Re: Bennetts of Shelby County, Indiana
Selma, some of the Bennetts you refer to are indeed my family. My Bennetts were the children of Jonathan Bennett & Judith Buck of Fairfield, Cumberland County, NJ. In about 1832, after Jon. Bennett died, Judith and most of her children went to Shelby Co. Indiana to settle. Her older stepson, Zacheus Bennett and family, were already in Shelby Co. Jeremiah Bennett was my gggrandfather and he did have a brother Aaron Bennett, b. 5-15-1802, Antuckset, Cumberland Co., NJ. This Aaron went west to Shelby Co., IN with the rest of the family, but later went on to Champaign, IL and farmed. He was married 3 times & had 3 sets of children. The Ephraim Bennett you see with him in Shelby Co. & later in IL is his eldest son. This is not the Aaron Bennett you refer to in your message who had sons Lindsey, etc. Nor do I know of any of our Bennetts living in Columbiana Co., OH. BUT as we know with genealogy, they could easily have been related! And I also cannot swear that none of our B. desc. lived in Ohio. So anything is possible! Except for the name Aaron, none of the other Bennett names in your query were familiar or were names that ran in our family. If you are trying to find your Bennetts in NJ, I suggest that you search (1) Salem County, NJ which later became (2) Cumberland Co., NJ. Mine were Presbyterians and were members of Old Stone Church in Fairfield, NJ. Why don't you post some queries on those sites and see if you get any response? If I can help you further and especially if you suspect a tie-in to my Bennetts, get back with me and I will do all I can. Let me know if you come up with any other names that I might recognize. Do you know if you have any family connection to the Bucks, Daytons, Dares, Nixons, Powells, Ogdens, Diaments, Footes, Brookes or Hedges, all early NJ, NY and MA families that I am descended from. We might find a connection there. Happy hunting!
1802 |
May 15, 1802
Antuckset, Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States
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