Salem Witch Trials: Colonial America in 1692 Project

Started by Erica Howton on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
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Thanks Ben!

Okay, so this is what we need to do (hopefully I've got this all correct).

1. Rebecca Nurse (Towne) disconnect (wrong) siblings Elizabeth and Uriah.

2. I think Francis Nurse (Nourse) is fine (other than father Allen listed which goes basically goes nowhere anyway, so we can just disconnect that as well). No siblings listed on MP. Good.

3. Jacob Towne: disconnect same extra siblings and make MP.

4. Susanna Towne, yes this is a mess. We should disconnect her from her sister's husbands and also from Thomas Hayward. It seems that most of those children belong with Hayward (except for Hepzibah Cloyce).

5. Mary Estey/Eastey (Towne) husband Isaac Estey or Easty. Looks good (other than disconnecting siblings Elizabeth and Uriah).

6. Sarah Cloyce (Towne) 2 husbands Edmund Bridges and Peter Cloyce, Sr. Also looks good (other than 2 extra siblings mentioned Elizabeth and Uriah mentioned above).

7. Same with Joseph Towne (concerning same extra siblings).

8. John Towne: disconnect extra wife (Mary Browning) and disconnect extra siblings (Elizabeth and Uriah). Make MP.

9. Edmund Towne: disconnect extra wife (Phebe Lawson). Also deal with same extra siblings mentioned above. Make MP.


Ben (using your above links) I just made MPs of John, Edmund, Joseph, and Jacob Towne.

I think we should also make Susanna Towne an MP but I'm holding back on her for the moment. I'll come back to her soon.

Also made Edmund Bridges and Peter Cloyce Sr. (your links again Ben) into MPs.

Will probably make more for other spouses (later). I need to go check on something (unrelated) now.

Great job! As a direct descendant of Rebecca Nurse, I'm very excited to see this getting cleaned up. Thanks for all your hard wrok!

Thanks Kim: The justification behind the links (in case anyone was about to ask) was that they seemed to have the most past merges (more people were marked out as "managers" on them). Some of these, I started connecting into events that were in common with Rebecca, thus my hope for them becoming MPs (thanks again Kim).

Darlene: As to my end of it, not a problem. Consider it to be an honor to help on this one. How her life ended was of course not how anyone would want a long and productive life to end, but the injustice done to her does illustrate what can go wrong when fear-mongering gets out of control. For that above all else, I hope her story gets the attention it deserves.

Sometimes I explain things really really poorly (usually a sign that I need coffee, maybe yerba mate - it's been awhile since I pulled down the mate gourd)... the other justification of course is accuracy, based on two sources:

The Town Family Memorial:

and Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska's work:

Kim and Ben,

GREAT job. Frankly I was beyond confused and you all straightened it out. Thank you so very much.

I will try and figure out where Phebe Lawson belongs. I am a Lawson and have added her to the Lawson Family Project.

Thanks for the links, Ben. You are so right. In spite of this action, Rebecca's family reamined very religious & went on to produce a number of ministers & evangelists, inclunding my grandmother & great grandfather. It's amazing to me that so many people refuse to learn from past mistakes & continue to carry on a legacy of hate & fear as bad as it was 300+ years ago!

I sort of figured that Phebe was one of yours, Erica... ever onward to what is hopefully closer to an accurate tree...

But where does she come from and to whom does she belong???? My Lawsons were Virginia! Oh the mysteries ...

Dunno... still working on the wording that passes along the fact that the Towne Family Association doesn't recognize Edmund as having been apprentice to Henry Skerry at age 9. Apparently, one of the original profile owners was married to that idea because it was in a rather authoritative source.

Just call me "Iconoclast"...

Well, she must belong somewhere hahaha!

Finally... an opportunity to spread rumors... yes, Phebe Lawson arrived in Virginia from the Red Planet of Mars sometime in the mid-1600s... I'm sure of it...

OMG! There are Nourse/Nurse surnames in your project. One of dear hubby's Iowa Zediker cousins has Nourse in the tree. His grandma Nourse recently died. I may have to follow (ACK! I said that word!) your project.

Of course you have to follow it... and take part :)

It looks like that Francis Nurse took on that spelling of his last name when he arrived in New England, best I can tell. He might have used Nourse when back in England, but there isn't a whole lot on his life in England. I would have my doubts about any claims on his lineage based back in the home country. But certainly there were plenty of Nurse family members that descended from Francis and Rebecca... it's worth a look into to see if your relations were related.

Ben, have I mentioned that I love you and I think you're hilarious?

I think those were the same reasons my wife cited when she married me... :)

Anyway, Kim, I'm glad we are working together in getting parts of this tree more easy to follow... working out the family tree turned out to be a much bigger project than I thought it would be when I started. Having good partners in doing that has been highly valuable... Still lots to do, of course. And my yerba mate needs more hot water...

Ben you got yourself another minion.

I'm slightly freaking out because I am just now realizing the name Liggett / Leggett / Liget / whatever as a Mayflower passenger. I have Liggett / however you spell it in my family tree. Irish deportee / servant, unknown origin.

Ben, I'm very glad to be working with you as well and yep, having good partners certainly is very nice. When I started on Geni I never imagined how big this would be. I'm very satisfied with it.

My mom loved lavender. Me too. We've got a great lavender bush in the backyard.

Minion. Oh ha, Erica, lol.

How about "Angel Minion" on the T shirt, maybe a hanged witch illustration? :)

Erica...I am freaking over Katherine Leggett as well...Geni Project page says she had no living children when she died in the first spring in Plymouth, and my tree says that she is my great grandmother!!!

Ben...ditto Kim... love ya and you are hilarious!!! I was quoting some of your Salem rantings at work today and you had my co-workers in hysterics!

Haha! Yes, I could go for a T-shirt like that.

A third minion steps up, hypnotized ....

I can't find on YouTube the part of the Sealab 2021 episode "Happycake" that has Sparks talking with his minions. That's the position I keep hoping will come up in my search for work... Evil Genius. I'd have lots of minions and cool jumpsuits for everyone, and a hologram that shoots lasers from its eyes - it would be the perfect position for me. Unfortunately, ads for that position never really come up on LinkedIn.

Erica... does Liggett et al have a genealogical society attached to him/her/whatever? I know the Thomas Rogers website is pretty useful in verifying his descendants. Maybe Liggett has a similar group of people hunting out descendants also? (You probably already have checked that, haven't you?)

Re: Liggett: Hmmm... no living children... probably not a large descendants society then...

Re: T-shirts? No no no... jumpsuits...

A minion jumpsuit is perfect.

I hadn't looked for a geanealogical site for my ancestor and just realized the Mayflower connection. I had done and rootsweb searches, dead ended here:

Patrick Liggett


John Carver was probably born in England, perhaps around 1585. He and hs wife Catherine were members of the Leiden Separatist community and first definitively appear in the records of LeIden in 1615. Apart from the name of Catherine, his wife’s identity is not certain. They had no surviving children, although they may have buried two infants in Leiden, one in 1609 and one in 1617.

So who's the Daddy of all those Carvers????

Erica: I believe the daddy was a Martian...



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