Started by Mark David Warren on Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Problem with this page?


Showing 31-36 of 36 posts


I'm not sure that I am a part of your tree -

However my tree was merged yesterday with another tree that may or may not be my relatives. I did not have a chance to review the merge before it happened. I was sent an email about the possible merge, I clicked on the link and when I reached the Geni site - the merge was already done. I was very upset by this!

I had been aware of this other tree but didn't want to merge my tree with their tree without proof of connectivity. I had already been in contact with the other manger. I have trouble connecting to a tree where the dates do not work. In this case, the would be Grandson was older than the Grandmother. I have found documents verifying my ancestors date of birth and thus far no PROOF of his connectivity to this other tree.

I tried to break the tree (unlink the parents, siblings etc.) but the system wouldn't let me. It is as if the research that I have done has been corrupted and undone and is misleading to others on this site. I did place a warning in the discussion area of my oldest validated ancestor - George Carpenter b 1755 in Germany. I have since requested that this tree be split. So far I have had no response.

I did not get a chance to read Mr. Warren's comments before they were blocked, but I'm sure that he must have been terribly frustrated and upset by the unsolicited changes to his tree (merges?).


Hi, Lisa. If you send me the URL to the profile that was merged or that you have doubts about, I will take a look and see what I can tell you about the situation as a curator. I appreciate that you have a well-researched tree, and if the merge seems to be correct, then your research and your tree will have added great value to the combined tree (which may be part of the "big tree").

Never mind, Lisa--I found it by searching. It appears that another profile of George Carpenter with the same dates, the same wife and the same children was merged into yours by one of our curators, Brendan Molloy. It appears to be a quite valid merge. I sense that your issue is that the parents of George as listed in the other tree are not documented--is that correct? If I were you I would make note of that doubt and tentativeness in George's profile, but use the supposed parents and grandparents as a hint and work with Brian Smith (the other manager) to try to find some documentation of that ancestral line of Carpenters.

Look at it another way--if he (Brian) is descended from another of George Carpenter's children, by linking up with his tree you are both gaining a good deal more information. I notice that he has some information about some of the children and spouses that you don't have--if you pool your information and work collaboratively, which is the purpose of Geni, then you will enrich your knowledge base.

Nick, you have quite a learning curve ahead of you but, as you see, most people on Geni are more than willing to help you along the way. Never be afraid to ask. You will do just fine!

Nick Buccalo is Maria Edmonds-Zediker (Kremm)'s second cousin once removed's wife's great aunt's husband's third cousin once removed's husband's nephew. Now how's that for finding cousins!

Our common ancestors are the Hayes and the Newmans.

My connection to Nick is through the Newmans as well.

Showing 31-36 of 36 posts

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