Arabic translations?

Started by Private User on Sunday, January 16, 2011
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Private User
1/16/2011 at 6:39 PM

I am working in Saudi Arabia and see very little in the way of information here regarding family trees. This looks like a good area for research because of the former tribal structure of the Arabian and Gulf states.

I am trying to understand relationships between families and would love to be in contact with anyone with current family or ancestors from this area of the world. Also if we have Arabic translation capabilities, I would like a pointer on how to find this. All of the world is related and the Arabic-Judeo-Christian roots are linked back to common Prophets and actual blood ancestors.

I am interested in beginning a project for the Middle Eastern family roots and recruiting some of my students and friends here into their family history. ref. for the Royal family and other tribes have intermaried with the Saud family.

1/17/2011 at 12:56 AM

The last few days, I have been adding the Saud family tree. here is a link to the profile of Ibn Saud: Ibn Saud

1/17/2011 at 4:49 PM

I am kind of puzzled that your request has been addressed to me. In my family tree I wrote down my profession as being a translator, which is true. I work for the federal government, more precisely for the Auditor General's Office. My expertise is only in English and French. I have no knowledge of Arabic whatsoever so I unfortunately help you.

1/18/2011 at 1:37 PM

If you will see my family tree then will find so many people including Grand parents, uncles, auntys, maternal family members, cousins, inlaws .. everyone!!
I am a family girl with a very big and joint family. If I will be able to help you understand then it will be a pleasure for me. You can mail me on my personal id ( if you have any question regarding relationships between families.
I will love to answer your querries.


1/18/2011 at 8:34 PM

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your interest. As a matter of fact, my father does Arabic-English translation. You may contact him at +6014 669 1450 (Jamalluddin)

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