Julia was an Iowah woman (member of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas Nebraska)
From Wikitree:
Julia "Mahamee" Roubidoux formerly Tesson aka Brien, Green, Kathanimane
Born 2 Jul 1863 [location unknown]
Daughter of Joseph Tesson Sr. and Elizabeth (White Cloud) Tesson
Sister of Louis Tesson [half], Therese (Tesson) Dupuis [half], Marie Louise (Tesson) Herman [half], Margaret (Tesson) Wilson [half], Joseph Honore Tesson Jr. [half], Mary (Tesson) LeClere [half], Sophia (Tesson) Deroin [half], Peter Tesson [half], Bessie (Tesson) Rhodd [half], Millie E. (Tesson) Neff [half], Harvey Tesson [half] and Ida Ethel Tesson [half]
Wife of Jule Brien — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Mother of Louise Emma (Brien) Robinson and Mary Edith (Brien) Campbell
Died 23 Dec 1909 at age 46 [location unknown]
Julia was Iowa Tribe.
Page 28
Julia Roubidoux
P.O. Address - White Cloud Kansas
Born - July 2nd 1863
Father - Joseph Tesson 1/4 Sac. 3/4 Canadian Frenchman
Mother -Eliza (White CLoud) Tesson 1/2 Iowa 1/2 French
Grandfather on fathers side -
Grandmother on fathers side -
Grandfather on mothers side - xxxxRoy, Osage Indian
Grandmother on mothers side - Pa-gra-che-nam (Head Leader)
"Enrolled at...Kickapoo Training School, Horton, Kansas, as Iowa Indian to whom a trust patent was issued upon her allotment to following described tract of land located in Doniphan County...state of Kansas, to wit:
"Lots 6 & 7 Sec. 6 T.L.S.R. 19 East, containing 69 acres of which about 50 acres is in cultivation, has small tenant house and barn well and other outbuildings land worth about $25.00 per acre.
"Julia was first married to William Green, an Iowa Indian, married Indian costom, May 15th, 1878, marriage cermoney was celebrated at James White Cloud's house., To this union following issue, Ralph Green - ( 143) - , Eva Morris - (183) -, Jefferson Green - (147) - ...
"Julia second marriage was to Jule Brein, an Iowa Indian, married him by law, marriage license was procured in Richardson Co. Neb. and they were married at Falls City, Neb. June 14th, 1893. To this union following issue: Louise Brein - (29) - Mary Brein - (29) - Thaddus Brein - (30) -, Josie Brein - (30)...
"Third marriage was to Antoine Roubidoux, A Sac Indian, by law, marriage licnese were procured in Doniphan Co., Kans and they were married by Probate Judge at Troy, Kan in May 1905. no children to 6-16-06.
"William Green her first husband died 2-19-1901. and she havingt married him before the allotment and them separating after the allotment, there is some law that says she is entitled to one half of his allotment, to wit: E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec 6 T.I.S.R. 19 East Doniphan Co. Kans. worth $20.00 per acre. allotment contains 80 acres, small house, barn well on land.
"Joe Tesson her father died 3-19-1896 and left her allotment to wit: Lots 5 & 6 & S 1/2 of S W 1/4 & S E 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 12-1-19-167.16 Julia inherits a share of this being a daughter."
SOURCE: George Nuzum's 1906 "Biography of Iowa Indians of Kansas and Nebraska"
Transcription has retained typographical errors in original.
Julia Tesson, born 2 July 1863 in Brown County, Kansas, died 23 December 1909 in Brown County, Kansas.
Julia is found in the following documents.
1885 Ioway Annuity Roll (transcription by Susan Suttle-White)
45 44 William G. Kathanimane 24M
46 45 Julia Kathanimane wife of do 20F
47 46 Eva Kathanimane dau. " " 3F
48 47 Po-ca-hon-tas dau. " " 2F
48 Son born November son " " M 106.35
1892 Iowa Indians of Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency, Kansas
46. William G. Kathanimane m father 37
47. Julia Kathanimane f wife 29
48. Eva Kathanimane f daughter 11
49. Raph Kathanimane f daugther 11
50. Jefferson Green m son 2/12
1891-1892 Ioway Allotment Roll of Kansas and Nebraska
Allott 123- Kath-an-i-mane William Green (1855) 37 yrs.
