Erroneous Name/Title

Начал Private User вторник, 9 ноября 2010
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Private User
9.11.2010 в 11:37 до полудня

Why does the title reflect Sir Francis Bryan, II? Can anyone correct that?

23.3.2015 в 1:06 после полудня

Sir Francis Bryan ("Vicar of Hell"), was made Lord Chief Justice of Ireland by Letters Patent on December 27, 1549. (He did not enjoy the position long, as he died Feb. 2, 1550.)

I can find no record of a younger Francis Bryan in that position. Can anyone else? Francis Bryan II does not appear to exist at all.

23.3.2015 в 1:55 после полудня

Letters patent of Edward VI, in latin. Know ye that We, trusting in the fidelity and industry of our dear and trusty counsellor Francis Bryan, knight, Lord Marshal of our army in our kingdom of Ireland, have conferred on said Francis with the advice of our Council in Ireland the office of our Justiciar and Governor of our said Kingdom to guard the same and our castles therein, and We hereby make, constitute and ordain him o\ir Justiciar in the same kingdom ; to have and hold said office as the other Justiciars of that kingdom had, held and exercised the same in past time during our pleasure. Teste John Alen, knight, our Chancellor of our said kingdom, and others of our Council, at Dublin, the 27th day of December in the 3rd year of our reign. Stanyhurst. December 27, 1549. Great Seal complete.

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