to Abigail Byram, wife of Counsellor Silas Condict of Morristown would overlook one of the most loved women of Revolutionary fame. Her father Ebenezer 2nd ( son of Ebenezer 1sr) and her mother was Abigail, daughter of Captain Ebenezer Alden. She was born in Mendahm. Her residence in Morristown during the period of Washington's encampment there, and the fact that she had no children to claim her attention, enabled her to give untiring service to the needy soliders. Her devotion to the cause of the colonies won her the approval and affection of Governor Livingston as well as of the men in the camps for whom she organized the knitting bees which provided them with stockings. Jay Mills, in his stories of historic houses in New Jersey, narrates the tradition that "the knitting kneedles flew so fast on these occasions that Governor Livingston praised their owners for their industry and noble work. Many famous American generals shared the Condict hospitality during the war; and there was a saying among the officers encamped at Morristown that victuals were always waiting at Dame Condict's." When Mrs. Benjamin F. Whitehead of Newark gave a party for Byram-Chidester descendants, March 9th, 1929, I wrote a Byram Ballad of which the following are the closing stanzas. Referring to Ebenezer Byram at Mendham:-- The Black Horse Tavern there he built, And on a summit near He took the lead and found the means The Hilltop Church to rear. A Major of Militia next King George's foe he felled, Anon as Judge of County Court The King's Commission hold. Japhet his son, our forebear too, As proudly we record, Against that same king's tyranny Wielded a useful sword. Rebecca Byram Chidester Comes next in family line, Who more than four-score years upheld Byram traditions fine. When Phineas went off to war Bravely she carried on, And gladly welcomed him back home When British foes were gone. In Brookside's vale they settled down And there reared children ten Whose children scattered far and wide In numbers beyond ken.
June 08, 1938 34 Chestnut Street, Dover, New Jersey Signed: Mimerva Freeman
Family Information contributed by family member:
Yvette E. (Byrum) Aune
@R150039519@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=100765667&pi...
@R150039519@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=100765667&pi...
@R150039519@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=100765667&pi...
1746 |
January 19, 1746
Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey, Colonial America
1763 |
Morristown, Morris, New Jersey, United States
1823 |
February 15, 1823
Age 77
Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey, United States
???? |