Allott 124- Julia (Tesson) Green, Brien, Roubidoux (1863) 29 yrs.
Allott 125- Jefferson Green (1891) 11 yrs. son.
Allott 126- Ralph Green (1879) 13 yrs. son.
Allott 127- Eva Green (1888) 9 months. daughter.
1892 Iowa Reservation (KS-NE) Landowners
Green, Daniel
Green, Eva
Green, Jefferson
Green, Julia
Green, Ralph
Green, Wm. [William; may be same as Kathan-imahe]
1893 Census of the Iowa Indians of Pottawatomie/Gt. Nemaha Agency, Kansas
46. William G. Katheminane m 38
47. Julia "" f 30
48. Eva "": f dau 12
49. Ralph "" m son 14
50. Jefferson Green m "" 1 and 8/12
1900 Sac and Fox and Ioway Indian Reservation, Brown, Kansas Census
pg. 7B
29/29 BRIEN Abraham head wh June 1834 65 wd b. Canada-French, parents b. Canada-French, landlord
Esther daughter IN Aug 1883 17 b. KS father b. Canada-French, mother b. KS, at school (Haskel Institute), Iowa, father white, mother Iowa, 3/4 Lancelot son IN June 1885 15 b. KS father b. Canada-French mother b. KS, at school (Haskel Institute) Iowa, father white, mother Iowa, 3/4
30/30 BRIEN Jule head IN June 186? 33 or 39 md 7 years b. NE father b. Canada-French mother b. KS, farmer Iowa, father white, mother Iowa, 3/4
Julia IN July 1863 36 md 7 years 10 children with 6 surviving b. KS parents b. MO, father Iowa, Mah-a-mee, father Menominee, mother Iowa, 1/2
Louisa E. daughter IN 5 b. KS father b. NE mother b. KS, Iowa, parents Iowa, 5/8
Mary E. daughter IN 3 b. KS father b. NE mother b. KS Iowa, parents Iowa, 5/8
Thaddus son IN 1 b. KS father b. NE mother b. KS Iowa, parents Iowa, 5/8
GREEN Ralph M. stepson IN IN March 1879 21 b. KS parents b. KS, farm laborer, Kathamimane, Iowa, parents Iowa, 1/4
Jefferson step-son IN march 1891 9 b. KS parents b. KS, at school Iowa, parents Iowa, 1/4
MORREY James F. hired hand wh 1850 50 divorced b. NY father b. Germany mother b. Canada, Farm laborer
31/31 MORRIS William head wh Feb 1877 23 md. 0 b IN father b. IN mother b. IN Farmer
Eva B. IN April 1880 20 md 0 years b. KS parents b. KS
1. George Nuzum's Biography of the Iowa Indians of Kansas & Nebraska, 1906. Working off photocopy of a photocopy of typed copy of the Nuzum in the library of the St. Joseph Museum. The St. Joseph Museum typewritten copy is one of three. The original photocopy was presented 1989 to the Northwest Genealogical Society by the St. Joseph Museum, by Richard Nolf, Director. The typed manuscript was taken from loose pages in long-hand writing. The photocopy used as source here has margin notes made by Susan K. Suttle-White and supplementary name indexes. Transcription of photocopy for the web by J. M. Kearns. The typographical errors in original typewritten manuscript were intentionally retained.
2. 1885 Iowa Annuity Roll. Horton Agency microfilm of handwritten record, transcribed from photocopy. Iowa Annuity Roll 3rd Quarter 1885 Paid Dec. 31, 1885. Transcribed from photocopy from microfilm of original handwritten record by Susan Suttle-White.
