Unlikely Relations That Impress No One

Started by Private User on Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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....maybe this could be called "Likely Relations That Depress Every One". :D

I have found out that I am related to Sir Isaac Isaacs the first governer genersal of Australia as well as Peter sellers

@Odd-Wiking: Point well made and taken: we might add that famous people (like ourselves) are no saints, either. But like they say, you can't choose your family, right? Personally, I'd trade Celine Dion for Marcel Duchamp, but there it is. ;-)

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Some of my infamous include Jesse and Frank James. My 4th gr grandmother, Anne James Tullos was their aunt. But my 4th gr grandfather, Rodham Tullos, had the rank of ensign with a Virginia unit during the American Revolution, so I hope that balances out somewhat. LOL

Bette Paige. Karl Marx.

Well, after reading this and seeing some of the "famous folk" that many of you are related to that are also in my tree... especially you, Tim. I had to check! I know several of you who are commenting are already proven related, but Tim... you are now my 22nd cousin twice removed!

Welcome to the tree... It's most fun finding others who are in the family tree and interesting finding the stories behind the people.

I have found every single president except for one... number 13, several witches, signers of the declaration of independence, Hugh Heffner, Barack Obama and many, many others. It's kind of fun seeing who's who, but the stories from way back are the most fun.

I'm looking into the Knight's Templar at the moment and finding a few relatives there.

Just enjoy the mystery of discovery!

Ok, I stated my UNrelated president incorrectly... sorry. The ONE I am not related to is Number 15- James Buchanan.

Had to correct that tidbit.

I'm related to Hugh Hefner too;). Also Marilyn Monroe. Not to mention real famous people like presidents and Pilgrims.

Well, Hatte... I am related to you too! You are my 10th cousin thrice removed. Welcome!

Isn't it fun finding relatives out there?

Enjoying this thread. Thanks. Most people have a smart-a$$ remark about whether they can be invited to so and so's royal wedding etc because of some far distant relationship discovered on GENI. They mock and scoff.
For the most part, I am more than active in discounting false leads and disputing parentage of ancestors who for whatever reason got recorded as being the son or daughter of so and so with no proof. Either way, we all have somebody of some "importance" in our history. The most important is your immediate family. Take care of them and have a blessed holiday season.

After more searching, not only am I related to Peters sellers but my husband is to. It also seems that not only is my husband my husband he is now showing up in my family tree two. Also Peter sellers wife B.Ekland is alos showing up as being in my family but on my mothers side where as peter is on my fathers side

Michelle - we are likely related but the Hopkins li k is erroneous I am fairly sure.

Hatte, we're 14th cousins three times removed - 4th Baron Bergavenny, George Neville, K.B. is our common ancestor. Cool!

Well, as the title of this discussion says "....That Impress No One". We are as has been pointed out all related. No big issue there.

@Odd-Wiking: True, but the surprise comes from discovering that some of us are more closely related than we thought, or could have imagined.

We are indeed all related, but the common ancestor may predate recorded history. If we all appreciated that, we'd all go around calling ourselves Africans.

My somewhat facetious discussion title refers to the reaction other people may have to being connected, by blood or marriage, to celebrities or the notorious. I'm finding all these responses very interesting!

I don't really care about impressing anyone but I do think history becomes more relevant to you when you find out it is YOUR family you're learning about. I like the idea that somewhere down the line we are all related to one another and although some of our ancestors may not be people we want to be related to you have to admit they sure do make history interesting.

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