
Started by Julia Victoria Bauer on Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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my understanding of english meaning are at basic
mr Shmuel-Aharon Kam it is needed to go further more
Adam of Eden
Naissance: -3760
Garden of Eden
Décès: -2830 (930)
Olaha (Shinehah)
Adam (Assyrian mythology) .

Naissance: -4004
Décès: -3070 (934)

or merge to two to add lilith ,it seem one profile not mention lilith

geni have no need for 2 separate profile about the same person

Martin what makes you think that it is the "same person"?

The Jewish Bible mentions ONE version (the Christians & Muslims then latched onto that). The Assyrians had a SIMILAR creation story, but pretty much the ONLY name in common is Adam.

It wasn't until MUCH later that people tried to combine the two.

Should we rename "Adam (Alternative)" to "Adam (Assyrian mythology)"?

it let me think its the same adam. if we add a alternative and original and or a personal name for profile for the first man ,well all of human history teaching including the 3 monoteist religions talk about adam eve G_D elohim
i maybe confuse or miss information but for me is the same human basis of a long story. but at this base i dont want to go into deeper but jewish have this story long before christian and muslim ...i stand in believe of jewish as the fisrt keeper of the creation of the first man

G_d elohim adonai and many name come from a source
i am not an expert in any way but transformation from the name G_D maybe from GUIDE

we all know at 101% now that before 4000 years ago human living on earth

just a personal observation here

if we exist today the real thing is that we got a very very very long line of ancestor and we share the same history of earth but diferent from point of view

i dont think change will be possible but that was i nice discussion i need to read about assyrian adam now
have a good day

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, I have acted on your wise suggestion, and renamed these two Adam & Eve profiles.

I also removed a Mary from this tree (merged into the main "Virgin Mary").

Martin RhNegativ This Assyrian mythology deals with a "Creation Story". To the best of my knowledge it ENDS with an Adam & Eve. So it would be incorrect (and irrelevant) to presume they are the same people, and would only make a mess of the tree.

Shmeul, I object to your statement that Christians latched onto the creation story in the Bible. You do know Jesus was Jewish . We didn't latch onto anything. We added the New Testament to what we call the when I went to Sunday school we studied both the old and new Testaments In fact the ordinal Christians wanted to keep Jewish customs and traditions and riles but when Paul got involved , other people of various background came into the religion and everything was changed/

Jesus was Jewish in the same way as his ultimate holiness and ruler of all (including every god, goddess, demigod and faerytale creature) all-powerful, all-knowing, all-merciful, all-just, and completely non-contradictory) Flying Spaghetti Monster is Italian.

Spartans claimed to have Hercules in their family trees, and they were incorrect (please don't kill me).

Judy, "latched on" is a good way to describe it. The original Jewish Christians assimilated back into Judaism, preferring Moses to St. Paul. Our Christian ancestors were pagans who gave up Odin, Zeus, and a zillion other gods so they could latch on to the Jewish scriptures. Shmuel isn't being offensive. He's being precise.

I disagree. We did not latch onto it. We were it originally and then included it in what we call the Bible least in my band of Christianity.
A. It 's always been part of Christianity It was insulting and I am still insulted.

Judy, I have cousins on The Rez who would tell you that Palefaces started by stealing the parts of the Jewish religion they liked best, then came here, stole Indian lands, and now many of them are trying to steal the parts of Indian religion they like.

If you take time to listen to other people's beliefs, you very quickly have to choose between being offended at everything or giving up the idea that other people's beliefs are worth being offended about.

IT;S NOT THE SAME THING AND YOU KNOW IT.Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew. Christians are people who follow him. No one one was stolen or latched onto the Jewish religion. It's included in Christianity. It has to be. No one has stolen any land in recent years from the Jews. What does Palefaces have to do with Jews? The Jews had no homeland until after World War 2 and they were given Israel .Up until then they were spread out all over the place and in concentration camps. They deserved a homeland. They hadn't had a homeland in centuries. They were wandering tribes. Doomed to wander. I don't know why they were doomed to wander. .Now they have a homeland. It works two ways Justin , respect for everyone's beliefs and feeling. You can't have it just your way. There's always two sides and many layers. Years and years of building bridges between religions. Realize]ing we really have more in common then one thinks, like God, and people with opinions like yours and many others just want to tear down these bridges and separate everyone, instead of working together , while allowing everyone to get to God in their own way. What the heck is wrong with everyone?

Lilith, the Demoness (---666


can we merge with
Lilith the Demoness

its gona be strange to look for path for (four angels of sacred prostitution,)
very interesting to read

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Laurie Lynn Brockbank,
I would love to see mistakes I have made. I will gladly correct them. HUNDREDS of people have in the past, have added copies of the biblical tree, from questionable sources, and these got merged together. Think creates a certain amount junk data. It's an ongoing process to clean this up. Especially as they almost never contain any sources. So I first spend a lot of time looking for those.

"Curators have NO super-powers regarding private PROFILES. Such as your family over the last few generations. Long deceased people, such as Adam & Eve, are all public. That's the whole point of Geni. Having ONE tree for everybody.

This Biblical Tree is all in good fun. People have differing opinions. When I went to Hebrew School(Orthodox) as a child the Rabbi's taught that Lilith was Adam's first wife (Not a demon) (Various texts Talmud, Genesis). When my sons went to Hebrew School the Rabbi Taught that Lilith was Adam's first wife (Orthodox). She flew away? Muhammad flew over the Middle East in a dream? How many times have you said "Flew the coup" to get away or "Took off" (Run away). Just saying. My grandfathers, aunts and uncles did'nt have cell phones but they were not stupid. If you want to make the Tree Accurate Mary mother of God did not die, you should not show her as deceased. The same for Jesus, He is not deceased and His Father is God and He is The Holy Trinity. The same for Mary Magdalene, she ascended directly to Heaven.
Watch Charlton Heston in Exodus It's A Movie. Just have fun with the tree.

Good advice, Kenneth!

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