Why do we have a "Big Tree"? What is the purpose of it?

Started by Private User on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Private User, it only happens in very specific cases, usually if a private profile is for someone many generations back (as in, well outside the Family Group standards) and is a historic figure or very common ancestor on Geni. For example, if you make a private profile for Charlemagne, there's really no reason for that to be private, so it might be made public and merged if a user requests that. Is that clearer?

Private User - Yes, but.

You say well outside the Family Group standards, give Charlemagne as an example. But others believe quite firmly that all deceased should be Public. Seems worrisome to me.

Also, thought Geni had made it so you could not make a Profile private if it was more than a certain number back from closest claimed Profile. Is that back to not true?

Lois, I was consciously using an over-the-top example. Sorry if that created more confusion!

Geni's policy on this is that curators are empowered to make public any profile that has at least 5 generations below it. In most cases this puts the boundary of the private tree "bubble" somewhere in the early 1800s.

I love being on Geni and have built up the tree and realize that my tree has merged to other including many in this discussions.That some of us are 12th and 13th cousins.What is getting me is straighing out one branch and someone gets a bug up their rear end and adds someone with a misspelled name and i have to fix it.Mary Buford anyone?That line i still have to staighten out sometimes because there are too many Marys in the line.and the private/public profile issue as drives me insane.Why make so many profiles private on a world tree?

Re: "Geni's policy on this is that curators are empowered to make public any profile that has at least 5 generations below it. " -
This does not sound close to what was implied (stated?) in the past. Definitely is not respecting the Max Extended Family group (unless, due to age or choice, you have no generations younger than you on your tree)!!

Max family group is defined by this 5-generation policy. You should have received an email last December entitled "Building the Big Tree" that detailed the site's position on making profiles public and merging them to empower collaboration.

Unknown Profile

Mike Stangel - in "Building the Big Tree" they said, "Public profiles are distant relatives and ancestors (your third great grandparents and beyond) that may be shared by many other users."
If I or a 1st or 2nd cousin has a great-grandchild - then: 1=great-grandchild; 2=grand-child; 3=child; 4=my generation; 5=parents generation. If your statement above is true, "that curators are empowered to make public any profile that has at least 5 generations below it" - then in that case they can make my grandparents Public. But according to the "Building the Big Tree" e-mail, I can keep my grandparents and great-grandparents and 2nd great-grandparents private -- regardless of how many generations there are who are younger than I am (or generationally younger).

It seems not all copies of Constantine are merged yet.

Constantine VIII, Eastern Roman Emperor is a more authoritative profile (seems to be a merge of "only" 29 copies).

HIM Crowned Prince Corey U.E. (Anointed) of the Lake (Grail keeper)

this is the problem profile
Unknown Profile

It is managed by
Basil Il, Byzantine Emperor

and has been reported, plus sister, father and mother as 'Claimed Historical Profiles'


Who can set profile privacy is in large part based on the number of generations removed from whomever is an actual Geni user (i.e., with a login and claimed profile). So, for example, if you have parents, aunts or uncles who have Geni accounts, they would be able control the privacy settings for unclaimed profiles one generation further back than you can. Similarly, you have this ability for one generation further back than any children, nieces and nephews under you. Another set of range of control limits reaches sideways through 2nd, 3rd, 4th cousins, etc.

All of this is based on who is an actual Geni user, and who is within that 4th degree of separation range from the profile of interest. So it is possible for you to enter a profile in the tree that is outside of this range relative to you but within that range of another current [or future] Geni user. At that point, that other user would be able to control the privacy setting for the profile in question and you would not.

Does that help to interpret the statements that you quoted above?

has locked his profile and a security code is needed.

Please explain what this is all about

Brian Corey Falls
Corey where are you seeing Angus wood-Salomon has locked his profile and a security code is needed.

I'm looking at the copy that Jason Wills curates for which there is a link above and he's my 28th ggf. It would be natural for there to be multiple paths, considering how distant a relative this is and how many generations there are of other relatives.

And don't forget to cite your sources when you do, so that others can verify your reserarch.....

Ya just posted that beforehand, says she's my aunt and I see the second link I posted there is now gone???
Yes the second link Anna disappeared because I merged them as you requested.
Now that they are only one profile you would only see Anna Myakes, Byzantine Princess


Thank you so much for reaching out to the new user who entered duplicates. As you said, they just didn't know how to "hook up" to the existing profiles; and also like you said, saved them a bunch of work. Really well done.

I'm still chuckling at the "looks like a fab pedigree" upload.

Corey, - stay tuned, there might be some changes soon.

@Corey, would you like to check out Humphrey de Bohun III (II) and see if the tree looks any better. I have locked the plethora of Humphreys and Matildas as they are obviously vulnerable to incorrect merges.

Judith, Have faith, The Geni Team do their best to produce a product that serves its purpose.

Brian Corey Falls either purposely lied, or does not know the difference between a Facebook page and a Geni Page, since on page 7 of this discussion he types my first, middle, and last name and states "That is from your Facebook page." I do have a Facebook page, but it does not have my middle name!!

The whole tone of that comment to me was very rude. Purposely typing the full name on the Public Discussion when, from the format he saw for my profile in Geni he could tell I had chosen not to be searchable by the Public was additionally rude.

I woud appreciate it if
1) he would remove that comment and
2) he would apologize to me

I would also appreciate it if the Geni-Team would institute a way folks can include a first or middle name so the Family can see it, but not the whole Geni-Community.

If such a procedure already exists, could others let me know what it is?

Private User I see all three of your names although we are not collaborating. I'm copying your link to address you, because I'm lazy, but I could have inadvertently typed in all three of your names. If I see them, I use them. It's asking too much for people to not respond to you with what they see since it's what you have made public.

Am I missing something here?

Interesting. Since you are my third cousin twice removed's husband's sister's husband's first cousin twice removed, do I see more than a random user? I guess you're in the family group although that's a bit distant with two by marriage jumps.

I was just catching up on this discussion... to all the people complaining in the last 10 days about all the things that are wrong with Geni...why don't you just leave Geni and go find a site you like????

Geni IS a big tree...either figure out how to deal with it or go somewhere else. This bickering, name calling, finger pointing, defamation of the Geni name, calling people liars, etc., is childish.


I am unfollowing this discussion.

Bjørn P. Brox, I look forward to changes. I would like to see a more complete connected tree as there are also many paths to one person. Nearly every child in most cases.

Private User, You need to go to your profile and edit and in the display name put what you would be prepared for other people to call you. Presumably your family will use your middle name if it is usual for them to do so.

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer - if you go to my Geni-profile, you can see all 3 names, but in the Discussion, on these pages, you just see my first and last. Using Tagging is definitely more respectful of privacy. But I often have a hard time getting it to kick in, so sometimes give up and type in first name.

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