Project "overview"

Started by Erica Howton on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Rhonda Lee, you and I are related through my paternal line:

While the Allens are my maternal ancestors - which means that your sons and I are doubly-related! Although not very closely, certainly! lol
Your sons' 10thgg is my 9th... but I can't "see" their profiles, so I can't peg the lines of descent more closely than that.

I think that's a really good idea, Angus - I managed to get into my particular snarl because I was only looking at two profiles - I didn't back out of the pending merges long enough to take a glance at the whole tree. I've begun to call this "Group Sheet myopia" - the assumption that the info in front of me on paper is correct, therefore I don't need to get the big picture before proceeding. It's a remarkably easy mindset to fall into, and I'm now a lot more sympathetic towards others who make bad merges! LOL

Jennifer you said
Still, I really regret it - and if nothing else,
No need to apologize this Tree got messed up a long time ago and we need a lot of help to fix it, especially if you have any resources of information.

Rhonda-Lee and Hatte are really researching very hard so please stay with us

Jennifer did you read the 'About Me' of Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich

Yes, Angus, I did read the About Me, and it makes my head spin, lol! "My" Ralph married Esther Swift. I'm descended through Jedediah... or I thought I was. Now I'm not sure of anything!

I didn't have any original research this far back, just family group sheets compiled by a great-aunt. Being the eldest of her sibs and having no children, she took up genealogy as her contribution to the future of the family. She corresponded with cousins worldwide, and her information is pretty darn accurate (back through the 1700s) considering that there are very few primary sources in her files. Still, she was born in 1896 and was corresponding with people much older than she, so much of her information, although just verbal, was from people who actually experienced the events they recorded, or remembered their parents; stories. I'm constantly amazed at how few mistakes I'm finding as I struggle to document everything.

I have no resources to offer but am good at digging. If there's any specific thing someone would like to assign me, I'll be happy to do what I can from my position of inexpertise. The assets I can offer are time, energy, and creative thinking, lol!

Other than that, I'll just continue to follow your work very appreciatively. Please feel free to LMK if there is a specific task I may be able to carry out under someone's direction (Hatte, Angus, Rhonda Lee).

I didn't have any original research this far back, just family group sheets compiled by a great-aunt.
WoW amazing..

Just comparing the wives of Ralph Geobro Allen look at the children??

this Esther has a son called Increase but the other doesn t

Looks like you are right and there was a previous merger of the two wives of the two Ralphs. Putting the birth places on the names is very helpful, looking at the children. There could even be THREE Ralph Allens merged by the way. Where do the Newport, RI one come from?

Thank you for the invite. I will look up in the old family info for George Allen.

All my Allen infor comes from the "Annals of an Allen Family" by Margaret E Goddard. She put her information into this book for a Family Reunion in 1985 My mother worked on parts of it with her.

There are all knds of stories and documents and maps in the book. I have not looked up George as yet but I will give you what she wrote about the first person entered into the book

Thomas Allen, to America 1634, died 1648

Two ships, the Ark, and the Dove, set sail from Cowes, Isle of Wight, in 1633 and landed on St. Clements Island, Province of Maryland, June 20, 1634. A Thomas Allen was among the passengers, a few Catholic "gentlemen" and many laborers. Thomas had three sons, Thomas, William and Robert. It isn't clear whether the boys accompanied their father to the New World, or whether they were born afterward. They aren't mentioned as passengers, nor is anything recorded about their mother.
The material from the Archives of Maryland is so interesting that I'm going to start my book with it. All the time I was hunting for this material and reading it, I kept hoping I would find proof that we were descended from him. The proof hasn't yet materialized, but I became fascinated with the story and will begin with it. We can all say to ourselves, "Maybe this is our ancestor". His story is the only one that cannot be linked to our family with confidence.
Soon after the settlers arrived they formed their own government. Thomas was in some of the early assemblies, their word for legislature. He was a planter, and tabacco evidently was their main crop. It seemed to be legal tender as fines and assessments were designated by so much tabacco and casks.
Thomas died in 1648, killed by Indians while hunting with his three sons. Evidently one son was killed also, for almost two years later, there was an order in the Assembly regarding the redemption of two sons of Thomas Allen from the Indians. Thomas survived. There probably would be two generations between that younger Thomas and William, who will be chronicled next.

The next 4 pages are about the legislature and their business about retreiving the sons. Written August 1648

The next wo pages are the Assembly Proceedings written April 1650

George Allen, of Sandwich
Ok I would I managed to get John one of the Fathers of this George removed I also managed to remove a wife called Margaret 1582.

