Profile photos of relatives are not displaying In "My tree" view only.
The problem arise only with photos which has UTF characters (Russian language) in the filename. The photos with English filename are displaying well. And the problem is only in the "tree view".
Is it possible to fix the problem without re-uploading all my photos and changing file name manually?
Additional information. Here is the URLs of the profiles whose photos do not appear in the tree:
(My family tree includes more then 50 profiles with this issue)
I'd suggest submitting a help ticket on this so they can document and fix the bug.
Mike Stangel
Private User
LOL, thanks to you both. Rest assured that I'm comfortable ignoring the discussions when I feel like having some time off. :-)
You should find that these three people are fixed, but not the profiles around them. We're running a script to find and fix every photo with the international-character issue, and renaming them to latin-ized characters and then re-uploading them to our photo server. There's a few hundred thousand of them, so the script will be running for a good ten days or so. I'll post back here once it's done.
My tree is fixed totally. The script worked fine in my case.
Thanks Geni! Thank you Mike Stangel, Thank you Lauri Kreen
Mike Stangel - I have noticed the same,- it looks like your script was not able to fix profile photos for claimed profiles.
Mike Stangel, but why after clicking to the missing picture I can see then all variants of her picture _original, _large, _medium and _small?
The problem is related only to profile page itself.
The picture link inside the profile page IS WRONG!
So the one that Jakub posted is a missing crop -- what you're supposed to be seeing on the profile page is the portion of the photo bounded by the green tagging box. Something obviously went wrong there, so I reset her profile photo back to the full picture. I don't believe that's a common problem, but if you see more feel free to post them here or send them to me as a private Inbox message, and I'll investigate.