3. 1891-1892 Allotments--Ioway Nation of Kansas and Nebraska. This is not an exact transcription of any single document. This allotment list was compiled from 5 sources, 2 of which were the old handwritten & 1 later version typed, all 3 for Agency Records, and names were cross-checked against annuity records, all from microfilms at Horton Agency. They included the exact land descriptions which are not transcribed here, due to progressive changes during the allotment period. Ages on Agency records fluctuate on various records. Compiled by Susan K. Suttle-White, 2001.
4. 1891 Census of the Iowa Indians of Pottawatomie and Gt. Nemaha Agency, Kansas, taken by John Blair, United States Indian Agent, June 30th, 1891. Year: 1891; Roll: M595_392; Page: 1; Line: 24; Agency: Pottawatomie & Gt Nemaha. Ancestry.com. U.S., Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, 692 rolls); Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Transcribed by J. M. Kearns.
5. 1892 Census of the Iowa Indians of Pottawatomie and Gt. Nemaha Agency, Kansas, taken by J. A. Scott, United States Indian Agent, June 30th, 1892. Transcribed by J. M. Kearns. Year: 1892; Roll: M595_392; Line: 15; Agency: Pottawatomie & Gt Nemaha. Ancestry.com. U.S., Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, 692 rolls); Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Transcribed by J. M. Kearns.
6. 1893 Census of the Iowa Indians of Pottawatomie/Gt. Nemaha Agency, Kansas taken by J. A. Seoll, United States Indian Agent, June 30th, 1893. Year: 1893; Roll: M595_392; Line: 6; Agency: Pottawatomie Gt Nemaha. Ancestry.com. U.S., Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, 692 rolls); Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Transcribed by J. M. Kearns.
7. 1900 Sac and Fox and Ioway Indian Reservation, Brown, Kansas Census
Source: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tesson-68
Research Notes:
-as early as the 1897 census of the Iowa Indians Julia was being listed without a husband, Jule was not shown a father 9was he perhaps already in the Topeka State Hospital, and why?)
-Julia does NOT appear is Kickapoo census reports
-Julia does appear in Iowa Indian census reports in 1910 confirming her death in 1909
Allotments are in Brown Co., Kansas & Richardson Co., Nebraska
124- Julia (Tesson) Green, Brien, Roubidoux (1863) 29yrs. LVXB-VFG
1893 Jun 1 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-12F8 : 8 June 2021), Julia Tesson in entry for Jule Brien, 1893, Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
no image
1897 Sep 1 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:7BS9-MN3Z : Tue Oct 03 12:14:56 UTC 2023), Entry for Julia Brien, 1897, pg. 312/617, line 46-51, census of the Iowa Tribe of Indians, Pottawatomie & Gr. Nemaha Agency, Kansas
1898 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:7B3M-S36Z : Thu Oct 05 21:33:55 UTC 2023), Entry for Julia Brien, 1898, pg. 342/617, line 46-51, census of the Iowa Indians, Pottawatomie & Gr. Nemaha Agency, Kansas
1899 Jul 18 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:7BSF-PH3Z : Thu Oct 05 21:30:03 UTC 2023), Entry for Julia Brien, 1899, pg. 418/617, line 47-51, census of the Iowa Indians, Pottawatomie & Gr. Nemaha Agency, Kansas
1899 Dec 28 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-B6VJ : 22 August 2022), Julia Tesson in entry for William H Morris, 1899, (daughter Eva C Kaithame, her father William Kaithame, her mother Julia Tesson, spouse William H Morris, his father Henry A Morris, his mother Lucinda Sutherland)
no image
1900 Jun 14 - "United States Census, 1900", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MST4-DGG : Thu Oct 05 01:38:44 UTC 2023), Entry for Jule Brien and Julia Brien, 1900, pg. 485/822, line 25-34, census of the Iowa Tribe of the Sac & Fox Iowa Indian Reservation, Brown County, Kansas
1901 Mar 20 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-BFBS : 22 August 2022), Julia Lesson in entry for Ralph M Green, 1901, (marriage of Ralph M Green Julia's 'Lesson' son by Mr. Green, to Christina Dewey, father Martin V Dewey, mother Mary E., at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States)
no image
