Profiles invited

Started by Private on Saturday, June 11, 2011
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6/11/2011 at 2:22 AM

This project is developed to find different immigrant routes from Europe to the USA. I offer my lineage to find these immigrants. I cannot add profiles that I do not manage so this is clearly a collaborative effort.

6/12/2011 at 5:51 AM

Beste Jeanette Maria Uilenreef (prachtige naam overigens) en Sjors Homs. Neem het voorbeeld Frank Loyd Wright architect in ..bekende profielen... Gebruik de pin en kijk hoe ik ben gerelateerd aan Frank. Daar zit een immigrant tussen die ik in dit project zou willen opnemen. Neem een ander voorbeeld George Washington, gebruik de pin en kijk hoe ik ben gerelateerd. Ook daar zit een immigrant tussen. Beiden zijn via Engeland naar Amerika vertrokken. Neem Dwight Eisenhower etc.

7/3/2011 at 3:04 AM

Hai all cousins in the USA. This immigrants project is growing. It is amazing to see different immigration waves like 1600 to 1700, the Irish famine, recent immigration. I welcome all my cousins and hope to have nice collaboration in extending and quality control of the world tree. Just send me an INVITATION FOR COLLABORATION Thanks..

Private User
7/11/2011 at 12:23 AM

Together with my Zeeuwse collaborator Private User who has added lots of Zeeuwse profiles also related to my tree, we have seen many Dutch people emigrated from Zeeland-the Netherlands to Michigan-USA. In Michigan there is a city Holland that had many Dutch Mayors -see also project where I added them under 'Burgemeester van Holland-Michigan-USA sinds ca. 1850. The main reason of that migration was a religional and Dutch people there started New Churches. I suggested to my collaborator Private User to start projects like
• Founders & descendants of the Christian Reformed in America
• Founders & descendants of the Dutch Reformed in Amerika
for she has in her tree Steven Lucas who was founder of the Christian Reformed in America.

Andre, do you have relations with Dutch in Michigan ? They arrived via Ellis Island on which site there is much to be found too.

Ben benieuwd, dan kunnen Ko en ik die zeeuwen eens gaan vinden in hun nieuwe vaderland....

Private User
10/18/2011 at 11:29 AM

Someone has added Col. William Randolph, II, of ‘Turkey Island’ to this project.

I curate this profile. I am not sure why this profile has been added to your project. I don't know the connection between the Randolphs of Virginia and the van Amstel lineage.


10/19/2011 at 2:42 AM

Maria, There is a connection through Alverada de Hochstaden

Private User
10/19/2011 at 3:52 PM

I could not find Alverada de Hochstaden on Geni. Could you give me a link to the profile?

Private User
10/20/2011 at 4:47 AM

For the Irish connexxions you need Private User. She's a perfect genealogue-researcher, I can recommand her of experience.

10/20/2011 at 5:08 AM

Andre, you are welcome to use my tree is it will be helpful to you. I am a descendant of Col. William Randolph and many other prominent Virginians such as Thomas Christian.

10/23/2011 at 6:27 AM

Dear Maria,

This is our common ancestor @Alverade-von-Hochstaden/2433416

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