Mayflower Passengers

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Hi Anita:

Wish I could say I'm a Declaration Signer descendant, but nope, not in the tree. All I got are pirates and Huguenots and slave owners and Quakers and mass murderers, er, sorry, meant royalty.

I was telling friends at work about Geni one day and they wanted to see if I was related to Charles Manson. Apparently, he's a distant cousin, so Geni emailed everyone in my family that I'm related to him. Awesome.... I bet that went over well. Nobody is talking about it. :)

Hi Anita (again):

You forgot that it was only men above the age of 17. The signing was in Provincetown Harbor on board the ship. No one had gotten off the ship yet.

I think the Mass Bay people also did something similar, thus the Shining City on the Hill reference. But that was somewhere off New Hampshire (Strawberry Point?).

Ben...when I click on John Adams (Pres) i get notice that we are related, but I haven't paid the Pro fee to find out how yet!

I also have MULTIPLE notices that family members are on other trees that are not immediate family member's it worth it to pay for Pro to find/do anything other than see/merge extended trees?

Many of the signers from Southern states came long after the Mayflower and/or came into the country through Philadelphia or Virginia. But I bet you are right if the signer was from a Northern state. I have already added "my" Declaration signer. He represented Georgia and was not Mayflower.

I studied 6th/7th grade history in Virginia. We pretty much ignored the Mayflower. We learned that everything in America started with Jamestown. I wish I could get my hands on one of those old textbooks. It was a hoot! The section on the Civil War was entitled "The Enemy Invades."

Your ancestors sound a lot like my ancestors so I looked. We are 16th cousins.

The signers section is ready. I just started with the signers, but we can build it up. It can easily be moved to a separate page if we want to add a lot more information.

By the way, no women, children or servants... I was able to take the passenger list and guess at the signers.

Thank you, Brendan!

Hi Brendan, Anita, Maria:

I guess I'm 10th cousin to President Barrack Obama, and probably 10th-20th cousin to Dick Cheney, and, and... Well, the short of it is I didn't see any signers in my grandparents set. I mean, if you are on the big tree, you are cousin to just about everyone (except Adolph Hitler and Jesus Christ apparently - when the Blue button was free, I checked those... pretty sure Jesus' maternal lineage is incomplete - after all I thought the whole messiah thing came from partly from a descent from King David, didn't it? Never was much a Biblical student... but I do know that through the "Princess of Isenia" and a few 300 year duration conjugations that I am a descendant of King David, so I must be the somethingth cousin many times removed of Jesus... am I right? Am I right?)

Anyway... 16th cousin... that can't be right if we had a lot of similarly inclined ancestors. I think we must not yet be completely merged. Ever onward...

Here you go Brendan... text, signers names, and a cool painting of the signing...and I would say a reliable source as well!

Ok...maybe I am a bit more than a history buff, but.........

We have 10 years to make sure something decent is done for the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims coming. Has anyone heard of anything being planned? Wouldn't it be super-cool if Geni trees and the Mayflower Wiki's Brendan has taken a lead on became "the" source for Pilgrim info?????????

Also, found a link to a Pilgrim museum in Leiden...the man who runs it is from Oregon and also writes books, so he may be a great source for name variants, Dutch family lines, etc.

Ah yes, Jeremy Bangs... I think he's referenced a lot by the Richmond Family Ancestry page on material about Thomas Rogers. Cool that he has his own page.

Hadn't heard much about Plymouth activities for November 2020. Nothing probably has reached the planning stages yet. But if there is someone hanging around that neck of the woods, they could probably be point person for getting the word out about the whole collaboration thing. Any Mass people reading all this?

No signer for me yet, but Timothy Matlack is an uncle. He was the scribe!!!

oooooo, it's lookin' pretty good, I think


It would be interesting to find out how many descendants
of the Mayflower Pilgrims and strangers became
Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps someone has already traced that idea.
Perhaps not.


We will be able to do it once we get the trees straightened out! I bet a couple of lines are really close, like the John Adams ancestry.


I'm sharing your terrific citation about the "Elder" William Brewster children here.


Can you get this on the Wiki for the Brewster page you need to make and I need to find you a good pedigree / family site for?

