FYI Gene...This is a copy and paste. Can you help me out?
The reason you are unable to resolve the conflicting data here: (or able to get it to save) is Gene has already made this profile John I "Lackland", King of England the Master Profile.
Can you please ask him to remove the master lock and then try again. Once you have completed the merge, Gene can re-lock it.
Feel free to let me know if you are still unable to do so.
Thank you for using Geni,
The Geni Team
Ticket History
Mimi Arcala (Client) Posted On: 2010-Oct-18 05:33 AM
There's a bug of some sort in my "Request" inbox. I go to John "Lackland" Plantagenet's profile and he has no pending merges. However, I go to my inbox and there's a request:
When I try and resolve it, it lets me, however, afterward I get an error and the request remains in my inbox.
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LPU-848489
Department: Geni Pro (priority support)