I messed it up ! a bit.... I hope

Started by Private on Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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Erica Howton and Private, you should be related, too, but the push pin seems to be gone so I can't confirm!!!

Am I related to Erica? That's why I'm so clever..... :-)

when it's my turn to become a curator? When I know the right answers?
Ik schud het zo uit mn mouw (is Dutch look it up)

Anita is the pushpin not working right - or are you missing the icon?

Anita you are in fact are closer than I recall -- 10th cousin. Something may be mismerged (JOKING - I hope). But I'm showing John "the Immigrant" Lewis as our mutual 9th great grandfather.

I think I'm stuck on the parents.

OK speaking of eye candy - returning to George Timothy Clooney tree ...

Jennie you show as my 25th cousin thrice removed. Our mutual 24th great grandfather is Godefroi I, Comte de Namur with a much cleverer curator!

Erica...I have a pushpin on your profile, but not on Jennie's...???

I, too, thought we were farther apart than that...I was going to say 12th or 14th.

Gottfried is my 26th great grandfather, but he is not my tie to either of you....aren't the ways our branches are twisted together interesting!

I am curious to know why Gottfried was born and died in Belgium, but is buried in France...has to be the titles, but it is still an interesting twist. Especially in 1139...it is 426 miles/686km and a 7 hour drive today...that is a long time on a wagon!!!

Unless...the Florette France is an error and he is really buried in Florette Belgium, same place he died....???


Maybe you need to follow or collaborate with Jennie?

Now for the death location for there are a couple of options for Count Godfrey, and one of them being that you need to be very careful of country / city borders and language translations.

The "go to" source for US on medieval tree genealogy is this site:


But for the precise geography they may not cover it. So I would ask someone from Belgium if Mr Google doesn't answer.

I am following Jennie...very confusing!

I have had too long of a day to work on 12th century French and Belgian research...will have to look tomorrow.

Then it must be collaborating.

Glad to have thrown you an intellectual puzzle.

Well, very nice Dutch as I am :-) I invigted Anita to collaborate... Uhhhh I was much more nice if Erica did need to say it.....
@Erica: Godfried conte de Namur our mutual granddaddy? Hope he was an eye candy....

Anita, Gottfried was born and died in what's now a days Belgium. Belgium (not with that name but the area) was a part of the big Frankische Rijk.
There is a little mistake at his profile......

Why FORGOTTEN? Some Famous French will never abandon my brains, for I'm named to them. You remember Jeanne d"Arc? Well, that's me, but no-one knows I inherited her spirit and courageousness.... sssst. don't tell the fire-men, for women shouldn't be burned or de mond gesnoerd met gespen die niet passen en gordels die niet meer open kunnen.

...waht, me in iron dress? you must have made a mistake, for I'm really not playing de Maeght van Orleans, that's my niece, you know! And if you know her, do'nt give her my greatings, for my mother told us very severe not to kiss before the right time to do so....


I would like to make some suggestions, and hope that someone can add them. I do not have the time right now or would do the research myself:
Susan Hayward
Jane Wyman
Shelly Winters

I hope to have some time later and can think of others.

Thank you, you're doing great work here.

Are these the names you want to know more about:
Susan Hayward - http://www.geni.com/search?search_type=people&names=Susan+Hayward - 73 'hits' in geni
Jane Wyman - http://www.geni.com/search?search_type=people&names=Jane+Wyman - 33 results
Shelly Winters - http://www.geni.com/search?search_type=people&names=Shelly+Winters - 6 times found with my geni-account, but a lot of them are NOT public, so you have to look for col-laborations first to be able to see more about PRIVAT-profiles.
Succes, jMu.

Great, quick work. I wish I had your computer savy. I understand about private v. public. I'll contact their managers later, which has worked for me in my own family and the Navajo Code Talkers. Thanks

Danny....no savvy needed, just use the Advanced Search to look for famous people...or, under your Research button at the top of every page, click on Popular Profiles; some of these ladies should be in there.

It sounds like you might enjoy this project: http://www.geni.com/projects/The-Hollywood-Walk-of-Fame

Showing 31-49 of 49 posts

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