1902 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:7BS1-CKMM : Fri Oct 06 17:06:27 UTC 2023), Entry for Julia Brein, 1902, pg. 608/617, line 50-55, census of the Iowa Indians, the Potawatomi and Great Nemaha Agency, Kansas (The Potawatomi and Great Nemaha Agency was a Bureau of Indian Affairs agency that operated from 1882–1903. The agency was located in Kansas and served the Potawatomi, Iowa, Sauk and Fox of the Missouri, and Kickapoo tribes.) Julia age 40 = birth in 1862
1903 Aug 11 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q5TZ-KKPZ : Fri Oct 06 01:05:56 UTC 2023), Entry for Julia Brien, 1903, pg. 24/516/ line 51-56, census of the Iowa Indians, Kickapoo Training School, Germantown, Kansas
1903 Aug 11 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Indians, Kickapoo Agency, Kansas, Record Group 75, pg.22/471, line 51 ; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1904 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Tribe of Kickapoo Indians, Kickapoo Agency, Kansas, Record Group 75, pg.31/471, line 50 ; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1904 Dec 21 - "Kansas Marriages, 1840-1935", database p. 236, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FWLJ-WJ4 : 14 January 2020), Julia Brien in entry for Antwine Roubidoux, 1904, marriage Dec 21, 1904 at Troy, Doniphan, Kansas, United States
no image
1905 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Indians, Kickapoo Agency, Horton Kansas, Record Group 75, pg.45/471, line 51 ; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1906 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Indians, Kickapoo Agency, Horton Kansas, Record Group 75, pg.74-75/471, line 53 ; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1906 - Index of George Nuzum's Biography of Iowa Indians of Kansas and Nebraska with FamilySearch IDs Attached
22 - Brein, Abraham LVFS-K25
23 - Brein, Louise (Roy) LVFS-2MM
24 - Brein Jr., Abraham KDSC-7QS
25 - Brein, Bell K841-7DW
26 - Brein, Walter R. K87L-WRF
26 - Brein, George L.GQPN-DNT
27 - Brein, Jule LVXB-J5W
28 - Brein, Julia (Tesson) LVXB-VFG
29 - Brein, Mary L2LK-HDS
29 - Brien, Louisa LV6B-STV
30 - Brein, Thaddus L2L2-124
30 - Brein, Josie LRKG-JF7
31 - Brein, Peter G4PQ-P6M
32 - Brein, Lancelot G4VR-PF1
1908 Oct 13 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-BP9R : 22 August 2022), Julia Lesson in entry for Emil or Emile Bouvier, 1908, (daughter Louisa Brien to Emil or Emile Bouvier, father Thomas Bouvier, mother May Verget at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States)
no image
1909 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Indians of the Iowa Reservation, Record Group 75, pg.85/471, line 45-51, Julia (Brein) Roubidoux; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1919 Apr 30 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-B3NQ : 8 June 2021), Julia Tissel Brien in entry for Thaddeus Jule Brien, 1919, (marriage of Thaddeus Jule Brien son of Julia 'Tissel' to Mabel Alice Lehew, father George Lehew, mother Tulcie Hayes Lehew at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
no image
1933 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-BWRP : 8 June 2021), Julia Tesson in entry for Raymond Lewis, 1933, (2nd marriage of daughter Josie Brien Ashworth to Raymond Lewis, father John Robert Lewis, mother Elizabeth Jane Wiggins at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
no image
1943 Mar 23 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-YPCX : 8 June 2021), Julia Tesson in entry for Walter Clarence Smith, 1943, 2nd marriage of daughter Josephine Brien Lewis to Walter Clarence Smith, father John F Smith, mother Weltha E Nations at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
no image
1984 Jan 20 - "United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6KWQ-XQ52 : 10 February 2023), Julia Tesson in entry for Louise Emma Bouvier, .daughter b. 1891 Aug 26, Hiawatha, Brown County, Kansas, United States, no image
1863 |
July 2, 1863
Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, United States
1879 |
March 31, 1879
1880 |
KS, United States
1882 |
1883 |
1891 |
1894 |
August 26, 1894
White Cloud, Doniphan County, KS, United States
1895 |
December 6, 1895