Hartford founders

Started by Randy Stebbing on Saturday, April 23, 2011
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Ethel, That's wonderful. I'll add you. One of us can help out when you want to add source data. Randy and Ashley are also great resources for the project. What a great group this is.

Shall I add your relatives or did you do so?

William Goodwin was there already.

As was Hon. Thomas Stanton who was also a founder of Stonington.

9th great grandfather Thomas Hungerford, of Hartford has been added to the Project.

Going up from Hungerford, I found another shared ancestor -

Erica Isabel Howton is Sir Edmund Sutton*'s 15th great granddaughter

Hatte Blejer is Sir Edmund Sutton*'s 12th great granddaughter

You need to give me links! Does this mean I get to move to Sutton Place?


William Goodwin is the namesake of quite a few places in and around Hartford, including Goodwin College, the former (and glorious, and dearly missed) Goodwin Hotel in downtown Hartford, Goodwin Park, Goodwin Square, Goodwin Village in East Hartford (now a separate town), and so on. I may have to clean that profile up to highlight his Hartford connections! His descendants are still here and some are quite influential (I know one runs a major Hartford law firm).

That's a good idea. A places of Hartford and the family trees of those associated, maybe a little A/V presentation eventually.

Ozias Goodwin "about me" section says that he was the brother of William Goodwin. William Goodwin 's profile also says that he was the brother of Ozias. But both profiles have different sets of parents.

There is also a probable match of Ozias profile found here: Unknown Profile


Ozias Goodwin was born ab. 1596 (he testified that his age was 78, in 1674) ; a brother of Elder William Goodwin; be m. Mary, dau. of Robert Woodward, of Braintree, Co. Essex, and very prob. came from that region himself. He was one of the proprietors "by courtesie of the town," and his home-lot was on the west Side of the highway leading from Seth Grant's to Centinel Hill, now Trumbull St., containing four acres. He signed the agreement to remove to Hadley in 1659, but did not go. A home-lot of eight acres was assigned to him at Hadley, and Dec. 19, 1661, the grant was renewed, provided that he should take up his residence by the middle of May ; “and Mr. Goodwin (Wm.) engages for his Brother.” He d. prior to April, 1683. Inv. April 3, £129. 4.-Ch.: i. William, b. ab. 1629; m. Susanna -; who she was is unknown, excepting the fact that she had a sister, Sarah Freon, who was betrothed to Thomas Greenhill ; freeman, May 21, 1657; chimneyviewer, 1672 ; d. in Hartford, Oct. 15, 1689. In his will, dated June 25, 1689, he gives to his Son, William, land "formerly belonging to my uncle, John Morris, of Hartford," but just what the relationship was is unknown. His widow, Susanna, m. ab. Aug., 1691, John Shepard, Sr., of Hartford, as his Second wife. ii. Nathaniel, b. ab. 1637 ; freeman, Oct., 1662 ; m. (1) Sarah dau. of John and Hannah Cowles, of Hatfield, Mass., afterward of Farmington; d. May 8, 1676, aged 29; he m. (2) Elizabeth, den. of Daniel Pratt. Chosen townsman, 1670, 1677, 1682, 1695, 1706; his will is dated Aug. 21, 1712; inv. Jan. 29, 1713-14. iii. Hannah, b. ab. 1639; m. ab. 1660-1, William Pitkin, of Hartford ; d. Feb. 12, 1723-4, in her eighty-fifth year. Ozias Goodwin has a numerous posterity, and his descendants have been prominent among our best citizens. The late Judge Nathaniel Goodwin, the distinguished antiquarian and genealogist, was a great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, above. In the line of Nathaniel, by his second wife, were his great-grandson, George Goodwin, of the firm of Hudson k Goodwin, for many years publisher of the “Connecticut Courant,” and also the late Major James Goodwin.

Thank you whoever finished the tree merges on Ozias Goodwin. I started and had so many technical difficulty notices that I went and took a nap! It looks good.

