@Thomas Jefferson, I

Started by Rich Herweck on Friday, January 14, 2011
1/14/2011 at 8:22 PM

My grandmother always told us we were related to President Thomas Jefferson. She was never clear how, nor did she have any documentation--only family oral history. Now, thanks to the wonders of cyberspace, we know. We are directly decended from Thomas Jefferson (or Jeffereson) I, the grandfather to the President. He is hardly mentioned in the Jeffersonian history. But, it is obvious that President Jefferson wasn't direct desendent of TJ II, his uncle that history records was killed at a relatively young age. Apologies for lack of documentation on my part. The historical record is out there so you may find it for yourself.

Does anyone have information on either TJ I or his other lines outside the President's line? Please do a better job with documentation than mine. Thanks, Cousin Rich

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