Project "overview"

Started by Erica Howton on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Showing 391-420 of 495 posts

Yes. See the book that this link references. It is available to read and research in to members of NEGHS (which I am) on their site.

Thanks, Hatte, I'll check it out tonight!

hey Private User
George Allen, of Sandwich is my 10th great-grandfather. I have been trying to round up documentation to prove that our George is not the one who married Katherine Starke. If you want to see some of the docs that I have shared on Google, send me your gmail if you have one.

I'll send you a message with my account. Thanks!

Leslie would you also include some of us..thanks in advance

Angus, I believe I have included you in everything so far. I will try to round up others. Just got back from a week's vacation so am playing catch up.

Hi Private User was wondering if you would like to be included in the sharing on Google docs. Please send me your gmail if so.

Private User Include me in the Howland bunch! You and I are 10th cousins - Zoeth Howland is mine.

If anyone else wants to be included in Google doc sharing and I don't have your gmail, please send me a message and let me know. Thanks.

Private User I sent you my email. You and I are 11th cousins through the Howlands.

Received your gmail document Leslie. Thanks for all the research you are putting into this project ... I appreciate your diligence and not accepting the status quo.... and being a true genealogical detective :)

Private User That's a riot that we're also related! I guess, in the end, we all are - but I still get a kick out of it!

Charles Allen

Charles I tagged you to see this discussion

Hi Everyone,

I am coming late to the game so forgive my ignorance.

I have skimmed thru these 400+ discussion entries and the About section of George Allen's entry. I have just returned from a trip to visit my family in the Boston area and came across some sources for different family areas in old records, and I attached some of them to the records for relevant Allens in the tree. Is there a central place for storing sources around this project? I did request access to a Google repository - maybe that's it.

One source available online seems to predate some of the sources I have seen mentioned and may be a source for some of them: A Genealogy of the Allen Family from 1568 to 1882, compiled by William Allen and revised by Joshua Allen in 1882.

You folks have probably seen this, but I didn't notice it in the materials I have seen so far and the story it tells is a bit different than what I am seeing.


Charles Allen
San Diego, CA

Charles here is a project for the Allen Family, I have added you as a Collaborator

Charles is my 9th cousin twice removed through the Allens of course :)

I just noticed this so I locked the profiles it shows
Ralph Allen, Sr
born c1542
and his wife is Martha Peck
born c1614
I have written to the Manager to get any information.

This was sent to me by Tammy Swingle Tucker

I am so glad someone, apparently many, are working on this Allen line... Thank goodness we are going to get it straightened out.

Hi Sally,

I've added you as a collaborator to the project, which means you can edit and merge any profiles in the project, and add profiles you manage to the project.

The project overview and image gallery could use some refreshing if anyone is game for it.

Thank you, Erica...

Hello Everyone! I have an exciting source to give you. In exchange I'm able to help manage folks along Richard Allyn's family tree. I do not change facts unless I have proof of things. As a good gesture I will post the source to Richard Allyn. I think you might be blown away as to how old the document is.

Erica Howton: In the process of checking out the project overview prior to volunteering to help with it, I noted that the profile given as an example for About-Me-building Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger looks like it needs some work, lol! Working on biographical summaries is much more within my ability - permission to dive, Captain?

Please have at it, Private User

Good news! I found another clue to the fact that George Allen Clothworker from Queenhithe who married Catherine Starke was NOT our George Allen who died 1648 in Sandwich.

According to the Records of London's Livery Companies Online Apprentices and Freemen 1400-1900 =>
George Allen the younger , became a freeman in 1655. George Allen the elder of Queenhithe, was a master apprentice to William Johnson in 1659, Richard Jolley in 1657, and Mathew Witchell in 1664. That's well after our George was in the Colonies.

The Will of George Allen, Clothworker of London 19 July 1682 is available from The National Archives. I'm not sure if it's George the younger or elder, but will find out when I purchase the will.

Will let you know of my findings.

Hello gang!

I am proposing that we remove the surname Slarks/Starke from this George Allen, of Sandwich family.

I believe I have found enough data to differentiate between this George and the one that actually married Katherine Starkes/Slarks.

The George Allen that married Katherine Slarks/Starke was the brother of Henry Allen, clothmaker and the son of Richard Allen, Moneyer of the Tower of London.

I have transcribed the will of Henry Allen which was written in April of 1640. He mentions his brother George, sister Susan Willmott, sister Joane Usher, cousin Joseph Usher (should be nephew), brother John, and wife Susan.

Thanks to the The Records of London's Livery Companies Online => I was able to find some tidbits that help confirm the fact that George Allen the clothmaker was a totally different George than the one who immigrated to Mass.

1. Henricus Allen - London - New apprentice, son of Rici - Monnyer - Turri London, London. Jozeph Ussher - Master Co Clothworker. Start Date: 25/07/1610 Apprentice Bond Length: 10 years.

2. Georgius Allen - London - New apprentice, Son of Rici Allen Monnyer - Turrim London, London. Jozeph Ussher - Master Co Clothworker. Start Date: 30/09/1613 Apprentice Bond Length: 9 years.

3. Georg Allen - New freeman Co Clothworker, Jozeph Usher - Master Co Clothworker, 1620.

4. George Allen the Elder Sheeremaker - Queenehithe Master Co Clothworker, William Johnson - London - New apprentice - Start Date: 11/02/1658.

The age of apprenticeship was usually 14-21. So this would give George Allen, clothworker a birth date of about 1598, which would make him about 26 when he married Katherine Slarks. Since George Allen the clothworker from Queenhithe, London was busy still being a clothworker in 1658, he could not have been the George Allen who traveled to America with Rev John Hull since he died in the year 1648.

When you put Henry's will together with the Livery information you can see the bigger picture.

Therefore, Katherine Slarks/Starke was not the wife of our George and she was not the mama of his children.

What we would need to do is:

1. merge Katherine Collins into Unknown Profile

2. Change the maiden name to "unknown", and remove any parents.

3. Cite these findings and make curator notes.

I want to make sure everyone here is on board with this proposal so please chime in here a "yay" or "nay".

Thanks bunches!

P.S. I am putting together a database of the Queenhithe Allens that I have been able to find so far and will post it when I am done.

Erica Howton
Angus Wood-Salomon
Michael Sortomme
Hatte Rubenstein Blejer
Rhonda-Lee Robin Allen Barber, U.E.
Private User
Private User
Charles Allen
Sally Thomas
Private User
Private User

I meant to tag you all when I made the above post. :-)

Great work Leslie... well done . I know many of us had doubts about Catherine Allen (Starke) being the legitimate wife of our George Allen and it had been used (copied) in many others trees. Thank-you for getting to the bottom of this quandary, I certainly appreciate all the work you did in pursuing this ! So a definite "Yay" from me.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

I vote yay!

I vote Yes.

Showing 391-420 of 495 posts

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