NEHGS - Articles

Pilgrim Village Families Sketch: William Brewster
Robert Anderson
The Great Migration

William Bradford in writing of William Brewster’s life and death wrote, that Brewster had “many children.” If so, there may be others besides those listed below as yet unidentified.
Children of William and Mary Brewster:
• Jonathan was born in Scrooby on August 12, 1593. He married Lucretia Oldham on April 10, 1624, in Plymouth and had eight children. He moved first to Duxbury and about 1650 to Pequett (later New London), Connecticut where he died on August 7, 1659. He is buried in the Brewster Cemetery, Preston, Connecticut.
• Patience was born in Scrooby around 1600. On August 5, 1624 she married Thomas Prence.They had four children. She died in an outbreak of “pestilent feaver” in 1634.
• Fear was born in Scrooby around 1605. She married Isaac Allerton in Plymouth around 1625 as his second wife, and had two children. She died in 1634 during the outbreak of “pestilent feaver.”
• Love was born about 1607 in Scrooby. He married Sarah Collier on May 15, 1634, and had four children. He died in Duxbury in 1650. His name was recorded by a grandson as “Truelove.”
• A child of William was buried at St. Pancras, Leiden on June 20, 1609.
• Wrestling was born around 1611 in Leiden. He died in New England unmarried between 1627 and 1651.

Does everyone know that Wrestling Brewster is actually short for "Wrestling With God?"

Here's a good source book for Brewsters:

Merrick, Barbara L. William Brewster of the Mayflower and His Descendants for Four Generations. Mayflower families in progress. Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2000. Print.

Find in a library:

Don't know the reliability of this ebook:

Jones, Emma C. B. The Brewster Genealogy, 1566-1907: A Record of the Descendants of William Brewster of the "mayflower", Ruling Elder of the Pilgrim Church Which Founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. Salem, Mass: Higginson Book Co, 2006. Internet resource.

available from archivestream in various formats, including "read online" and "download pdf"

Private User

The scribe for the Declaration of Independence? That is very cool. Can you post a link to his MP in the DOI discussion for that project's Wiki?

Finally, the merge-jam breaks free on the first Maryland governor... as a celebration, I've put all I have on Leonard Calvert into his timeline... He may not have been a pilgrim, and he may not have even been puritan (Catholic, with a capital C), but, well, it's a start...

Leonard Calvert, 1st Proprietary Governor of Maryland

Ben, that is an excellent job! I like all the detail.

You mentioned merge-jams. Ask your favorite Curator to create a Master Profile of this before it gets messed up. I wouldn't want to see anything happen to all your hard work.

My hard work came from a file I have been putting together for the past four years - basically a series of favorite historical facts. It originally was something to help me understand Central Asia and the Trans-Caucasus (I was working in Azerbaijan at the time) and its history, matching their dates of events with American dates, and it got a bit carried away beyond that. Had hoped to use the material to do some historical fiction writing, but that project has been stalling under the weight of distractions (right now, the hunt for work and Geni are the biggest among these). But as the saying goes... maybe someday.

It looks really nice Ben. I'll make it an MP.

Ben, you had me worried for a moment until I read the 'province' of MD. My husband's ancestor was the first governor or the 'state' of MD! Congrats on a fine accomplishment!

Time to start using Geni Projects?

It is just released.

Thanks, that looks interesting. Except that I can't create a project, so not ideal. Would I need to rely on curators to create projects? Is there anywhere I can go to see what the intent is with projects?

"Only curators can create projects."

That's nice. I'll keep using the wiki.

Private User

You are now the very first "live" project collaborator for

We are excited about the projects module. Geni is ahead of schedule in deployment and already working on V2.

A curator creates a project and associates a grouping of master profiles with the project. A project collaborator has edit rights on that grouping. So we get "mini-me's" !! There may be several curators on a project, and yes, it needs a curator to create the initial project.

Noah is all behind the "notables" series. I'll do "Mayflower" passengers and "Signers of the Declaration of Independence." Daniel Walton just created the "US Presidents and Vice Presidents" Project so we're "live" with 5 projects already.

I will get cracking associating the master profiles. Slow network connection tonight so bear with me.


For a project I think we *should* keep using the Wiki, to involve the larger community and collect their research contributions. That way we can progressively and collaboratively enrich the MPs. I'll be putting in hyperlinks on the project pages to the Wiki pages.

Cool - project collaborator shows on your "overview" tab. Not quite as cool as my C icon though.

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