Carl Sagan

Started by Private User on Friday, May 27, 2011
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Private User
5/27/2011 at 9:00 AM

Private User
Carl Edward Sagan
Lugar de entierro: Ithaca, NY, USA
Nacimiento: November 9, 1934
New York, NY, USA
Defunción: December 20, 1996 (62)
Seattle, WA, USA
Para meditar un poco y disfrutar mucho


Carl Sagan, astrónomo y divulgador científico estadounidense, gestor del famoso mensaje enviado al espacio en las sondas Voyager,
propuso a la NASA tomar una fotografía de nuestro planeta cuando la sonda Voyager se encontraba a 6,000 millones de kilómetros.

Así, la Voyager giró hacia la tierra y tomó la imagen más lejana que hayamos visto de nuestro mundo.

Carl Sagan la denominó "Ese pequeño punto azul pálido" e hizo el siguiente comentario:
To meditate a little and enjoy much

The little pale blue dot PALE BLUE DOT

Carl Sagan, American astronomer and science communicator, manager of the famous message sent to the Voyager space probes,
NASA proposed to take a picture of our planet when the Voyager spacecraft was at 6.000 million kilometers.

Thus, the Voyager turned to earth and took the picture far we've seen in our world.

Carl Sagan called it "The little pale blue dot" and made the following comments:

5/27/2011 at 12:40 PM

Private User Thank you for pointing out this spectacular and moving video. The link has been added to Carl Sagan.

Also, you might like to check out the SciFi Project:

Thank you.
1. [ Carl Sagan The Pale Blue Dot, #1 full version]
2. [ The pale blue dot - highlight]

Private User
5/27/2011 at 12:50 PM

Private User
I'll saw that alresdy in
I don't take care proyects, but is a very good place
Jules Verne and
A Space Odyssey (2001: Una odisea del espacio) (1968). Dirigida por Stanley Kubrick. Escrita por Stanley Kubrick ...

Private User
5/27/2011 at 12:53 PM
Private User
5/27/2011 at 12:56 PM
Private User
5/27/2011 at 1:02 PM

Private User
Nave Julio Verne acopla en el espacio con
Estación Espacial Europea
Jules Verne spaceship docks with space station European Space

5/27/2011 at 1:08 PM

Private User Thank you so much for all your assistance. I added Stanley Kubrick to the project, Jules Verne was already included.

Thank you for the Carl Sagan Blue Dot video, it is awesome, so moving and beautiful. Would you be interested if we did a project on Uruguay for our International Project? Any particular subject we should focus on?

Private User
5/28/2011 at 5:33 AM

Gerardo Hernan Matos Rodriguez
Pianist, composer and journalist
(March 28, 1897, Montevideo - April 25, 1948, Montevideo)
Full name: Gerardo Hernan Matos Rodriguez
Nickname: Becho
He created the most popular and successful tango of all time: "La Cumparsita. " He also composed a large repertoire of merit undoubtedly superior to the most famous of their titles. Born in Montevideo, son of Don Emilio Matos Moulin Rouge cabaret owner studied architecture at the Faculty of Mathematics missing his hometown.
He left early the courses, then attracted by the intense and varied nightlife of the capital. Hobby pianist in 1917 wrote his famous tango "La Cumparsita"from the piano of the Student Federation of Uruguay. It premiered at the café La Giralda the orchestra of Roberto Firpo Buenos Aires and his first recording was made for the Victor by all whose address shared by the pianist Alberto Alonso and bandoneon player Minotto Di Cicco, the same year of its release (see "The cumparsita ").
From "The Book of Tango", by Horacio Ferrer, editorial Antonio Tersol, 1980, Spain
excepcional baile, realizado por los alumnos en la pelicula Dejate Llevar, de Antonio Banderas
exceptional dance performed by students in the movie let me take Antonio Banderas

5/28/2011 at 10:01 AM

Private User - Thank you for the lovely information. Especially the last one Gerardo Hernan Matos Rodriguez. My husband was Argentinian and I have been to Uruguay and am very interested in the Rio Platense culture. I started a project on Music of Argentina this week. I know La Cumparsita of course and Becho is a familiar name.

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