Elder William Goodwin sailed from London in the ship “Lion,” June 22, 1632, with Olmstead, Talcott, etc. ; arrived in New England, Sept. 16, 1632; freeman, Mass., Nov. 6, 1632; deputy from Newtown, May 14, 1634; came to Hartford prob. in 1636, and was au original proprietor; his home-lot was on Main St., extending from the present Wadsworth St. to Arch St. He was a man of great influence in Church and State, and prominent in all the early transactions of the Hartford Settlement; he purchased large tracts of land up the river, and was one of the agents of the town employed to purchase Farmington from the Indians. Gov. Hopkins appointed him one of the trustees of his will, and he therefore was one of those who bad charge of establishing the Hopkins Grammar School. He was an ardent friend of Hooker, but after his death was deeply involved in the great dissension in the church at Hartford, and after Several years of controversy “the Withdrawers,” as they were called, under the leadership of Goodwin and Gov. John Webster, removed to Hadley in 1659. He was Ruling Elder of the church there, and remained there about ten years, then removed to Farmington, where be d. March 11, 1673. His widow, Susanna d. in Farmington, May 17, 1676. - Ch.: i. Elizabeth, m. John Crow, of Hartford and Hadley (q. v.).

Dear Randy and Hattie,
This is the info I have for Ozias Goodwin, brother of William Goodwin---
both original proprietors of Hartford, CT.


Stephen Lawson

The Goodwin Brothers
The Town Records of Hadley, MA for Dec. 19, 1661 includes an entry in which a grant to Osias GOODWIN is renewed under certain conditions, and that William GOODWIN performed these conditions "for his brother."
1. William - b. about 1591, probably in Essex, England; d. Mar. 11, 1673, Farmington, CT.
2. Ozias - b. 1596, Bocking, Essex, England; d. about April 1683, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. The inventory of his estate was taken Apr. 3, 1683 at Hartford, CT. Few records are found for Ozias, but he was one of the original proprietors of Hartford, CT in 1639.

His name does not appear on the passenger list of the 'Lyon' of 1632, although he was then married, with a son William. Although he agreed to remove to Hadley, MA in 1659, he remained in Hartford. He married about 1628, probably in Essex, England, Mary WOODWARD, daughter of Robert WOODWARD. Their son William was born in England, and the other children either in England or Hartford, CT, depending on when they arrived in America. Children of Ozias and Mary GOODWIN: William married Susannah FRUEN; Nathaniel married first Sarah COWLES, and second Elizabeth PRATT; and Hannah married William PITKIN.


I've located the original source that the Hartford founders web site used for all of their profiles. It turned out to be a book, published in 1886, "The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut." We should really reaplace all of the citation links that came from their website (http://foundersofhartford.org/) and instead refer the viewer of the profile to the original source:)

On the main page of this project you'll now see a new section called:

"Profile Biographical Summaries:"

I've placed a link to fully cited, pre-formatted for geni versions, of every single one of the "Original Proprietors" in that section. What I did was I exported 45 pages from the original book and reformatted the text so that is would be properly formatted for geni.com

You should be able to simply copy and paste the citation into each profile as it is located on geni.com

You can also view the original text on google books by following any of the citations and then typing in the citation page number to jump to the actual page quoted.

One of the big differences between the original book and the 45 pages that I re-edited is that I expanded all of the original abbreviations.
of (b., d., m., H., L.I, inv., s.p.) to birth, death, married, Hartford, Long Island, inventory, and without children to make the entries easier to read. (FYI the abbreviation of s.p stands for the latin "sine prole" which means they died without offspring or children.) The only abbreviation I routinely didn't expand was (q. v.) which indicates a cross reference to something else in the same book. If you see q.v on some profiles it means that you can find more info for them by looking up their individual entry.

The other benefit of having a fully electronic copy of this book is that you can do a search and find your relative not only in their own section but often they are mentioned in somebody else's profile!

I hope this all makes sense and you find it useful.

