Quaker Ancestor Roster

Started by Brittany Christine Jenkins on Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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3/8/2011 at 8:38 AM

I have never heard of this group/organization. It seems something like the DAR/SAR but for Quakers. Is this an accurate description? What qualifies someone to be listed as an ancestor on the roster?

3/8/2011 at 11:42 AM

They seem less stringent than DAR and more grassroots than The Huguenot Society. Their history page is here:


Of course I copped the list and don't intend to pay out $200. The list is great, I thought!

Did you check out the "Quakers on Barbados" project? I'm fascinated reading about that "pit stop."

3/8/2011 at 8:51 PM

Okay. So are you looking for just the people on the list, or any Quakers? My husband and I each have a couple direct ancestors that were Quakers, but they do not appear on the list. And I just joined the Barbados project. I've found a few people in my family with Caribbean/Barbados roots, but none so far that I know were Quakers. Never know what I may find out tomorrow though!

3/8/2011 at 9:00 PM

Let's keep the Ancestors Roster profiles just for the ones on that list, and think about different Projects for Random Quakers in my Tree that I haven't quite figured out yet.

I just learned today from looking into Quakers in Barbados that there was this whole "pass thru" thing on the way to Virginia or SC ... they'd stop by Barbados and pick up a quick fortune!

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3/8/2011 at 9:02 PM

Hmmm... I presumed this was a rename of the earlier Quakers project, which I treated more or less as a flag saying "Quaker here!" I haven't a clue whether Wright Frost is on the list.

6/13/2013 at 7:35 AM

Ben I started this with trying to add Charles Davis, with the intent of adding all of them tell me how to did not accept any names.

Map of the county Buren, Atlas Maior 1665 © Wikimedia Commons, PDM
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10/1/2015 at 1:01 PM

Erica: Would you like to revise the suggestion you made?
"Let's keep the Ancestors Roster profiles just for the ones on that list, and think about different Projects for Random Quakers in my Tree that I haven't quite figured out yet."

Let's start adding Quakers who match the early year criteria.. and simply place them in their correct place alphabetically... It would be great to hyper-link them to the matching profiles too...

What do you think?

~• Mike vB

2/2/2016 at 9:42 AM

A helpful history including referrence to the first Quaker Meeting House at Sandwich, Massachusetts and the recording of Ralph Allen (brother of my 9th great grandmother Mrs. Rose Holloway, later Mrs. Rose Newland, born Rose Allen sister of Ralph Allen) is at http://capecodquakers.org/smm_history.html#founding. Because of intermarriage of Allen cousins Ralph Allen is my 9th great grandfather as well as my 10th great uncle throu his sister Rose. He is referred to in Geni as Ralph 'Wheelright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich per Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich

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2/2/2016 at 10:46 AM

Thanks for the link William Arthur Allen! Ralph is my 9th great-grandfather as well. He is also my 10th. Rose is my 10th too!

2/2/2016 at 11:08 AM

I see that you have implex relationship paths too (double path to Ralph Allen). Do you distinguish between Ralph Stonemason Allen and his contemporary Ralph Wheelright Allen? Initially I had them mixed up and am having a deveil of a time getting the error out of my tree because doing so apparently will crush some fantasies held by others who want to continue to believe their fantasies. I accept the authority of Jack Macdonald in his paper about George Allen of Sandwich file. See http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~jacmac/allen.pdf
Do you accepy Macdonald's authority?

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2/2/2016 at 3:25 PM

Oh yes....I have done a lot of research and straightening of Allen lines (a lot of headaches for my effort...lol). It was because of Jack's info I was able to find the proof that our George Allen, of Sandwich was not married to Katherine Slark, that was a different George. I have been working on trying to build a tree for that couple, but I am at a standstill right now. It doesn't seem like anyone else is working on that line.

Here is a blog post I did about them => http://ancestorslivehere.blogspot.com/2012/08/immigrant-george-alle... You can also find a link to the Allen's of Queenhithe tree there.

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