Signers of the United States Constitution (1789)

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, October 31, 2010
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Showing 31-60 of 67 posts

Daniel Carroll, Signer of the US Constitution, and Articles of Confederation

This is marked for the project, and is a good profile, but is not an MP....?

Don't forget Joseph Hughes as a signer of the Constitution and the first Secretary of the Navy. As a wealthy shipping magnate his own personal commercial fleet actually became the US Navy during the Revolutionary War.
He was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence to die. He died 3 years after signing and he must have had cancer or TB or something as he was only in his late 40's. Never was married and had no children. He is a 9 X removed uncle of mine. Does anyone know what he died of?

Anita -- the Daniel Carroll Profile is in a private tree and not mergeable. (Says "this is the public profile for ... " up top.)

You need to find another profile for Daniel Carroll. I'll remove this one from the project ... wish there was a way to hide it altogether.

Nope, - Geni have changed the rules yesterday, - the curator's does also have access to unconnected trees now.


I have checked three different sites showing signers of the Constitution, and none of them are listing Joseph Hughes. I am also not finding his name in reference to the Declaration of Independence. Can you please send me a link with his info so I can confirm and get him on these projects?

Oh cool I forgot about that. :) Done.

Charles Pinckney, Jr., Gov., Sen., Signer of the Constitution

Charles and Charles C (Cotesworth) were first cousins and both signed the Constitution.

Sen. Pierce Butler, Sr., Signer of the Constitution

Here is Pierce Butler's profile link. It is a start. Lots to add. Mary

Thanks for Pierce Mary...also, just saw your note on Brearley...will work on him more tonight!

Brendan or Erica... a couple of links I posted earlier that aren't added yet...WHEN you get time!

Jacob Broom
William Johnson
Thomas Miffin
William Paterson

Now to add the other 2,000 relatives of Pierce to the tree. It might take some time. But so happy to find a place for all these DNA cousins. Mary

I'm working on Rufus King and just found a great story about him:

Of his war experiences, a thrilling story is extant. Young King, the General, and the officers were at breakfast about a mile distant from Quaker Hill, where a lively cannonading was in progress. The meat had not been served when the General ordered King to ride over and ascertain how the engagement was going. The young officer shook his head sorrowfully at losing his morning meal, but nevertheless sprang from his chair on hearing his commander's words, and ran to where his horse was standing. As he did so H. Sherbourne, another officer, slipped into his chair at the table, smiling at the departing aide-de-camp.

King had scarcely mounted his horse when a stray cannon-ball entered the dining-tent and mangled Sherbourne's foot and ankle so badly that the leg had to be removed. Sherbourne recovered and was on warm terms of friendship with King for the rest of his life, but ever afterwards he claimed that King owed him leg and foot-service, while King, on the other hand, invariably removed his hat and thanked Sherbourne for his courtesy in substituting his own leg for King's in the trying ordeal.

The Honorable Rufus King, Signer of the U.S. Constitution;size=100;id=uc1.b2695...
Reference for participants of Constitutional Convention;size=100;id=njp.32101...
1896 Bibliography related to Constitutional Convention;page=root;view=im...

There's no Joseph Hughes on the search in this 1888 publication either.

Erica, I love that website you found. I hope many more universities add their collections. Tons of history books and the classics online in full text.
Not full view, but lots of good information about Senator Pierce Butler and family

Can a curator merge this one? Manager "Daniel" hasn't been on since April.

Can't merge it, Anita, it's a private profile.

Is there anything about Hamilton's mother?

Rebecca Cunnighame

Oh yeah...interesting story about Alexander's parents:

Hamilton was born in Charlestown, the capital of Nevis in the British West Indies. He was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucett Lavien, of partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.[7] There is some question about whether the year of Hamilton's birth was 1757 or 1755. Most historical evidence after Hamilton's arrival in New England suggests a year of 1757, and as such, many historians had accepted it. However, evidence from Hamilton's life in the Caribbean, first published in Danish in 1930, has caused more recent historians to opt for a birth year of 1755.[8] Hamilton listed his birth year as 1757 when he first arrived in the Thirteen Colonies; he later tended to give his age in round figures, but celebrated his birthday on January 11. However, probate papers from St. Croix in 1768, after the death of Hamilton's mother, list him as 13 years old,[9] a date that would support a birth year of 1755. There are a number of possible explanations: If 1755 is correct, Hamilton may have been trying to appear younger than his college classmates or to avoid standing out as older; on the other hand, if 1757 is correct, the probate document indicating a birth year of 1755 may have been in error, or Hamilton may have been passing as 13 to be more employable after his mother's death.[10]

Hamilton's mother had been separated previously from Johann Michael Lavien of St. Croix, a much older German Jewish merchant-planter.[7][11] To escape an unhappy marriage, Rachel left her husband and first son for St. Kitts in 1750, where she met James.[12] They moved together to Rachel's birthplace of Nevis, where she had inherited property from her father.[8] Their two sons were James, Jr., and Alexander.

Glad you posted this. Great historical gossip.

We have a tree mixup with Alexander the Signer and Alexander his Grandfather the Laird.

Because of the Cuninghame name I am going to turn out to be related to Alexander Hamilton. Stay tuned. :)

I just looked at this (it is PAST time for bed)...I posted a story about Alexander's mother, not about Rebecca...I will see what I can find on her tomorrow...research day!

Here is another one for you Erica...his wife is a Cuninghame, too.

John Hamilton of Cambuskeith

Oh yeah, that's my family. I'm adding them to the Border Reivers project.

More proof of my theory: whenever there's a duel you'll find a Scots ...

Did the Gilman family originate from England. Especialy Manchester (UK)

Stuart Gilman


Can you make sure your citation is in Alexander Hamilton's profile with an online URL if possible? I have to go find his temporarily lost grandfather ....

Showing 31-60 of 67 posts

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