I also marked in red sections of the book that I found particularly useful to know or interesting. After reading the book I now know that the "Hartford Original Proprietors" were basically the 1600's equivalent to many of today's planned communities "Home Owners Associations" (HOA's) I live in an HOA neighborhood today and it looks like my 10gg parents started the same thing 373 years ago:). After all they wanted to keep the"riff-raff" out (i.e. the Dutch) who were my other ancestors of that era.


Here is a direct link to my edited version of the book. Please verify all info against the google book scanned version to catch any mistakes.



You are made of awesomeness. Also: good tech skills. :)

This is indeed better practice. And reading profiles without the secret code of initials to memorize? So much better!

The Home Owners Association analogy is great, it really works for me.

Thanks for making history come alive.

Very good to cite the correct source and how lovely to have it there for us online and with formatting already.

Randy Stebbing - I added another founder I searched for. Do you want to add the source and information, or shall I?

Thomas Selden, Sr.

I took care of Thomas Selden's "about me" section. Thanks for finding him.

FYI I'm going to go ahead and make new profiles for all Original Proprietors on the list that don't already have current profiles on geni. I'll be doing an initial search for each profile to determine first that it indeed is not already on the sight but with various name spellings there will undoubtedly be a few that end up to be duplicates with the ones I add that will need some merging.

Expect that we'll have 100% coverage of all of the Original Proprietors sometime this weekend. The help I could use is from everyone is to add the spouses and children so they profiles become linked families in the weeks ahead.

Thanks Randy! I'll be glad to either help you search or to add spouses and children (well, both really). I'll have a bit more time this weekend and more after my daughter leaves.

By the way - I use http://worldcat.org's "instant citation" tool (selecting MLA format) to "alias" a book document (and also to have the "find in your local library link" handy).

So for google book link:


I come up with:

Trumbull, J H. The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884. Boston: E.L. Osgood, 1886. Print.

I put brackets around it:

[http://books.google.com/books?id=B18EAAAAYAAJ&lpg=PA227&ots... Trumbull, J H. The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884. Boston: E.L. Osgood, 1886. Print.] pg xx

And then the actual page of the information outside the bracket.

Then I save the citation to a notepad document and can use it for multiple profiles in the line.

sorry - better link to http://www.worldcat.org/ "the library of libraries"

And right on their front page, we need this somewhere useful in Geni:


Video tutorial
How to use WorldCat citations (YouTube)

Randy Stebbing

I just noticed this:


Web services for developers
WorldCat Basic API NEW

Search WorldCat and receive results for items in libraries. Includes ISBNs and formatted citations. Basic API is a scaled-down version of the WorldCat Search API. ( Note: You will be redirected to the OCLC Service Configuration application for API key management. )

Since OCLC is offering a "scaled down" version of their search tool I wonder if that can be at all useful for the Geni API in building a document repository.

John Baysey of Hartford and his wife and 3 daughters added. I put a placeholder in his About Me only. More work needs to be done on their profiles as I merged 5 - 6 different John Bayseys.


Thanks for the info on worldcat. I'll start using their citation service going forward. Looking into and evaluating their API will be a longer range project when I have some more time.


Work in Progress Notice:

I'm currently adding all of the remaining HOP's. Please don't detach any children from this tree in the next couple of days....as I will be taking care of that as soon as I'm ready.


I'm using one of the HOP as a placeholder to get profiles into geni and will detach them into separate unrelated individuals soon. Then comes the fun part of adding in spouses and children and fleshing them out into full families. When I'm ready for that I'll send out a new notice and could really use some help at that time.



Randy - I looked at the tree. Nice, organized way to do this. I assume you're merging existing Geni profiles with your tree individuals?

I was going to continue to look for existing profiles that are not represented by links, and add them to the project, but it looks like I should not, based on your plan of action. Is this correct?

I just added Gregory Wolterton

I'll stop until I hear from you.

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer

I've added all the profiles. The project now has 176 profiles of which about 154 of them (the "Original Proprietors") are complete with their bios from Trumbull's book "The memorial history of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884."

The vast majority of these are isolated profiles that need their families fleshed out. I have gone in and started linking the Stanleys, Bacon's and a few other famlies but most will need a lot of work.

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