Project "overview"

Started by Erica Howton on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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I also agree with Leslie Ann Smedley. George Allen (the Immigrant ) is not the George that was married to Katherine Slarke /Starkes
Conclusion based on the following:

1. Our George was not a clothworker . We know he was a farmer and possibly a land speculator.

2. Location of marriage . It was in London and I checked about 10 other George Allens that were married in London from the Book of London Marriage Licences.... none would be George the Immigrant. He was probably married in his own parish where he lived.

3.We know that he married a Katherine but we really do not know her last name unless we find the marriage licence or other supporting documents. We know she remarried after George died to Mr. Collins.

4.Genealogists who have done years of research on George Allen the Immigrant say there is no conclusive evidence of who Katherine was.

5. George who married Katherie Slarke/Starkes was still residing in England when we know our George the immgrant had already settled in New England the dates prove it was not our George.As Lesley will soon attest to, with the will of Henry the other George's brother who makes mention of that George in his will.


All good evidence Rhonda Lee! I agree.

I have just uploaded the transcription of Henry Allen, clothworker's will to Google docs. I shared it with those who I have email addresses for. If anyone else wants to be included, please send me you gmail address.

The transcription is numbered line by line so you should be able to follow along with the original. If you can fill in any blanks, please have at it ;-)

Family members mentioned are: Sister Susan Willmott, wife of Edmund Willmott; their six children William, Edmund, Richard, George, Susan, Ann; brother George Allen, cousin (should be nephew) Joseph Usher - son of late sister Joane; brother John Allen; Susan Allen Wife.

Thank-you Leslie for the upload of Henry Allen's will. Your work is appreciated.

That was amazing to be able to translate that..

You may have noticed that I still have to finish translating the Probatum part, that's a little bit trickier since it's Latin.

There is a will for a George Allen clothworker of London dated 19 July 1682 . I am thinking it could be either the George that married Katherine Starke, or their son. I may order this will as well.

I just got a chance to look at it. Mentions Barnstable (England) and Denham, County Bucks. If this Henry Allen is the brother of our George Allen, that's significant, no?

Also I'm tired but who is John Allen in this will? Brother? Son?

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer It doesn't mention Barnstable, but rather refers to his barns and stables along with his gardens and banksides. Denham is about 20 miles from Queenhithe.

John Allen is the brother of Henry and George, both clothworkers.

The purpose in getting this will was to prove that our George was NOT the clothworker who married Katherine Starke.

Leslie have you found any URLs for any one of these people, Henry, John or George?

nope, not yet. I am afraid that no one else is researching this particular family which will make it harder to find anything online.

That's funny that I thought it was Barnstable. As I said, I was tired. I finished work at midnight and had read 400 pages.

Guess what I found in my bookmarked pages that I forgot about -- someone else was checking on the Allens of St. Michael, Queenhithe and they even have part of the will I just transcribed!

This page hasn't come once in all my googleing this past week. Glad I decided to check my bookmarks.

I see that Samuel Allen Samuel Allen, of Braintree does not have his son Samuel Allen II added to his profile :


Birth 10 Nov 1632 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA, USA
Death 5 August 1703 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA, USA

And Samuel Allen II 1632-1703 also had a son Samuel Allen b Dec 4 1660 d 28 June 1750 Samuel Allen, III

Right nowSamuel III above is not connected to the correct father It shows his father as Deacon Samuel Allen... this is the Windsor Allen family not the one that should be connected to this Samuel.

The changes will need to be made by a curator as some of the profiles are locked.

Ok at the moment Deacon Samuel Allen father is showing as Samuel Allen, of South Windsor

You are saying this is incorrect

CORRECTION for the above

Samuel Allen, III (1660-1750) father should be Samuel Allen born Nov 10 1632 in Braintree d 1703 Bridgewater .

And then that Samuel 1632*1703 ( I can't find his profile ) his father should be Samuel Allen, of Braintree

I found the will extraction for Richard Allen, father of George and Henry Allen, cloth workers of St. Michael Queenhithe. I have uploaded and shared it in Google docs.

I sure wish I could find some descendants.

Thank-you Angus my tree is now connected again !
The 3 Samuels are my 6th,7th and 8th Ggrandfathers .

Hello, everyone!

I wasn't aware of this project, so it's nice to see one going, especially since my goal for the day is to clean up George Allen, of Sandwich.

