for curators: my profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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RE: Mellchoir, it sounds like a good idea to describe and exxplain the confusion in the About Me, it just doesn't come across that way when reading it, if i hadn't read your post here first i never would have guessed your intention justby looking at the profile.

Also a small thing, Melchoir dies in 1620 and according to your posted source his daughter is born 1613 and his wife 1581, i'd set his birth as "Before c.1581" rather than the current automatic range which gives up to 1608 as a possible birthdate (just silly obviously).

Thanks :)

No worries, i went down a similar path with this profile:
Jan Willems Moes

After all the effort i put into researching him i wanted people looking at the profile to realise i wasn't just cutting and pasting but actually chasing down every option.

Alex thank you, those are good hints I will happily borrow myself. Much appreciated.

and these please, for good reason :) Alex, welcome to check them, but, we need to keep our tree open to all in this area :)
Catharine von Schack
Sophie Dorothea von Plessen
Joachim Adam von Plessen
Hans Christoph von Schack
Barbara von Schack

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean?

What's the good reason, nothing obvious looking at the revision history of the profiles.
"We need to keep the free open. .." implies some risk of closure.

I must be missing something, but as you've chosen to include me by name?

Since you invited me:
"Fodt" means born, it's the equivalent of "nee", so Catherine's name should really be displayed as Catherine von Parkentin, perhaps with an aka of Catherine von Schack.
Sophie von Plessen would benefit from a description how her father and both husbands h have the same surname.
Joachim's mother was born in 1700 and his father died in 1729 so again the auto date for his birth is ridiculous. I'd either go c.1725 or 1720-1730.
Han's parents didn't marry until 1710 and his mum was pretty pregnant from then on, 1713 is about the earliest he could be born.
Barbaras profile only has an estimated dob and the Schack coat of arms as a profile picture, what purpose does MPing it serve? Actually von Schack is her husband's family so it's the wrong coat of arms anyway.

I hope the curators who follow this thread do look at profiles before making them master profiles.

Sure Jette has informed me about maiden names being used for Danish profiles, and, the Schack coat of arms, I forgot to take off. Thanks for the reminder. :) I found out how to use the same picture for more than one profile, so, got a bit "over zelous" :) The curators have asked a Danish expert to look at them, so, I am confident that they are doing their job.

I was using a tablet last night, when i said Hans' mother was busy i had been looking at her Timeline Tab:
Sophie Elisabeth von Steinberg

She was actually married in 1709 and must have conceived about two months later. Assuming all the dates are correct for the other profiles the earliest she could have had Hans is late 1713 (September onward), which is very soon after the birth for Friederike, if Hans also died in 1713 perhaps he was a premature birth?

The only problem with my reasoning here is that it's reliant on all the other profiles being accurate, even if they are it relies on the website source being accurate, have you looked at the sources they are referencing?

I'm pretty sure "Von" should always be a small v, i know "van" always is.

What i meant to say is that the Timeline Tab can be very useful in this sort of situation but that using it this way is entire dependent on all the other dates being reliable.

She is named wrong also. We need a project on Danish naming conventions.

I think there's one already?
Private User

Ta, will link to it

Could you please consider this profile as MP
Alice Bedell

Private User

Done - and some of the family around her also.

Thanks :)

Could I please prevail on you to also look at these, thanks :)

Edward Keppel Wentworth Coke
Georgiana Agar-Ellis
George James Welborne Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron of Dover
Sir Thomas Leventhorpe 2nd Brt. of Shingey

and person of interest, found her in the Portrait Gallery, think I have placed her correctly, please read note :)

Dorothy Wentworth

Thanks Sharyn

I have added Alexander to 3 projects, and will research him further, at this stage, this is a stand alone profile, but, a very important artist of South Australia with incredible sympathy for the indigenous peoples.
Alexander Schramm


Thomas Blondeau curé

i like to have MP for Thomas Blondeau curé = he was a priest
can i add this to the name title curé? or leave this as is??


Put "curé / priest" in the Occupation field and this information will appear in the lower right section of the profile.

You can also add "curé" to the Display name making him "Curé Thomas Bondeau" or "Thomas Bondeau, Curé ", which ever is appropriate, but do not add "curé" in the actual name fields.

thanks mr Moes
i was only mention cause Thomas was the priest in la corriveau its an historique event in nouvellle france
thanks alot

Martin I'm enjoying this profile, very nice, and the tree is coming along well.

Here are a couple of thoughts.

- Alex is correct, use the "display name" field to give him the proper title of respect. That way the name fields are "clean" for genealogy use but you have a "best known as" for display.

- since he was historically significant perhaps a few words about that in the "curator's note" ? If you write it out in French the curator can copy & paste it in for you, it's a text box of 255 characters, the more succinct, the better.

i have done my best for Thomas Blondeau curé
i dont add a pics or drawing for the moment maybe i can join a pics from la corriveau since Thomas try to protect her..well its in the story bio

Pictures are always good. I've made Father Blondeau a Master Profile and thank you for your nice work.

thank you .merci madam Howton XD

Private User up to date on your requests now, they are very tasteful and well done. Thank you.

I waited till now to thank you, so you do not have to log here for just that, THANK YOU :)
These are my 5th great grand parents, when all else fails, go to Church I think. Married in a Dane / Naval Church that also has ties to the Masonic Lodge. Thinking Belgium or France now, there are Duthy's there :)

Catherine Duthy
John Duthy

Thanks :)

Like it is with Dr.......he/she was not BORN with the is earned...

So the given name would be Thomas Blondeau

The display name would give the church designation: Cure Thomas Blondeau.

Or Thomas Londeau, cure

Whichever is proper usage.

Please consider Jan Harms Mooskoocker for MP status.

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