Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Started by Private User on Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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Got pictures uploaded for all signers. some family members are till generic profile pics.

Note..I removed the "signer of the dec" notation on the display name of Benjamin Harrison II, and added a note to his "about me" that he is really the signers great great grandfather. I have NOT tried to clean up the tree anymore, just wanted to get that incorrect display removed to make it a bit easier.

What do you guys think of pasting this link in on all of the signers profiles?

I love it! Not just a link though -- you can TAG it to all the signers profiles as a dated event, and then it will show on their profile "timeline."

Do these steps:

- media tab
- "documents" on right: click here to upload document
- post a new link tab (add a document from the internet)
- C&P the Wikipedia URL, "upload document"
- quick edit: add date, location, and description of the source
- add as many tags (profile names from "search") as you can: you may only be able to do a couple at a time

Rinse and repeat. :)

If these instructions are useful I can add them to the Project page.

Cool...thanks Erica. I am going to keep lookign and try to find another source that looks nice. I will let you know if it works the way you wrote it!

(better get back to real work!)

How about a youtube link of the song "yankee doodle dandy" or whatever it is we sing on the 4th of July?

And don't forget the jpg of the signer's signatures ...

LOL!!! Got the sigs flagged! Where do you want these posted in the new scheme for hte profiles?

Oh wow....can we use this (or something similar) as the "summary" on each profile, then just personalize with something like "Stephen Hopkins was the 1st signer from the Rhode Island delegation in Philadelphia"? We coudl do a bit more on Jefferson and a few select others who contributed more.

It is from here:

Collective biography of the Framers of the Constitution
In the winter and spring of 1786-1787, twelve of the thirteen states chose a total of 74 delegates to attend what we now know as the Federal Convention in Philadelphia. Nineteen delegates chose not to accept election or attend the debates; for example, Patrick Henry of Virginia thought that state politics was far more interesting and important than national politics, though during the ratification controversy of 1787-1788 he claimed, "I smelled a rat." Rhode Island did not send delegates, because of its politicians' suspicions of the Convention delegates' motivations. Of the 55 who did attend at some point, no more than 38 delegates showed up at one time.[5]

These delegates represented a cross-section of 18th century American leadership. Almost all of them were well-educated men of means who were leaders in their communities. Many were also prominent in national affairs. Virtually every one had taken part in the American Revolution; at least 29 had served in the Continental Army, most of them in positions of command. Scholars have examined the collective biography of them as well as the signers of the Declaration and the Constitution.[6] taht, I don't really like it...sorry...but something similiar....?

The way I would see it is that something that applies to the group, such as the Trumbull painting, is uploaded as a document and then tagged to all the profiles.

And then the overview is for the individual genealogies and biographical data.

Does that make sense?

The sig jpgs are of course individual media objects.

Erica, I did the path between us and it says "Erica Isabel Howton is your 11th cousin once removed" it has the path from my Mothers side.. My father is the Rutledge and that is the side the letter I posted is from. it was from his aunt Pearl.. weird

I really love the "path between" tool, don't you?

Capt. Edmund Greenleaf, Sr.

seems to be our common ancestor. No idea who he is.

Oh wait a minute I do!


You know I have to merge him up so I can learn more LOL.

Erica Isabel Howton
you might find this kind of interesting Its about my great grandfather
It has hawkin Co Tn in it also

I am totally freaking at this moment actually, because I just found the names of two families fellow curators are researching connected to Capt. Edmund Greenleaf, Sr.

All because I encroached on your Rutledge tree!

Man we really are all connected.

Thanks, we have to work on Hawkins County TN soon. It is an entirely fascinating area if you've read about it at all. Moonshiners!


Fantastic link. (I love the maps.)

What do you say to a Hawkins County TN project? The USGenWeb project has census reports and so on on line. I think that area was kind of seminal? Wasn't it near the State of Franklin, which was formed from Western North Carolina out of Cherokee territory?, fast, really really fast... Erica sucks you in with her enthusiasm and you just can't say NO! She must have a computer in her brain to keep everything straight...but I for one am SO glad she is here!!!!

Yes Erica...I will work on the Wives project!

We need to do more at some point, but after Signers is clean... the Framers of the Constitution (mostly done with Signers of DOI), Signers of the Articles of Confederation (most are done ) and the few other Founding Fathers who were not part of either the Constitutional Convention or the drafting of the Declaration, like Patrick Henry and the Marquis de Lafayette.

I was just thinking I can't keep up with you. I can't get the Projects opened fast enough and the mega merging done.

It's all good though. The tree is coming CLEAN and accurate and now, holy smokes, documented and attractive.

It's very creative work, isn't it.

Yup, it is creative, but you are doing a LOT more than I am!

Erica...will you make this a MP and link to the project please?

Caesar Rodney, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"


Nice work, Anita! Do we have anyone left to do? I think we're missing a few other signers with no descendants, right?

I noticed Samuel Chase hasn't been found, After reading the google book about him, can't say I am too fond of the guy. Definitely the genes behind Chase Manhattan Bank

LOL! But if he's a Chase surely that's an important family to have in Geni, villainous or not ...

Yes Villainous, Greedy, Manipulative, and probably Sociopathic.. and ffrom Mayland my birth state. Oh I know those families well....
Direct links to him:

Yeah, we have more to do...

Our favorite Mr. Chase
George Clymer
Button Gwinnett
Joseph Hewes
and Francis Hopkins, who with the "important people" in his extended family I would have thought would be an easy task to find a family member but that I spent over three hours on yesterday with not a single valid find in Geni. His son was in the House of Representatives and a Federal Judge, three generations of women related to doctors, reverends and Colonels, and nothing in Geni. Urgh.

Can a curator make this a MP and add it to the project? She is the wife of signer William Paca:

Mary Anne Paca

And here is a bio with source for her profile...


MP made and added to Project.

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No profile for good ol' Caesar Rodney? Sad. I'll work on that tomorrow.

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