Þórgunnr 'Torgunna' Vagnadittír

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Þórgunnr 'Torgunna' Vagnadottír

Danish: Thorgunna Vagnsdatter, Norwegian: Þórgunnr Vagnadóttir
Also Known As: "Thorgunna Vognsdatter", "Torgunna Vagnsdotter. Vagnadóttir"
Birthplace: Denmark
Death: after circa 1080
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Vagn Aagesen, af Fyn and Ingibjörg Thorkildsdatter
Wife of Earl Thrugot Ulfsen Fairskin
Mother of Svend Thrugotsen; Astrad Thrugotsen; Bodil Thrugotsdatter, Queen consort of Denmark and Thorkill "Svend" Thrugotsson, aka "Svend"

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Þórgunnr 'Torgunna' Vagnadittír


  • Daughter of VAGN Ågesen & his wife Ingeborg Thorkilsdatter 1070

Project MedLands, Denmark Nobility

Chapter 2. Family of ULF "Galicienfari"

ULF Jarl in Denmark "Galicienfari son of ? m BODIL Haakonsdotter, daughter of HAAKON Eriksson Jarl in Norway & his wife Gunhild of the Wends.' Her marriage and parentage is given in Knytlnga Saga[27].

Ulf & his wife had one child:

  • 1. THRUGOT Ulfsen Fagrskinna, Commander of household troops of Svend I Estridsen King of Denmark. m THORGUNNA daughter of VAGN Ågesen & his wife Ingeborg Thorkilsdatter 1070.

Thrugot & his wife had three children

  • a) THORKIL Thrugotsen (SVEND Thorgunnasen,) Florence of Worcester records that "Suani regis Danorum filii, Haroldus, Canutus et patruus eorum Esbernus comes et comes Turkillus" sailed from Denmark in [1069] and landed "in ostio Humbræ fluminis"[28]. Commander of Knud II "den Hellige" King of Denmark. 1086. m INGE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
  • b) ASTRAD Thorgunasen Commander of Knud II "den Hellige/the Holy" King of Denmark. 1080.
  • c) BODIL Thorgunnasdatter (-Mount of Olives near Jerusalem 1103). She is named as the wife of Erik by Saxo Grammaticus, who also gives her father's and paternal grandfather's names[29]. The Liber Vitæ of Durham names "Eiric rex Danorum Botild regina"[30]. m firstly BJØRN ---. m secondly (before 1086) ERIK Svendsen, illegitimate son of SVEND II Estridsen & his wife ? (Slangerup Cyprus 10 Jul 1103, bur Cyprus). He succeeded in 1095 as ERIK I "Ejegod/the Good" King of Denmark.

Thorkil & his wife had five children (the primary sources which confirm the information relating to these children and their descendants have not yet been identified)

  • i) SVEND (-Jerusalem 30 Mar [1153], bur Jerusalem, Pater Noster Church, Mount of Olives). Bishop of Viborg [1132].
  • ii) CHRISTIERN Svendsen (-20 May [1140]). Danish commander. Høvding in Jylland. m ?
  • iii) ASSER' (-5 May 1137, bur Lund Cathedral). Bishop of Lund 1089. First Archbishop of Lund 1104.
  • iv) ESKIL Svendson (-Jerusalem [1153], bur Jerusalem, Pater Noster Church, Mount of Olives). Danish storman. Crusader.
  • (v) AAGE Svendson .

The name of Christian´s wife is not known. Christiern & his wife had three children:

  • (a) ESKIL ([1100]-Clairvaux [Aug/Sep] 1181, bur Clairvaux Monastery). Bishop of Roskilde 1134. Archbishop of Lund 1139-1177. Papal legate. Later a monk at Clairvaux. m ---. The name of Eskil´s wife is not known.

Eskil & his wife had one child:

  • (1) ASA Eskilsdotter m KARL Eriksen Jarl in Halland, son of Jarl ERIK from Falster & his wife Cæcilia of Denmark. 1155/1162.
  • (b) AAGE Christiernsen, Commander of Erik II "Emun" King of Denmark. 1134. m ? The name of Aage´s wife is not known.

Aage & his wife had one child:

  • (1) SVEND Aggesen, Danish historian. [1185].
  • (c) SVEND Christiernsen, m ---. The name of Svend´s wife is not known.

Svend & his wife had two children

  • (1) ASSER, Provost at Lund cathedral. 1171/74.
  • (2) CHRISTIAN Svendson 1176.

Source Project MedLands, Denmark Nobility - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/DANISH%20NOBILITY.htm#UlfGalicienfa...


Thorgunna Vagnsdatter troligen född före 1026, eller senast detta år.

Thorgunna, Thrugun, Trund, levede 1070, stammor til den jyske stormandsslægt Trundsen el. Thrugotsen. T. var mor til Thorkil, kaldet Sven, og Astrad, og disse brødre benævnes oftest efter deres mor (Thorgunnasen, Trundsen), ikke efter faderen. Sandsynlighed taler derfor for, at T. har overlevet sin ægtefælle længe; formodentlig er hun den "Thrugund, Langliva Mother dicta", hvis dødsdag er optegnet i den lundske dødebog ved 8.2.

Necrologium Lundense, udg. Laur. Weibull, Lund 1923 55 (jfr. sst. 78). – N. Skyum-Nielsen: Kvinde og slave, 1971 især 13 m. note 4.


  • Thrugot Ulvsøn.


Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Thorgunna Vagnsdatter, (født omkr. 1030): datter af Vagn Åkesson og Ingeborg Torkelsdatter.

Thorgunna blev gift med Jarl Thrugot Ulfsen Fagerskind af Galizia, søn af Jarl Ulv Galiciefarer og Bodil Haakonsdatter.

Mor til Bodil Thrugotsdatter.

Et andet navn for Thorgunna var Thorgunna Vognsdatter.

n 1070.
