The Amal Clan of the Ostrogoths

Started by Private User on Friday, November 19, 2010
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Theodomir, King of the Ostrogoths is your 49th great grandfather.

→ Roy Hansen
your father → Aslaug Kristine Hansen
his mother → Beret Lauritsen
her mother → Beret Hofset
her mother → Marit Hofset
her mother → Ole Hofset
her father → Marit Hofset
his mother → Anne Berhals
her mother → Elen Berhals
her mother → Jon Hovliksen Ålmo
her father → Hovlik (Hugleik) Jonson Lindås
his father → Elisabeth Audensdatter
his mother → Auden Michelson
her father → Mille Aspa
his mother → Auden Aspa
her father → Torstein Eriksson Veidholmen
his father → Sunniva Ivarsdatter Aspa
his mother → Ivar Aspa
her father → Jorann Aslaksdatter Aspa
his mother → Gro Sveinungsdatter Lundeslet-Viken
her mother → Sveinung Arnesson Aspa
her father → Arne Gudbrandson Saud
his father → Gudbrand Bonde
his father → Sira Peter Arnesson Finne
his father → Arne Germin
his father → Serker Germin Matre
his father → Bård Bartholomeus Serkerson Talgje
his father → Serker Jonson Aurland-Kvåle
his father → Jon Peterson Kvåle-Aurland
his father → Peter Aurland
his father → Ingrid Svensdatter, af Danmark
his mother → Sweyn II Estridsen Ulfsen of Denmark
her father → Estrid Svendsdatter
his mother → Svend I Haraldsen «Forkbeard» Tveskæg
her father → Harald I "Blåtand" Gormsson
his father → Gorm Hardeknudsøn, Konge af (Vest)Danmark
his father → Ælfgifu
his mother → Æþelræd I 'the Pious', King of Wessex & Kent
her father → Aethelwulf, King of Wessex
his father → Egbert, King of Wessex
his father → NN of Kent
his mother → Æðelbeorht II, King of Kent
her father → Wihtræd, King of Kent
his father → Ecgbeorht I, King of Kent
his father → Eorcenberht, King of Kent
his father → Emma des Francs
his mother → Chlothar II the Young, King of the Franks
her father → Frédégonde
his mother → Chrotechilde of the Ostrogoths
her mother → Theodoric "the Great", King of the Ostrogoths
her father → Theodomir, King of the Ostrogoths
his father

@Theodomir, king of the Ostrogoths is my 43 grt grandfather Judy Rice

@Amal "The Fortunate" is my 51 st grt grandfather Judy Rice

Gapt, Progenitor of the Amals is my 49th great grandfather.

Ben, thank you for all your work on this profile, it was a really Great Read.

I learned more about history in the short time I have been on Geni than I have in the entire rest of my life.

I have recently been watching a fascinating documentary on History Channel called Britain AD (hosted by Francis Pyror), it was basically looking at the "dark ages" between Roman departure and written history of the Middle Ages.
A specific focus was on the Anglo-Saxon invasion/migration around 500 AD (ish) which we all learn about in Junior High (at least i did). The really short version was that there never was any invasion and Bede made the whole thing up about 200 years later.

I'm not saying Gapt falls into this same category but relying on an oral tradition that was recorded once 500 years after the event is probably about as naive as believing that Gapt, Progenitor of the Amals is Alex Moes' 54th great grandfather!

All up though, i learnt today that Austrasia is/was a real place, so not a complete waste of time.

(Admittedly the documentary was from 2005 so maybe someone has proven there was an Anglo-Saxon invasion in the last 8 years).

That's the last I heard, Alex. Scattered Anglo-Saxon settlements, but not a coherent invasion. I imagine that idea will be the academic fashion for another generation, then maybe the pendulum will swing back the other way. If the debate follows the usual pattern, the next fashion will be to talk about Anglo-Saxon invasions, in the plural. Maybe ;)

When it comes to oral tradition we now have 100 years of academic studies to show that oral traditions are very stable in non-literate cultures, but unfortunately extremely prone to political manipulation right at the transition to writing them down.

I think the best we can ever say is that the Ostrogoths were ruled by royal clans who claimed descent from the god Gapt (probably their analog of the Scandinavian god Geat). When the king lists were written down, they were turned into a genealogy. There's no reason to think any of it is an authentic genealogy for more than a generation or two before contact with the Romans.

Geat is very close to Goat, i hope they weren't dyslexic it could have got very embarrassing :)

If anyone "made the whole (Anglo-Saxon invasion) thing up", it wouldn't have been Bede. It would have been Gildas in the mid-6th century, and his motives for doing so are anything but clear.

Showing 31-38 of 38 posts

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