for curators: my profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Wouter De Boeck

There is a lot of information about

Charles E Jeanneret Le Corbusier

That is availible but you have reduced his entire life to
5 lines.

His was to the far right in politics but it is not listed in his

You have the wikipedia listed as a ref. That page should be uploaded as a
souce to Geni. (if you don't know how please contact me thru a message)

Please use the following format (leave out what does not apply) to make it look better then contact me and
let me know that your done (It does not need to be perfect but it can look a lot
better with just a little work)

Example format with Wiki formating

''Name, Title'' Was born on Died on
He was also known as

Preceded by:
Succeeded by:

Parents: son of / daughter of <Name, dates>
<here is the narrative description of who he was and what his life was like>
<honorific> Name <in bold>. Titles, if any. Then date of birth, location; baptism, location; date of death, location; date of burial, location; will proved, location. Also known as <in italics.>

Thanks for the feedback !

I'm afraid I'm missing the point of some things which are required for a master profile. I still don't understand why it's necessary to enter the basic information (ancestors, descendents, marriage, political view, occupation..) twice in the same application. The same feeling I have with the Wikipedia links. I've seen master profiles where a screenshot of a (part of) the Wikipedia page was added as a source, while (the information on) Wikipedia is dynamic and/or a lot of text was just copy paste in the 'about me' field. I believe that just adding a link to the actual website is more reliable and accurate. For the 'about me' field: for the profiles (of my family tree) I always try to be very short by 1) only adding information which I can't enter in another field on Geni (example: membership of an organization, awards and medals, ...) 2) just giving a quick overview with some links to some relevant sites (in this case: one or more famous buildings); after all Geni isn't a Wiki but a family tree . I'm very interested in the opinion of the curators about this. Thanks and greetings, Wouter

Thank you for asking, maybe everyone would like to know

The reason that the format above was chosen was to assure that the profile remains acurate.

If it has never happened to you (I hope not, but it does happen more than we would like)
bad merges do happen. So if it happens then how do you try to stop them from happening and
how do you correct it.

If I look at the profile and read the about me and the info does not match I know that either
new information was added or there was a bad merge.

The above format was created so a profile can be corrected easily by any user. The info is
repeated in the about me so say if the person ends up with 4 parents it is easy to
find the correct ones, and if he one of the children "disappears" it is noticed and can
be corrected.

Wikipedia is nice, but the point is anyone can change them and wikipedia can delete them or
they can be moved. Regardless a copy of any source you have should be attached to a profile. It can be
uplaoded from a document on your computer or as a link. Ether way a COPY of it is attached to
the profile that will never change or go away (unless you delete it) If your information comes
from several sources, then you mark what information comes from what sourse so if anyone questions
something like the date of birth, they can look at your source list and if it says it came from the
wikipedia then they can look at it themselves. Lets say this person is your great grndfather and
you have a copy of his bithc erificate attached to the profile and someone thinks it wrong. All they
have to do is look at his sorces and there's a copy of his bith cerificate looking back at him.

Futher, let's say you want to make a printed book of your ancestors. You order up a GEDCOM from the actions
menu and download it to a good Genealogy program. Then you order up a narative report. If all you put in
was a link, you get a paper copy of a link that tells you nothing. But if you have a short bio, you have something
that you can print of a pice of paper that is useable.

Some people just can't write, so they copy everthing with copy and paste. Flatering for the author but if
you take it from copyright material then it's wrong.

Some of the older MP have no souces uploaded and we are trying to correct that. for 54 million people there are
only 80 Curators and we are volunteers. We try to help and educate but we are thin so we love you input.

I hope that I didn't seem to critical of your request and I hope you understand the need for
more information in the about me, and attaching your souces.

I am thrilled that the Le Corbusier profile is being fleshed out, it's on its way. I especially like the use of hyperlinks.

We need to get the "vital statistics" in as text as a minimum, for the reasons Marvin says.

If you've ever had a bad merge to untangle and no reference in the "about me" to Names, Date / Place of Birth, Date / Place of Death, Parents, Wives and Children, it becomes impossible to de-tangle.

Detailed biographies etc can be referenced as hyperlinks and documents. The "description" line in fact is so perfect, I am quoting it here as an example for all of us:

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier, was a famous was a Swiss-born French architect. He is one of the pioneers of what now is called Modern architecture.

Personally for someone so visually significant to world architecture I would want hyperlinks to, for instance, "google image searches" -- that way I browse the profile and can see examples of his work.

When a significant figure has an "official" website I always put that in as well as a link.

I also try and go beyond Wikipedia and into more academic work - the sources Wikipedia builds their articles on as an example.

Thanks Erica for adding that.
Uploading Doucuments and Photos of a persons work make a profile look so much nicer.

I forgot to mention that the link does not take you to the page on him and needs to be corrected.

Marvin and Erica, thanks for taking some time to explain all this. Now it makes more sense for me. I'll do my best to complete other profiles as well with these suggestions.

In my opinion we have to go for 'user-friendly' because a visitor of a profile doesn't know that some vital information is added in case of a bad merge or something like that. So I'll continue doing my best to create nice looking profiles.

Thanks again !

I thank you! I'm psyched to have a good Le Corbusier profile on the site. Yours is good, I think we're clear? We just want it to develop a bit more.

Wouter De Boeck

Nice work!

Thanks, Marvin. I've added a source too (weblink). In the meanwhile, it seems that a curator changed the profile in a MP, I've noticed (and the profile entered the top 100 also). greetz

See, that's international team work, a Belgium does a French Profile that is commented on by two Americans and then someone from South Africa finishes the job. Go team!

And a Jamaican excited about and encouraging Wouter's resistance work! lol

Does Frank Lloyd Wright have a profile?

Yes he does...I updated some links to it today. The discussions on Le Corbusier made me go looking.

Frank Lloyd Wright

How about I.M. Pei?

How about Julia Morgan?

Lizzie - Nice work. Very nice.


I added the # symbol to the children of Joseph D. Clements (Old Eighteen at Gonzales)

that forces the program to number them and makes it look a little bit better

Really nice work!

thank you marvin! my family is rich in the history of republic of texas and of course take great pride in our heritage. :)

another one of my 4th great uncles:

John Davis (Immortal 32 Gonzales Ranger)

Private User I took a look - it looks great!!!! You are really getting a green thumb with the tree! I am going to have to pick you brain on how to's - some of you really have a knack at creating story book profiles with the right photos. :) Kudos cousin!!!

Jacqueli Charlene Finley thank you! i love researching and adding all the sources. :)

It's still a work in progress as far as "events" go, but otherwise, it's looking pretty great (I think). Richard Lee Petty (another cousin my husband and I share. Haha!)

You find me the most interesting cousins Brittany. I never would have thought.

Richard Lee Petty is your 11th cousin thrice removed.

common ancestor:

Katherine Belcher

MP is made.

Thanks! I knew he would show up somewhere on my husband's tree (all of Randolph County, North Carolina appears to be related by blood or marriage), but I never expected to see that I was related to him as well. It was quite a shocker. :-P

Richard is my 16th cousin twice removed... such fun to find famous cousins!

Isn't it just?! My husband doesn't find it as interesting. Pretty much, if he can't see it within the first two generations of this family, he doesn't think it counts. I keep track for him though. :-P

Anywho... I spruced up Adam's profile. Ready to be made an MP, please. Adam Kyler Petty

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