Please post your URL or LINK to the profile here and we'll give it that designation if we agree.
A description of the "Master Profile" is here:
Yes indeed! What a way to show off your hard work and original research: we designate YOUR copy as the Master Profile. !
I believe in bribery. :) :)
Okay okay... but I think he actually belongs as a brother to William Stone, third Governor of Maryland, not father...
The Notorious Captain John Stone
In New England he developed a reputation amongst the Puritans as "a drunkard, lecher, braggart, bully, and blasphemer." He was called a smuggler, a privateer, even a pirate and it was reported by deVries that he had engaged in cannibalism while shipwrecked on St. Christophers. Stone was in continual legal trouble with both Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, and was finally banished on penalty of death. Shortly there after he met his own at the hands of the Pequot Indians.
My kind of bad boy!
So his parents were John Stone and ... ? and no wife and children.
Hmmm... first there was the "improvement" of posting notifications on every "followed discussion" item, then there was the declaration of the great flame war... talk about your perfect storm...
Erica: Should I go ahead and do the tree merge on John the Cannibal Pirate where you placed him? And then just transfer the information to the correct profile? -Ben.
Your Captain Cannibal is currently disconnected from family:
The Notorious Captain John Stone
So you need to find his Daddy (or make a new one) and hook him up with his brothers.
Though no one has touched any of my Jacksons (ahem), I am putting up this one for Master Profiling. She often gets confused in with another Billung's wife, and her identity needs protection.
Princess Adelais of Italy and Lombardia
I'm having a "bad internet connection" day so I was only able to MP two profiles:
Elizabeth Jackson
Princess Adelais of Italy and Lombardia
Elizabeth Jackson of course in honor of "my" Elizabeth Jackson. :) I will try more later and keep posting the links when done.
Does this mean you have another Elizabeth floating out there somewhere? Been looking forward to someone connecting in to my Jackson line. So far, all I have floating near it are a bunch of zombies, and of course the people just on the periphery in the Calvert line, maybe a generation away. If the connection gets better, Erica, you could be the first! :)
Jackson family done. Double check in case I missed any.
I also MP'd: Rachel Jackson because I got Barnes. I'm "following" her to see if I can connect her up with mine. Probably not, but you never know.
Hey Ben,
I checked early on and my "disconnected" Elizabeth Jackson is not yours.
All I have on my Jacksons is:
- They claimed to be related to Bloody Bloody FitzJaques (no connection point I can see on his tree)
- Her marriage license
- A rumor that she is connected (via census report) to a Rambo family
Now I notice that my Elizabeth Jackson Ross had a daughter, b. 1810 KY, married a Jackson.
If you want on a better internet day I'll do an ancestry.com search on great auntie there.
About the only match that I could see would be for John, son of John...
Would be about 18 years older than your Sarah L. Ross.
The other Jackson males seem to have been taken, unless of course there were second marriages in there that I hadn't run into.
If Mongomery or Bath Counties figure into your Rosses, there might be something there (the Jackson Kentucky homeland).
Well a high five to cousin Jackson Angel, because your Rachel Jackson is the granddaughter of Brinsley Barnes (you don't forget a name like that).
I will work on connecting them up properly, but in summary:
Rachel Barnes (1806-1878)
parents: Thomas Barnes (b. 1775, Orange, VA d. 1822, Fayette, KY) and Lucy Ann Wisdom (b. 1776 d. 1860)
parents of Thomas Barnes: Brinsley Barnes (1745-1823) and Lydia Isabella Teague (1750-1810).
from there we're over the ocean and back to Ireland.
Quakers and well documented.
That's very funny that the Barneses were Quakers because the Jacksons were slave-owners and still proud of it even when they reached Indiana (though probably not as proud of it after the Civil War). But then I found it kind of funny that you had Quakers marrying former slave owners in the late 1800s too - and of course I am the merging of a family started by an emancipated slave, and all this Quaker-Slave Owner merges; to me, it's all amusing.
Anyway, of course a high-five to you, cuz... are we still once removed?