Started by Fred Bergman on Saturday, August 13, 2011
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Showing 241-270 of 1960 posts

re: Mayflower Passengers ... seems like it could be interesting ... "beam me aboard, Scotty" -- oops, wrong vessel.

Dan Cornett I added you to the project, welcome aboard. I see you are in New Garden, maybe you would be interested in the Quaker projects also.

Is there somebody who collaborate with 'Roland Stens'? I've send him a collaborate-request, but didn't received any response. His profile shows his last activity on August. Can somebody help me out and complete this merge-request?

Bart van der Meijden It looks like the merge was completed.

Angus, thanks for the (re)action!! Also thanks to Eldon! The merging is complete now!

Hi, Bart van der Meijden

Did you really mean for the parents of Lijsbeth van Dieden to be private? Her mother-in-law (and maybe a few others?) are also private.

Hi Dan Cornett,

Well, that private profiles are not mine, but the profiles of 'Roland Stens' ones. So as mentioned above, he didn't respond on my request for collaborating and he hasn't been online since august ;(

Another a question for merging some profile who is added by Roland Stens.His profile shows his last activity on August. Can somebody help me out and complete this merge-request?

Hi Bart; I'm afraid that the activity in this case is a bit misleading and he actually hasn't been online since April 2010


I was able to make it public complete the merge

and started working on the zombies in that section of the tree

Ofir, thanks for completing the merge and for working the zombies!

there are still some "strange" issues in that tree

please see private message


I just was proposing a merge and realized that if the person whose tree I was going to connect to only had a few dozen profiles, I would be blocking them from adding any additional profiles unless they become Plus/Pro. After checking I saw that they already are over the 1000 limit, so I went ahead and made the request. But I see this as potentially extraordinarily burdensome to have to verify for every potential merge. It might be a good idea to not perform ANY merges unless the profile is already connected to the World Tree.

It is only because most Pros are good, considerate people that this is a burden. Geni does not require Pros to consider it - Geni, perhaps, would prefer Pros cause these folks to have to purchase a Membership (if they want to add any more folk).

I disagree; it is a problem, which ought to "fixed" by Geni.

Because of the way Geni currently "counts" profiles for limits (of Basic and Plus users). It ought to be a count of the profiles managed, not the number connected.

However, that is not the purpose of this discussion; there are several other places to continue this line of discussion (about problems with current limits on Basic / Plus users).

Private User
completely agree with that comment.
Here we were all fooled
Curators between employees, Geo and Administrators
With the famous idea of ​​the world tree, and the economic crash suffered by the First World, there must be glued Geni also, hence the continuous variations and requirements for membership as appropriate the profiles to form his famous dream.
I remind you all of the FFCC laws and those of consumer protection, careful what you do with profiles that are not owned by Geni. Lawyers will be plenty of unemployed Sharks will be eager to fall into a great trial and global Courts

done by Bjorn and me

I do try to understand more of Geni and how i works. Especially now when there are so many different users and managers. As the headline of this discussion is close to everyday problem to me on Geni I tried to catch up with what is written and thougth. I cannot say I do understand everything and maybe it would be an easy solved problem if I just tried a little bit harder to understand.

I therefore started with Fred's first link

"Not everybody knows the mergetool, for that reason I mention the mergetool here:

copy this to word, replace the 1stID and the 2ndID by the numbers of the profiles to be merged, copy the mergetool to this discussion, enter and a helper will treat this request."

And was met by an answer:

"Sorry, you are not aloud to be on this page."

This is nr 312 in the discussion and why read nr 2-311?

Agneta Åhrberg, - if one of the profiles is a private profile you don't have access to you are not allowed to make the compare unless Geni already have classified them as a potential match.

The reason is to prevent people from "fishing" information from private profiles by entering random PID's since the compare window shows more information (to make you able to compare and approve/disapprove the merge) than viewing the profile.

I do understand that. But that is not my (and others) problem. The problem is


and it's often impossible. I have several times, in old profiles, met yellow warning signs. Although not close related or at least not closer than any one else I have tried to be helpful and done some minutes of work for the Geni purpose rather than to me myself. And is met by Stop messages. Byt why then ask for help? And if closed profiles with non Pro useres that do not answer my merge requests?

I have one profile of mine and I keep it open as it's so far in time from me that it's impossible that I could be the only "owner". I gave all the information, on paper, to a far off relative several years ago and he have put it all on Geni. As private profiles. He is a non Pro. And I have discovered a wrong in the old statesments from 1980:ies. The man born 1758 do not have the same father as said 1980. I have sent messages to the "paper-collaborator" and have had no answers. I have told that the boy born 1758 in Åryd was burried as a boy and cannot be the same person. No answer and no reaction. I have told in my profile the rigth cirumstances. No change in the private Geni-profile. I am totally convinced that it's correct in the churchbook of deaths and burrials. But the duplicate is still here with one correct and one wrong.

Some non Pros seems to systematically not answer and never react on merge-requests. Are their profiles connected to the Worldtree? Or shall we go on building two Geni-trees?

The simple solution is to ask for access and not demanding others to solve your problem, independent of you are a premium user or not.

To get access to private profiles you invite the profile manager as family group member. Write a nice message why and you can also tell that is can be a temporary solution. If the manager does not answer within some weeks (my record is one and a half year) you can try to find another family member who can help you. Alternatively you can simply delete your duplicate profiles since merging them into someone else's privacy sphere might be a good reason for them to reject your request, something we should respect.

For public profiles you have the same, but you ask to collaborate.

If the other profile set is in an unconnected tree: Simply look another way if you don't get any response. Those profiles does not cause ANY problem for your tree, except of having annoying blue (+) for pending requests. Those can be removed by cancelling the request.

I am trying to contact Oscar Friedman who entered data on various Zivkovich. Since I'm not a pro, I cannot even send him an e-mail. I do not want to merge--yet, but need to see if it is the same family. Names are similar and come from the same town. How do I do this??
Paula Hurwitz

Go to a profile he manages - such as Chava Ziv / Zivkovich
and click Contact Profile Manager

thanks...will do

David. That did not work. I went to Chava Zivkovich. If my mouse hovers over her name, one of the options is "Contact Profile Manager." However, it is grey'd out and not click-able. If I do click on her name: I am invited to become a paying member. If I click on Oscar Friedman's name: I am invited to become a paying member. Wherever I click: I get the payment options screen.
Now what?? Paula.
This is one reason I have a love-hate relationship with Geni. Mostly hate at this point.

Showing 241-270 of 1960 posts

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