Governor Thomas Dudley

Started by Hatte Blejer (absent until Nov 1) on Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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11/2/2010 at 8:33 AM

Is there a curator assigned to him? I'm going up my tree trying to fix the problem I have with anomalous relationships which appears now to be related to incomplete merges and duplicates. It would be nice if there was a MP and someone more expert than me were fixing Thomas Dudley and his children.

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11/2/2010 at 9:05 AM

Nope, this should probably be the main profile: Thomas Dudley, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony since it have gone through so many merges already.

Because of that it does not have to be a master profile either because it will always win the "management lottery". Any curator with better knowledge of this profile should tag it as a master profile and merge in the three duplicates.

11/2/2010 at 9:11 AM

I'd like to see Governor William Leete and Governor Thomas Dudley have a curator. They are related by marriage and came over in the Great Migration. Or at least Thomas Dudley did. There's a mess with their ancestors, which I am working on.

I agree that that should be the MP Bjorn.

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