Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Started by Private User on Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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OMG, the interface from LOC is like, 1990s. I use Now that's a book finder!

Cool Erica...great find!

Very exciting, isn't it.

By the way, if you have a moment, can you find a good portrait / image for Benjamin Harrison, Jr.? I can't complete the merge until I get one on his MP as there's a profile in the stacks with something attached that is OK but not as good as a portrait.

Will do Erica...

Erica...the Benjamin Harrison's are all mixed up. Right now we have Ben the Prez (1833-1901) as Ben the Signers father. Let me get some data together, then will post the correct info here.l

Was looking at the project page and see that doubtful same surname (male) descendants: Edward Rutledge. So was wondering if they do DNA testing to prove who you are a Descendant of?? My Family is very large my father was one of ten kids with only one being female.. soo there are alot of Rutledges that were male.. I remember when we went through my grandfathers things and he had a framed letter from the govenment telling him about being related to Edward Rutledge.. Wish I knew who ended up with that.


So you're saying Signer Edward Rutledge's ancestry or descent may be a bit spurious? Be sure and put that in the profile, it's fascinating!


I tried some Harrison cleanups a few days ago, it was taking forever from getting tangled up, and I couldn't send the President to the correct generation because of the photo issue! You have to merge in all the dups together first, *then* break the connection, otherwise it doesn't take because the merge is incomplete. And if I finished the merge, the not so great photo would become the image, with no way I know of or currently have available to fix that. Oh, the tsouris ...

On the bright side, it looks like we've already gotten 27 out of 52 signers (and scribe) together? That's pretty good work, team, keep it coming!

The wiki only has 16 signers. Should I get the others from the project or are they somewhere else? The profiles in my post on page 6 still need MP and to be renamed.

I'll get on page 6 profiles. Wherever it's easiest for you to update the Wiki - the links on the left or the projects page.

Thanks Anita. I just added Governor Stephen Hopkins. Will add more shortly.

This profile is private:

Lewis Morris, signer of "The Declaration of Independence"

See if there's another General Lewis; maybe shoot the manager a note asking if she wants to make it make it public or just ignore it.

Thanks for the link on the wives too Anita. has the little green "public" dot on it when I look at it.....I will message the manager anyway, just to be sure.

No problem on the wives. That page was a source on the Wikipedia article about Paca (who has two different wife names on Geni that I haven't really resolved yet) and decided to tag it for future.


Anita's list is done. Did you want to continue on from R?

I know! it's supposed to be public when it's got the globe!!!!

But it says "this is the public profile for .... " and that means it's actually private.

Confused? I sure am.

Continuing from "R" shortly, yes. Taking a short break though. Fed the cat, need to do some other stuff. Back soon.

And rest the eyes!

Erica...I sent the manager an email asking her to make it completely public for the project, or to let us know if she/he was not comfortable with that.

No R's for me tonight, sorry. Been up and going for 16 hours after a 14 hour work day yesterday AND the day before. Need to sleep then play tomorrow. Will be back at it either tomorrow night (hhhmmm, maybe...NASCAR race!), definitely will get R to the end done on Sunday at the latest.

You did great today Anita, thank you so much. Working with you gets it done so much faster.

I renamed the signers that are in the project and that didn't have the naming convention for the signers. I also added everyone to the wiki.

These need to be made into MP's and added to the project:
Matthew Thornton, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"
Lyman Hall, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"
Maj. Gen. William Floyd, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"
William Ellery, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"
Carter Braxton, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"
Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Signer of the "Declaration of Independence"

We need profiles for these signers:
Roger Sherman
William Williams
Oliver Wolcott
Button Gwinnett
Samuel Chase
Thomas Stone
William Whipple
Lewis Morris
Joseph Hewes
George Clymer
Benjamin Rush
James Smith
George Taylor
James Wilson
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
George Wythe

Done except for Thornton, which has a bug in it. Meg is working on it.

We don't have profiles at all for the bottom group, or should I double check? If not did you want to make some?

Brendan...I will get the last name's starting with R thru Z over the weekend.

I have not found profiles for these people on my original search...will work on that after the R-Z's are done. These guys are all on the no descendants or no male descendants lists:

Samuel Chase
George Clymer
Button Gwinnett (don't you just love this name???)
Joseph Hewes
Francis Hopkins

Lewis Morris and Thomas Lynch Jr are above in my big list from earlier tonight...maybe the girls just missed them....?

Let me clarify...the guys named in my last post have:

1. no profile
2. no known descendants

Brendan...can you put me back on the Wiki as a collaborator?

I didn't see the bottom group in the project and they aren't in the wiki. I'll look around for good profiles for them.

I renamed the others, but need to figure out why Charles Carroll of Carrollton isn't just Charles Carroll

Brendan... I am working on the profiles...have not gotten to anyone with last name starting with R-Z. I will get them done this weekend.

I found many references to Carroll, all as Charles Carroll of Carrollton...not sure if there was another Charles Carroll who was NOT from Carrollton, or if it is really part of the name.

This has the best explanation, I think:
see also: and

And he signed as Charles Carroll of Carrollton....fourth below John Hancock.

Showing 91-120 of 213 posts

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