Sir Henry Williams, alias Cromwell, MP
Sir Henry's profile is now listed with these children:
Thomas Cromwell, Capt. Thomas Cromwell
Robert Cromwell, K . B ., Robert Cromwell, of Huntingdon, K.B.
Oliver Cromwell, Sir Oliver Cromwell, KB
Joan Cromwell, Unknown Profile
Ralph Cromwell, Ralph Cromwell
Francis Whalley, Francis, Unknown Profile
Frances Cromwell, Lady Joan Barrington
Richard Cromwell, Unknown Profile
Richard Cromwell, Richard Williams, Alias Cromwell
Dorothy Cromwell, Dorothy ''Mary'' Fleming
Philip Cromwell, Unknown Profile
(Sir), Philip Cromwell, Sir Philip Cromwell of Bigginhouse
Elizabeth CROMWELL, Elizabeth Hampdon
Henry Cromwell, Upwood), Henry Cromwell, Esq., of Upwood, Huntingdon
Mary CROMWELL, Mary Dunch
Elizabeth Cromwell, Unknown Profile
John Cromwell, Capt. John Cromwell, of Malmsbury
Edith Cromwell, Edith Cromwell
James Cromwell, James Cromwell
William Cromwell, William Cromwell
Ralph Cromwell, Unknown Profile
Philip Cromwell, Unknown Profile
Philip Cromwell, Unknown Profile
Frances Cromwell, Unknown Profile
... a mess, to be fair.
This is, as far as I know, the correct list of offspring:
CROMWELL Sir Oliver ( 1563 - 1655 )
CROMWELL Elizabeth ( 1575 - 1665 )
CROMWELL Ralph ( 1580 - 1581 )
CROMWELL Dorothy ( 1582 - ? )
CROMWELL Frances ( ? - ? )
CROMWELL Mary ( ? - 1617 )
CROMWELL Joan ( ? - ? )
CROMWELL Sir Philip ( ? - 1630 )
CROMWELL Richard ( ? - 1628 )
CROMWELL Henry ( ? - 1630 )
CROMWELL Robert ( ? - 1617 )
There are some obvious duplicate profiles, but DOB's and DOD's vary greatly, and some profiles don't seem to fit in at all.
I don't have all the necessary collaboration permissions to clean up all of this, and I'm reluctant to disconnect profiles, even if they seem misplaced.
Any curators who can help out?