White/Vassall Family Project

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, October 10, 2010
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The posts above from me on 10/11/10 show the references to Bishop John White being William White's father. I can't find anything to contradict them. They are references from the late 1800's. All other articles either don't say anything, like the Mayflower CD, or they say that it can't be proven.

I'll attach the books to William White now.

Does anyone have any reason not to add Bishop John White as William White's father?

Does anyone know (or want to look into) which of these Samuel Vassell profiles is correct
Samuel Vassall
Unknown Profile

In the tree, they have the same parents and the same wife. But, the years for them are off by 50 years, so I wonder if one of them is really part of a different family.

Brendan, the Mayflower CD does not have any info on Samuel Vassall. It concentrates on descendents, and only occasionally mentions ancestors. Mary

Count me in on this one...guess I am related WAAAAAAAAAAAAY back.

Also, the link at the top of project page for the discussion doesn't work, only the one down in the text.

I've added you, Anita

Thanks Brendan....what to work on first????!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

Hi Erica! My brother and I have been doing quite a bit of genealogy research lately and it appears that Jean De Vassall in Normandy is my 13th great grandfather, John my 12th, etc... Provided that this is the same family, the Vassall name became Vestal which then became Vestel (for my part of the tree). I'd be happy to share any information that I have.

Private User Hi Tony. Welcome to Geni! Family research is addicting, isn't it. It would be great to contribute your branch to the Vassal Family tree. The further back in time, the more likely a profile already exists in Geni - but it may not be detailed, so contributions are always welcome. If you find your line "request management" so you can help out.

Does anyone have any books or proof of the Vassall line? I know that you guys show the Geni tree but I would like to read the proof of the linage myself if I could.

Showing 31-39 of 39 posts

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