“Aaron Osgood, son of Hooker Osgood and Dorothy, had 16 children, 10 by 1st wife Eunice White, 6 by 2nd wife Mrs. Hannah Warner.”
The older genealogies, including the White genealogy quoted below and the 1894 Osgood genealogy by Ira Osgood completely confused the Aaron Osgoods. In fact, Aaron b. in 1705 in Andover MA, married Eunice White in Lancaster MA. He did remarry, but it was Aaron Jr who married Mrs. Hannah Warner and moved to New York. Both Aaron and his son moved from Lancaster to Ervingshire MA or New Salem. Aaron Sr remarried in New Salem MA in 1762 to Mary Dane, widow of Jeremiah Ballard.
1706 |
April 5, 1706
Andover, Essex County, Province of Massachusetts, Colonial America
1732 |
March 31, 1732
Lancaster, Worcester County, MA, United States
1734 |
April 3, 1734
Lancaster, Worcester County, Province of Massachusetts
1749 |
September 19, 1749
Lancaster, Worcester County, MA, American Colonies
1769 |
Age 62
Ervingshire or, New Salem, Franklin County, Province of Massachusetts, Colonial America