Now if we looked at his parents now it shows his father Reginald Allen

and his mother

Both born c1563 which means they would have been 19 yrs old when George was born

ignore 'I would' pls lol

So we are talking about one or two George Allens ? Is George Allen, Sr "The Immigrant" (1582-1648)Weymouth, Dorchester, England the same as Unknown Profile ?

I suspect that several George Allens were mixed up, not only recently in Geni, but previously. Or that the parents of the other George Allen are just wrong. That's the most likely of course because people are forever trying to force parents on their ancestors, out on the Internet on other sites and here in Geni. If that George matches in all but parents, I would assume they are the same and someone uploaded a Gedcom with hypothesized parents.

George Allen, of Sandwich has so many children and also sibilings, that I assume that two George Allens got merged here.

He had 5 - 6 children with his first wife and another larger number with his second wife. I think I counted 17, but this seems to have some extraneous. I'm going to compare them to the lists that seem reliable.

that is 17 altogether or 16 but not 20+

Should we merge the two Henrys?

Unknown Profile (Rhonda-Lee manages)

Henry Allen, of Sandwich (Hatte curates)

Since Unknown Profile and George Allen, of Sandwich are both Master Profiles , and if we all agree it is the same George , we should have these merged together first.

I can find no evidence of Reginald Allen being George Allen's father , except what I see posted in the geni profile for George Allen, of Sandwich . Reginald has never been a contender for George Allen's father . Reginald's profile is a MP with incorrect info.

Ok Rhonda-Lee I have removed Reginald Allen

Before merging these two Georges kindly look at the children

Let us eliminate some that does not look correct especially from George 'the immigrant'

Caution>>>> I haven't seen any information where George's father came to the US.

Look at 'About Me' of Unknown Profile

He was probably b in Thurcaster,?? Leicestershire, England, buried in a churchyard in Windsor, CT, where he was known as Olde Mister Allen. Came to America with two of his sons in 1635; one of them at least had crossed the Atlantic prviously. Others of his family followed. He initially came with his sons George and Samuel. ( This is conflicting info with the DOD 1589)

I was looking at the children before my daughter called and took up the afternoon.
* 1600 Ralph Thurcaston (not Thurcaster I don't believe) - there is evidence for him. Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich
* 1601 Walter no birth location -
* Joan 1602 Weymouth
* John 1604 Weymouth - is this the one you removed?
* Rose 1610 Bridgewater - I know that there is a debate about her
* William 1611 Yarmouth - there is another William born Weymouth, I think this one is erroneous due to birth location
* Elizabeth 1615 "England"
* George Jr 1619 Weymouth - there is evidence for him
* Robert 1623 Weymouth
* William 1627 Weymouth - there is evidence for a William
* Thomas 1628 Weymouth
* Henry 1628 Sandwich - there is evidence for Henry [MILFORD]
* Francis 1643 Sandwich
* Sara circa 1644 no birth location
* Caleb 1644 Sandwich
* Joshua 1646 no birth location
* Hester 1648 Sandwich
* Judah 1651 Sandwich

Did I miss Samuel? There is evidence for a son Samuel. Also a son Matthew. And a Gideon [Milford like Henry]. Samuel of Windsor''s son married a woman from Milford

at least six children, five of whom were male. In 1624 George reportedly married Katherine Starkes at age 56 and fathered at least six more children.
From his profile -

He died in 1648, leaving nine children mentioned in his will, four of whom are named, Matthew, Henry, Samuel and William, the other five least children not named.

He (Brown on Quakers) says that Ralph Allen was his son, and George, Jr., was probably another. The two last named must have been grown when they came to this country, for George had taken the oath of fidelity in England


Henry -- Milford
Samuel -- son Obadiah married a girl from Milford
(George Jr)
(Gideon )– Milford

Older family – Matthew. George
Younger family – Henry, Gideon, Samuel

So I think we should doubt Caleb, Joshua, Judah, Francis. There should be 6 at least who are minor in 1648 - Henry, Samuel Gideon Child4 Child5 Child6

If you look at Henry's profile, there is a citation that says that he and Samuel arranged to sell their Sandwich property to their older half-brother George. I think the evidence is good that Samuel, Gideon, and Henry left for Connecticut with Henry and Gideon in Milford and Samuel in Windsor, but his son Obadiah with a connection to Milford. J Ashley Odell could help us with the Allens, especially the CT ones.

* John 1604 Weymouth - is this the one you removed?
no this is the one I asked Margaret to remove
John Allen

I am going to delete it again as soon as you say so.

Agree John Allen is not a contender for being George Allen's father.

he is gone

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