I asked Angus about the naming conventions being used, and he suggested I post here. In looking at the names on George Allen, of Sandwich 's profile, especially his list of children, it's a bit of a visual mess. My hope was to tidy up those display names, but it looks like you all have a system going? I'm wondering if there's a way we can simplify that system to make it a bit easier to decipher visually. I'm also thinking of visitors who might have visual impairments and use text-to-screen readers; lists like that must be a nightmare.

I'm not going to make any changes, but hopefully, this is something that's open for discussion. It would be nice to work out something that meets your objectives while also being clear and consistent. And for now, I'll get back to work on George's About Me. :)

(I should note: I'm not going to pull anything /out/ of his profile. I just want to fix up some of the merge-related dumping that's gone on. But maybe I'll hold off on that as well until hearing back from you all?)

Ashley - Here's my line to George Allen -- Allen to Northrup to Stowe to Williams. He's my 8th ggf, assuming that the son I am a descendant of is really the son of this George Allen.

Hi Ashley! The display names are temporary. I'd be really nervous about changing anything as Angus, Hatte, and Rhonda Lee have spend literally hundreds of hours collectively just getting us to this point... I think right now they're just trying to get people sorted out and we can clean up later!

Maybe it might be a good idea to put a note in each profile explaining what's going on so that others aren't tempted to wade in without checking the Project?

Hey, Hatte, we're related twice on that line! First through the Howlands (Henry is mine, his brother is yours - John? whoops, it fell out of my head!), and then again through the Allens - Ralph Sr. is mine and his brother, George the Immigrant is yours. What a kick!

Jennifer - you'll have to get in line with Private User - she and I are related at least 6 ways. Actually I have lost count! I was surprised to see how the same families intermarried in Colonial America, just like my Eastern European Litvak Jewish ancestors!

I am a descendant of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley through their daughter Desire Howland I think.

That might be a good solution, Jennifer. Could we stick curator notes on all profiles in the project asking people to a) not change names and b) avoiding merging until reading up on the project?

My concern with the names is that there doesn't actually seem to be a standard format. If there is, perhaps it's been corrupted by users outside the project. Can someone give me an example of what the model *should* be?

There's no standard format - I guess you would have had to have seen what we started with to understand how it's evolved! Sorry, I totally get that's not a good system, but the problem is that there are so many people living in the same area at the same time with the same names marrying others with the same names AND much of the original documentation is either confusing or confused... it has taken literally months of detective work, educated guesswork, and endless discussion to get to this point.

The names started out as standard names but we've all added bits and pieces to them as we went along to try to keep things sorted. I don't think we ever established a standard, nor was there any intent to deviate from the standard permanently. Everything right now is just in "working status", if that makes sense. Seriously, Ashley, it was a toxic stew of genealogy, LOLOLOL!

I think the idea has been all along that once we had each person in the correct pile, so to speak, and all relationships sorted out, then we'd clean up after ourselves... but we're not there yet and I hadn't realized how awful it must look to others!

I like the idea of putting notes on each profile until we're done. That's the sort of thing I would be glad to help with, but I'm not a curator. If there's any "grunt work" that I CAN do, please let me know!

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Good grief, Hatte- I don't think we had counted John Howland! They're my 10th gr grandparents. I have lost count, too. Wish I had kept a list! And then, there's the Underwood connection you have with my husband, too.

I suspect that those of us who have two grandparents out of four whose ancestors were part of the Great Migration will all share multiple ancestors. My mother's mother and mother's father both were from immigrants from the 1630's. That gives me a huge number of X great grandparents with connections to the Great Migration -- Allen, Wilbore, Howland, Fuller, Rogers, Lathrop, Dudley, Baldwin, Williams, Johnson, Woodbridge, Gallup, Ruggles, Riggs, Twitchell, Kent, Phelps, Leete, King ...

'Scuse my ignorance, but 'Great Migration'? I've heard the term used a lot but don't really know what it refers to. The colonization of America? How do I find out which of my ancestors were a part of it?

Is this what you're referring to?

Wiki says: The Puritan migration to New England was very marked in its effects in the two decades from 1620 to 1640, after which it declined sharply for a while. The term Great Migration usually refers to the migration in this period of English settlers, primarily Puritans to Massachusetts and the warm islands of the West Indies, especially the sugar rich island of Barbados, 1630-40. They came in family groups, rather than as isolated individuals and were motivated chiefly by a quest for freedom to practice their Puritan religion.[1]

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